Sunday, May 20, 2012

"the rise of central China" as "two sessions SWTOR Credits "the rise of central China" as "two ses

129809647135367500_293Yang Bangjie, Vice Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Dang Central origin and duties, male, Han nationality, was born in February 1948, Leshan, Sichuan in December 2003 and joined the China Zhi Gong Dang, doctor of engineering SWTOR Credits, Professor SWTOR Power Leveling, currently Vice Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Dang Central, national people's Congress Standing Committee member and Vice Chairman of the NPC overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, Ministry of agriculture, Vice President of the planning and Design Institute, Chief Engineer, Department of agricultureAgricultural resources monitoring centre owners, members, Member of the Economic Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC, Deputy Director of the China Zhi Gong Dang Central Committee participating in the work, the World Federation of engineering organizations (WFEO), Member of the Commission for agriculture and food engineering, Vice President of Chinese society of agricultural engineering, editor in Chief of the journal of agricultural engineering. Experiences from March 1973 to July 1975Sichuan Leshan Ka Lok Man teaches from August 1975 to February 1978 in Leshan, Sichuan Province China Street Office; March 1978 in Sichuan industrial College, Bachelor of engineering degree from March 1982 to August 1982 in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Sichuan industrial Institute from September 1982 to 1988In April at the China Agricultural University studying agricultural machinery engineering, master of science, PhD; eco-environment in April 1988 at the Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher, Associate Professor, researcher, Research Center, successive eco-opening of Research Center Director, Director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences system, during the period 1993 to 1994 in the United States, CaliforniaAdvanced visiting scholar at University of Berkeley and Princeton University, postdoctoral research; in 1991 and 1995 respectively in the Western Australia Department of agriculture engaged in collaborative research from February 1996 to May 2005, Vice President and Chief Engineer of the Design Institute of planning in the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of agriculture, webmasters resources monitoring centre, China Agricultural University, doctoral students, agriculturalEditor in Chief of journal of Engineering from December 2004 to March 2008 the China Zhi Gong Dang Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC Standing Committee, Vice President of planning and Design Institute, the Ministry of agriculture, China Agricultural University tutor, editor in Chief of journal of agricultural engineering, President of China Development magazine. In March 2008, was elected Vice Chairman of the NPC overseas Chinese Affairs Committee. Th national CPPCC Committee members,Members of the session of the national people's Congress. Indissoluble bond with the Chinese agricultural "m bags" must be "hung in their own home" ten years ago, the United States scholar of Brown published a book who will feed China, has led to a lot of people at that time great attention to China's agriculture. It is said that Brown's book spread the China threat theory, but it seems to Yang Bangjie, Brown is an easy one, of courseWe Chinese support in China, "m bags" must be "hanging in your home". Contraction in agriculture must not be more than 30 years of experience of agricultural sciences, agricultural research has been committed to the Yang Bangjie on China's agriculture with its own thinking and judgment. In December 2004, Yang Bangjie was elected as the Vice Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Dang Central. This provided him with a new wideWide world, he began as a national agricultural modernization, and prairie restoration and ecological environment construction in Western China, State agricultural sustainable development and other major issues and suggestions. In 2005, "the rise of central China" as "two sessions," one of the most popular vocabulary. In this lively scene, issued calls for calm and rational Yang Bangjie: "in the Middle during the industrialization and urbanizationIs very important, but agriculture must not shrink in the middle. Coastal development has been at the cost of agriculture, if the land is in the middle of industrial development encroached on, where there is no food production in China. Hangzhou-jiaxing-huzhou plain, the Pearl River Delta is a major rice producing area of China before, have now disappeared, after thousands of years to the formation of rice fields were is difficult to restore.Central Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, rice production accounted for 36%, so must not give up the rise of agriculture in Central, to firmly keep the food base of the block. "Yang Bangjie said:" development is the first priority of participating Party participating in, is the fundamental task of the multi-party cooperation and political consultation. As Deputy Chairman of zhigong Party Central is responsible for participating in, I will concentrate on, Hard work. "Yang Bangjie, was born in 1948 in Sichuan Leshan. 1977 admitted to Sichuan industrial College, stayed on to teach after graduation, doctorate degree in 1988 was the janitor. National Department of agriculture planning, design and Research Institute, Vice President and Chief Engineer, research fellow, Department of agriculture agriculture webmasters resources monitoring centre, China Agricultural University tutor. National Committee of the CPPCCThe Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Dang Central Committee. And talking to Yang Bangjie, you will be aware of the depths of his heart blaze. Agricultural issues appear to be open to his inner world of a key, he obviously is beyond time and space-sensitive. He said that as long as there is a chance to work, they should not go to memory, but to seize today, plan for tomorrow and look to the future. Results of agriculture, quest is poorHuman children headed Yang Bangjie was born in early County in Leshan, Sichuan province a normal family, family mother helps people with children, washing clothes in the town to maintain life. No matter how hard life, parents also biting his teeth into several of his older brother to College. The "cultural revolution" began, he could no longer continue their studies in high school on, to a private school as a music teacher. West townCorner, big woolly violin sound and vision for the future, as Yang Bangjie grey youth of all elements. Ice-ice age, fate is a sink or a struggle? Yang Bangjie and not put too much wandering life under the shadow of the big question marks, he prepared a new departure. Yang Bangjie cum laude 1977 restored the entrance examination into Sichuan industrial Institute of agriculturalMechanical design professional. Back lost time become the common aspiration of the people of my generation, quiet he wholeheartedly embracing a new life. Stood one more always eat in the canteen student lab one more studious youth, a violinist in the Orchestra sth In 1982, Yang Bangjie graduated from the University, he stayed in any of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Sichuan industrial InstituteTeach. Leaving school soon, Yang Bangjie entered the Beijing agricultural engineering University (now the China Agricultural University, Institute of technology) Zeng Dechao fellow graduates. Just two years ' time, he achieved excellent results, and is recommended in advance for the doctor's degree. After system learning and research, thought Yang Bangjie more rational and more clear: agricultural mechanization in ChinaModernization of the most important signs. He said, is also part of the history of agricultural production in the world's history. In 2000, the United States engineering voted "20th century greatest impact on human life of 20 engineering technical achievement", which ranked 7th in agricultural mechanization is. In the 70 's of the last century in developed countries carried out the agricultural machinery, according to hisStudy on contribution rate of agricultural mechanization on agriculture in China reached 20%. Creation of design methods of modern farming farming project optimization design of intensive agriculture with thousands of years of tradition in China. During studying in Beijing, Yang Bangjie has been thinking about how to optimize farming engineering design. At that time, he had a confused: farming in the mechanical design, for a long time, Mechanical effects between soil and machinery as a basis for the design of, for example, people tend to reduce tillage resistance, guarantee the quality of ground soil, covering indexes. However, during seed sowing to germination, emergence, soil moisture and temperature are key factors, farming, seed germination, seedling's aim is to provide good soil climate and plant growth. So farmingDesign of machinery and farming methods should consider abandoning traditional mechanical effects, and first of all think about how to ensure that the soil has the "best" hydrothermal conditions? On the basis of this confusion, Yang Bangjie kept asking to myself: what kind of tillage measures in order to ensure good soil moisture and heat conditions for seed germination? A solution to this question, field comparison experiment wasStudy on the most commonly used method. However, mere experiments to reveal the complex nature of the process. China is a long-term intensive traditional country, size, soil, environment and farming traditions are very different, the experimental conclusions difficult to promote, to the farming methods of design and promotion as well as farming implements has brought many difficulties. "Northwest yellowSoil farming mechanization of stimulation at high altitude, "Yang Bangjie was carried out in collaboration with the Yanan, Shaanxi Province agricultural mechanization Institute" Northwest loess plateau farming mechanization of stimulation "research project, take" temperature distribution of soil moisture of different tillage for seedbed "study on theoretical analysis and simulation. In the process of cooperation, Yang Bangjie and his collaborators found that people in the actual productionCreate "Groove type" method, in semi-arid regions have obtained very good results. They are determined in theory explanation and theory to guide practice, continuous improvement. After years of arduous efforts, Yang Bangjie for tens of thousands of experiments with computer data is one-dimensional and two-dimensional numerical analysis on soil evaporation, quantitatively calculate non-texture surface temperatures and evaporation rates,In order to complete a quantitative analysis of different tillage methods on soil water and temperature distribution of doctoral thesis. This achievement he won high appraisal at the international level, is considered the first non-homogeneous soil surface evaporation theory and numerical analysis. He published a monograph of the soil water thermal model and its application, created with information technology as the foundation of modern farmingEngineering analysis and design methods. At the same time, this year in Yanan area 1.1102 million mu of loess on the experiment has been successful, they also received a Department of agriculture science and technology progress award. Yang Bangjie deeply felt, sometimes the only difference between experience and science of nothing, and in the process of transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, people tend to underestimate the difference, Can greatly promote the development of productive forces of science was easily abandoned. Water soil technology to conquer international problems research spending in China in 1988, graduated with his doctorate from Yang Bangjie came to the ecological environment research center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, involved in ecological research on international cooperation. A broader world that took her to Yang Bangjie, started a dialogue with he long�� Yang Bangjie has been in the United States at the University of California, Berkeley, Princeton University and the European universities and research institutes in several countries as a visiting scholar. During the tour, the event in a pen than with the Australia Department of agriculture cooperative research spending water and soil as a result of agricultural and environmental issues. In 1991, Australia scientists listen to Yang Bangjie in United KingdomAfter studying the report on the outcome of the meeting, specifically invited him to West Australia collaborative research. When Yang Bangjie exposed to Western Australia the endless sand on the floor, feeling the carry over of dust when the strong winds and temperatures of up to 48 degrees Celsius, he has shown deep created by this country is made up of immigrants from the agricultural civilization. But he faces is a fairlyDifficult research challenges: Western Australia's soil is extremely special, when sprinkled on the soil surface water, water droplets are stranded at the surface, long time no infiltration. After the rains, usually only wet ground 1~5 mm deep in the soil, in water, due to the water pressure to form infiltration. Due to the influence of soil water repellency, in Western Australia, rainy autumn sowingOnly in moist places to emergence, at the same time, because of soil water repellency significantly reduces infiltration rates, once the rain, water is formed, causing ecological problems such as land degradation. "Groove type" law at that time, the soil water repellency can be said to be a worldwide problem, as early as 120 years ago, the United States notes that soil water repellency and its problems. In the Netherlands, about 75% Of the arable land showed varying degrees of water repellency. New Zealand is also conducting Census and improvement of soil water repellency. Australia since 1959 note of soil water repellency, but great attention to the problems caused by the departments concerned, but did not get a good solution. In the face of great challenges, Yang Bangjie made Chinese farmer invented "Groove type"Law, with deep infiltration of furrow sowing seeds and reduce evaporation. He put all his energies in the laboratory and in the field, 1.1 points of data testing. Through simulation and field test, ditching him in depth, suppression of technology and engineering requirements such as strength, optimize the use of stubble mulch and wetting agents. After ditching, sowing seeds, seed germination, align the brushBrush small seedlings grow up to half an inch high, he succeeded. Local television praised road: China as a solution for Chinese scientists worldwide challenge. Remote sensing monitoring of national food security back to the motherland in 1996, Yang Bangjie stop in the footsteps of criss-crossing the globe, home work. As early as when doing graduate, he began by Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of geography, surface temperatureRemote sensing and inverse. Love of engineering and data led him to Germany and the United States to engage in cooperative research when it started using satellite remote sensing monitoring study on regional agricultural and environmental problems. To return home after entering the Ministry of agriculture, according to the country's much-needed, he will move on to national agricultural condition monitoring using remote sensing. "Agricultural condition monitoring system" years of study and practice of agricultural science and technology at home and abroad to Yang BangjieRecognizes, is the power of the production and consumption of agricultural products in China, agriculture in the face of market competition at home and abroad, as well as the adjustment of the agricultural structure, the farmers as well as the important task of ensuring national food security, there is an urgent need for reliable, timely, and comprehensive access to main crop production information. 1996-2005, Yang Bangjie as Vice President of Ministry of agriculture, agricultural planning and Design Institute, Chief EngineerAt the same time, webmasters also served as the Department of agriculture agriculture resources monitoring centre, China Agricultural University, Institute of technology, information and electrical engineering college tutor, chaired the "agricultural condition monitoring systems", "Ministry of agriculture resource and environmental information service system based on the 3S technologies", "remote sensing monitoring system for satellite applications demonstrations in Xinjiang cotton between China and Pakistan," "agricultural development and sharing of information resources and technologyResearch "and many other national projects, and the Ministry of Agriculture of the national remote sensing monitoring of main crops and arable land remote sensing project, published a monograph of the agricultural condition monitoring using remote sensing. Research on realization of these projects, Yang Bangjie goal is: construction of national agricultural condition monitoring system, monitoring the State's grain security and ecological security. His research results, "national agricultural condition monitoring using remote sensingSystem "to RS, GIS, GPS technology, and network communication technology as the Foundation, and ground surveillance system, development of a nationwide agricultural condition monitoring system and put into application, are for national food security and agricultural development in the provision of timely, reliable and comprehensive information about farming. On the agricultural modernization of "trend" in scientific research work in busy with people thinking, Yang BangJay has never stopped thinking on the modernization of agriculture. In his view, the United States, and Canada and Australia can feed around 98% national agricultural population of around 2%, and there are a large number of agricultural exports, Israel and the Netherlands head of the extremely scarce national resources in agriculture in the developed countries, the reason, is derived from a highly developed agricultural engineering technology. China's agricultureThousands of years of history, but compared with Western developed countries, there is still a big gap. "The times" people think the same. This "trend" is the shift from long-term supply of grain and other main agricultural products in China to stage supply exceeding demand, for the development of rural economy and agriculture created new conditions and opportunities. So, to resolve the food and clothing in the past and the main pursuit of agricultural output growthProduction, while preserving the overall balance on the basis of outstanding quality and efficiency, diversification, high quality development, promoting the improvement of people's quality of life past owing to the shortage of resources and to provide primary products of agriculture, more agricultural products can be used for animal husbandry and processing industry, more mass to achieve the transformation of value-added past under live pressure and excessive reclamationLand, you can plan, steps to returning farmland to forests, grasslands, lakes, progressive ecological restoration virtuous circle and to create a more natural environment suitable for people's survival and development. "The times", Yang Bangjie of thinking and a new conclusion: towards improving quality and processing value-added, protection of the environment, sustainable development and agriculture modernization goals and needs of agricultural engineering science and technologyThe rapid development. Agricultural projects in six areas, intensify research, said Yang Bangjie, the foreseeable 10 years, 20 years, need to rely on engineering technology of agricultural modernization in China. Agricultural engineering will increase the intensity of study in six aspects: first, with information and new technology of agricultural mechanization, promoting the level of agricultural technology and equipment in China Diablo 3 gold, speeding up the agricultural productionMechanization and automation of second need multidisciplinary organic combination of agricultural soil and water engineering, using a series of water-saving agriculture and high technologies to transform and upgrade traditional technologies; three agricultural biological environmental engineering will be strengthened on the basis of animal and plant environment, physiological and agronomic research, and the agricultural and food processing engineering guided by high-tech, according to the different needs of production scale, advanced development andTechnology and equipment, and vigorously promote nationalization, serialized and complete sets of equipment; five is the application of information technology to agriculture and to promote, agricultural production, management, decision-making, and comprehensive market information, promotion of agricultural popularization and application of new technology demonstrations, and become the primary means of rural education and basic methods of agricultural scientific research; six are waste agricultural biomass for energy and agricultureDisposable resources, to agricultural sustainable development in China and China's renewable energy brings a new impetus. Yang Bangjie firmly believe that requires advanced and practical technology of agricultural modernization in China, advanced and practical engineering and technology can make agricultural vitality of modern industry. To agriculture, made arguments and suggestions, as members of the National Committee of the dijiu��Shijie, Yang BangProfessional as the axis of the hero in his own, took part in many important investigations and inspection activities, for the modernization of national agricultural, grassland restoration and ecological environment construction in Western China, State such major problems and suggestions for the sustainable development of agriculture. In December 2004, Yang Bangjie was elected as the Vice Chairman of the China Zhi Gong Dang Central. Modernization of China's agriculture and country development is his eternal theme of thought. Calendar yearThe "two sessions," Yang Bangjie associations submitted statements and proposals on development of agriculture, from "global agricultural condition monitoring, ensuring national food security" and "agricultural circular economy development of animal husbandry at the core", "rural energy construction in ecological restoration and realization of well-off society in rural areas is the national priority", "national early warning systems for food security information required to complete the" until "the MiddleAn economically strong province must also be a strong agricultural province ", which focus on" Agriculture "suggestions and appeals to be Yang Bangjie a responsibility to shoulder. "The rise of central China" in 2005, "the rise of central China" as "two sessions," one of the most popular vocabulary. In this lively scene, issued calls for calm and rational Yang Bangjie: "in the Middle during the industrialization and urbanizationIs very important, but agriculture must not shrink in the middle. Coastal development has been at the cost of agriculture, if the land is in the middle of industrial development encroached on, where there is no food production in China. As everyone knows, China has become an irreversible pattern of regional development: the coastal economic belt, central food base, ecological construction in Western China.As China's main grain-producing areas in the central part of rising aspirations and a big agricultural province tends to be weak economy province between the reality of how? Caught between the development of agriculture and industry in Central will go from here? Yang Bangjie with his strong long-term thinking to answer these questions: "from the country's industry, agriculture is a vital part. But agriculture is a weak industry, onlyBy rich agriculture itself does not, so it must develop diversified operations, so that the original industrial, tourism, the development of cultural industries. From a long-term perspective, States increase investment and agricultural industrialization under the combined effects of its own, can form the economic pillar of agriculture. We urged the Central Government to a certain policy, coordinating part of the financial support for food production baseCentral development, such as transfer payments to reconcile differences in food production areas and sales areas. In addition to previous grain direct subsidy, reduce taxes, including grain County award, as well as establishing a long-term mechanism of capital construction on farmland. "In 2005," two sessions, "first consultation proposal to handle the meeting of the National Committee, representative of Yang Bangjie zhigong party central for the integrated regional development,Promote the recommendations speak to the rise of the central region, which became the national related ministries and central provinces in setting the policy's important reference and reference. Era of Symphony in busy work, Yang Bangjie remains a true. He loves music and still adhere to the spare time to practice for an hour to play flute. Solo songs from his life after a series of variationsAs a concerto, and finally into the era of Symphony. Engineering technology training gave him strict logic, while the music has given him enough passion, both converge in his possession, and produce a wonderful effect. His inner full surge of activity, but in reality he was quietly put to the diligent action, resounding performance, so confident, so easy! Others:

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