Thursday, May 17, 2012

20 wow cd-key 20 - DZJA

129809647118492500_257Morphological characteristics are dark brown, Khaki and white transverse spot pattern. Fog on the brow edge teeth, under 2~3 teeth. Brow furrow is deep, extending thorn on the rear, but the low brow ridges and blunt, brow ridges after the Central Groove clear. Significant liver ridges, no amount of stomach Ridge. Place of season wide distribution range, from Japan SWTOR Credits, South Korea, in southern coastal China, the Philippines,Indonesia, Australia, and Thailand, and India to the East coast of Africa have distribution. 2 every year along the coast of China and 8 ~ April ~ November two spawning periods. Male prawn of Penaeus monodon life is generally 1.5 years, female shrimp last approximately two years. Economic value for the current three cultured in shrimp farming area in the world and the most productive of shrimp varieties. Along the South China tiger shrimp Penaeus monodonSea can be raised twice. The fast growth and strong adaptability, miscellaneous food habits, can withstand a long exposure, it is easy work distribution. The shrimp is one of the individuals the most shrimp, found that the maximum individual for up to 33 cm, weight 500~600 g. Shrimp mature length 22.5~32 cm, weight 137~211 g, was welcomed by the consumers of the clocksShrimp. Nutritional value and similar to the other major shrimp. Ecological habits and Habitat of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon in mud or silt substrate, usually submerged during the day fixed by the end of, strongest appetite this evening, began to frequent foraging activities. Its adaptation to salinity ranges from 5~25, and the faster growth of close to 10. Temperature range from 14 �� c ~34 �� c, optimum growth temperature is 25 �� c ~30 �� c,Stop feeding when water temperatures below 18 �� c below, as long as the temperature is not lower than 12 degrees centigrade, would not have died. Omnivores, and dietary protein requirements for 35%~40%, shellfish, fish, shrimp, peanut, wheat bran and other feeding. Natural areas capture of Penaeus monodon in maximum length of 33 cm and weighing up to 500 g ~600 g. Shrimp in pond-80Day ~100 day length can be up to 12 cm ~13 cm, body length of average daily growth of 0.1 cm ~0.15 cm, weight about 25 grams. Shrimp of up to 40 per kg ~60, Mu yield 100 kg ~200 kg, 1 year can raise both. Pond one to construction of shrimp in shrimp ponds should select smooth small storms, tidal waves, tidal flat, water qualityClear, there is no pollution in the area near the high water line construction, sandy bottom to best, silt sediment following behind. Tidal range should be between 2 ~3 m, peak duration of not less than 3 hours, sea water salinity is 10~20,pH value is 7.8~8.5. Shrimp rectangular, length and width ratio of 2:1~4:1, arranged along the water channel for non-glyph. Shrimp ponds area0.7 km ~1.0 km, for good, pool 2 metres deep, depth of 1.5 meters, the bottom flat, end of drainage sluice bottom 30 cm ~40 cm for easy draining water. Each shrimp is to have an independent intake and drainage sluices. Intake and drainage sluice gate located on the wall 3 brake chute, slot for installation in the middle gate, inside and outside the tank install gate network, Groove width 6 cm, 3 grooves between ~1.0 m distance of 0.6 m, for operations management. Where there are conditions, water sedimentation of 1/3~1/2 construction of shrimp pond area. High pool not far from the sea to choose, easy to clean, stable, pumping, water quality construction of sandy, there is light at the end of the water source the place. Second, removal of disinfection of ponds shrimp pond desilting of drying ponds is the main aspect of the culture,Be sure to thoroughly clear pond. End of year after you receive the shrimp, drained the water, Sun Gate Tong, Sun continues to the pond cracked, and movement to the residual bait, debris and mud outside the Bank, then plow rakes ploughed exposure at the end of the pool. Best shop in bottom 10 cm thick layer clean sand to improve sediment in shrimp ponds. New ponds, open gate to let water in and out of flushing, end of the pool pH value stable at 7.Seedlings of more than 5 to shrimp. Stocking about 20 days ago, installed 60 mesh filter gate network, using drugs carry out disinfection of ponds, first sprinkle Shi Sheng lime 50 kg ~100 kg per MU, and intake of 20 cm, 0.2ppm kill Daisy fat water spray. Water in 3 days back, rinse twice. Water 30 cm and then tea again bran 15 kilogram water, soaking for 2After 4 hours, even the residue pool sprinkle it. Drugs to be uniformly applied to anywhere in the pool, to achieve complete disinfection purposes. Three bait shrimp stock, training infrastructure within 10 days ~20 days, main diet is cladocera, copepods, diatoms, and other plankton, good basic food organisms is to raise the growth rate and survival rate of larvae of an important technical measures. Bran cast tea 2Days ~3 days later, the water 80 cm ~100 cm, 2 kg per acre applied urea, phosphate fertilizer 0.2 kg, dressing 1 every 3 days ~4 days later, halve dosage wow cd-key, water transparency reaches 40 cm ~60 cm. PH value between 8.0~8.5, color is yellow-green or green, fertilizer and water 6 days ~10 days to shoot. If not timely seedlings, Fat Tong time of more than 20 days, aging water, six shrimp (Ridge-tailed white shrimp) and reproduction, it is necessary to drain again, using drugs to kill six shrimp, water fertilization cultivation base feed. Four, put on the shrimp larvae require uniform size, strong, robust, dynamic, reverse good swimming ability and surface dynamics of non-attachment, body length over 1.2 cm, front of the first antennaeForks are two small v-shaped tentacles often put together, long soothing the body section. Preferably P12~p18 seedlings of black shells, shrimp is long 4-~6 a thorn on the brow. Seedling density according to the shrimp, water environment and management level to determine the condition. Shrimp pond water depth is 1.2 meters, 8,000 ~1.0 million seedlings per Mu; water depth of 1.6 meters per acre10,000 ~1.3 million seedlings. Conditions of shrimp farms, you can increase the density of shrimp, 20,000 acres seedling tail ~4 tail. Made from late March to early April 1th seedling, to choose a sunny weather, water temperature steady at 25 �� above seedlings. When the seedlings, seedling bags into a dip in the pool before 20 minutes, water temperature and water temperature in the pool near the bag (not more than 3 �� c temperature difference), in the upper handDeep water wind-old water shrimp and shrimp ponds of water salinity difference of not more than 5. 2nd May to mid-August and drop seedlings. Five, scientific bait scientific feeding is to follow the live shrimp for feeding, growth, physiological needs. Feeding too much, easy to ruin water quality, increased feed costs. Conversely unable to meet the nutritional needs of shrimp, affect the normal growth of the shrimp. FeedingTo rationalize the first to accurately estimate the number of pool shrimp. Estimation of can be taken several ways: is the use of net-cage culture method; the second is a method of testing the Rotary network; three is estimated by feeding, activity of Penaeus; four is based on the estimated growth rate of penaeid shrimp. Penaeus monodon baits to artificial compound feed, and breed late feeding fresh small shellfish such as clams, Jiang pointed tail screw. ShrimpIn pool two days later, put on the appropriate amount of food, insufficient basis to make up for the food. Feed small amounts several times today, less night, uniform investment, and reasonable collocation, alternating, after rough finishing methods, increasing survival rate of utilization of the bait and shrimp, to promote growth. General feeding 4 times a day, time, 5:30,, 18:00,The bait respectively account for daily feeding amount, 20%, 35%,. 1.5 hours after feeding shrimp 70% above half-full stomach or full stomach, shrimp and no group tour foraging description feeding amount; if the vote of finished feed feeding soon, pool shrimp or a large number of group tours, gastric remnant stomach empty for more than 30%, the instructions inadequate feeding. Can be set in the central pool and pool small lift NETCheck the intake. 8.5 acre ponds set 4 ~6 observation of lift NET. Six every day, daily observation and management changes of living environment and observe the feeding activities of Penaeus ~3 2 times, looking at water and bottom color, smell, check the active and feeding, check dike safety gate leakage, the nets are damaged, disease of shrimp, And so on. Unusual circumstances, custody measures to be taken in a timely manner. Every 15 days on shrimp survival rate and the length of the pool, weight determination, observation on the molting of Penaeus growth is normal. According to the different growth stages of Penaeus, replaced in due course into drainage nets. Shrimp farm to purchase pH than color, hydrometer, thermometer, water quality monitoring equipment such as oxygen analyser, measure water temperature SWTOR Power Leveling, density, pH values, transparency, dissolved oxygen and other physical and chemical indicators, and record, regulation to monitor water quality, maintain the pool water pH value 8.0~8.5, 25 ?? ~30 ?? temperature, salinity 8~15, more than 5 mg/l of dissolved oxygen, transparency 40 cm ~60 cm, color or light green, yellow green, and keep shrimp good survival and growth environment. Shrimp farms with the necessary conditions,Using a waterwheel-aerator increases oxygen, shrimp get productive and efficient. Shrimp must be carried out in case of controlling diseases, prevention is more important than the people, combining prevention approach. Shrimp disease prevention throughout the culture management of the entire process. Seedlings thoroughly before cleaning disinfection of ponds. To sprinkle it on a regular basis during the culture 0.3ppm~0.4ppm 1ppm~2ppm bleaching powder or strong chlorine solution, Sterilization of pool water disinfection, zeolite powder can also be applied on a regular basis in order to purify the water and sediment, consumption of 15 kg ~20 kg per MU. Feed once every half month medicine, according to C3 �� ~5 ��, garlic 2 per thousand, cod-liver oil 3 �� ~5 �� added to diets, feeding medicine two times a day, even feeding 5 days ~7 days. Disease to get better results using these methods. TimelyHarvest culture of Penaeus monodon is a high input of industry, there are certain risks. In particular to breed late, end of pool accumulated residual bait, shrimp excrement polluting more and more serious pool shrimp sickness, hypoxia causes risk of loss as the growth. Therefore, Penaeus monodon ~100 day 80 days, averaging 40 per kg shrimp tail ~60 tail, at the above specification of 90% receivableIs for sale. Common harvesting method is to use a cone-shaped mesh bag draining your shrimp or hair NET and the load combination collection and shrimp fishing. Others:

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