Sunday, January 1, 2012

precisely on the a-share market rebounded.And

129667889736240392_344This year, block trade market and a stock market rebound cycle forming a hand posture. Concrete, block trade activity started on October 24 in the second half of this year the old republic power leveling, it is the a-share markets start day of this round of rally. It is interesting, the previous round of big deals in active phase in April and May of this year, precisely on the a-share market rebounded.And, from May block trade relationship with the market rebounding cycle point of view, it can be said that May block trade brought about by the massive selling pressure, declared end makes the a-share market rebounded. On one hand, because big deals end need secondary markets, and big deals to undertake professional role only began to ease the pressure, or wholesale to retail. Therefore, Block trade activity will ultimately make the a-share market throwing the pressure increase, once past the tipping point, bounce is aborted.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! The other hand, active description of big deals, with a background in industrial capital"The size of non-lifting of" believe they have high, willing to increase the intensity of reduction.  Therefore, block trade activity is also a warning, that is, a stock market valuation is high, so that new money is not willing to step in the a-share market, which in turn makes the market appears weak buying status, so a stock market rebound is unsustainable. Specifically star wars the old republic power leveling, this round of the a-share market rebounded knotBundle associated with the activity also has a large block trade. Big deals this week very active, and for some time now, big deals continuous and active of the two cities.  Data show that as of Monday, the shares of the two cities in November total block trade turnover had reached $ 15.691 billion, a record monthly high for this year. Furthermore, trading this week-open-end funds (ETF)Block trade occurs, and presents a strong discount features.  Such a situation meant that ETF disk access on to the market's short-term trends are not optimistic. Xinhua media comments on the key stocks (600,825): the Unit continued big deals this week, form the larger pressure on the company's shares. But because the company is carrying on business restructuring, reduced industrial chainAnd consolidate the dominance of the market in Shanghai. At the same time, actively push into new media, traditional business development new media business development, new media business development promoting the innovation of traditional business models. Companies ' business development focuses on innovative, traditional media, opportunities for three major categories of business expansion and changes, development driving force for the company. What's more, Culture and media sector follow-up subject matter is rich.  After short set, which is still a certain rise is expected, to keep track of. Motor (000925): the company backed by Zhejiang University, developed the rail transit signal systems. Is expected to be the end of this year or early next year by United Kingdom Lloyd's classification society certifications, when gross margin is expected to rise from 20% to 40% Or more. At present the company orders in hand about $ 1.5 billion, 3-year project period will bring stable income to the company. Company's main competitors as Casco and Shanghai, China, Casco signal system of Shanghai subway failed after a few recently, so in a subsequent bid, the company's competitiveness will be enhanced. At the same time, desulfurization and other businesses, such as a good momentum of development of the company. The company'sShares were recently sold for continuous and active, you can track.

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