Saturday, January 7, 2012

because flying the US securityMore recently

129668732789062500_185Zhongxinwang, November 27, according to the "Central News Agency" reported that Taiwan Taoyuan Airport Terminal II C1 x ray machine next to the boarding gate, burst into flames early in the morning today smoke, smoke clouds, a large number of fire engines came to the rescue, but luckily the fire does not burn, causing a false alarm, but x-ray severely damaged, 7 flights in and out of affected. About 5:30 A.M. today, TaoyuanTerminal II C1 exit of the airport terminal building, 3 floor, suddenly smoke clouds, monitor by the aviation police security unit revealed, immediately inform the aviation police and airport company, a large number of fire engines were deployed to peach machine aerodrome standby rescue. Airport rescue and fire personnel, estimated at about 7 o'clock to exclude the smoke, however, the entire terminal building there is polluted with heavy smoke burning smell, walls covered with black ash, Terminal blockbuster daysPlate also suffer. 1 x-ray machine at the boarding gate burnt down, severely burned rubber conveyor belt. Aviation Police Bureau security staff immediately came to understand that, they say, originally prepared to replace the x-ray machines, before moving from Terminal to Terminal II, in response to fly us flight security measures for the second time the old republic power leveling, while in the second terminal C1 next to the boarding gate. Aviation police security pointed out that, because flying the US securityMore recently, the machine while the plug in the power, but is in a shutdown state, but they regularly maintained until 14th of this month for maintenance and fire conditions on why this happens, they want to investigate further. Fortunately, the accident, had not spread and no passengers or personnel injuries, however, until noon, a total of 7 flights affected swtor power leveling, including 2 inBorder, 5 outbound flight, more than a thousand passengers were affected.

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