Saturday, June 2, 2012

make Xinjiang television ratings by 358% Rift CD-key make Xinjiang television ratings by 358% - PD

129823422070937500_87The hero may I ask boost Xinjiang TV broke into the national rating top 16 May I ask where the heroes of the Tang stills. May I ask where the heroes of the stills. NetEase entertainment on May 24 reported that Tang (click here to watch the Tang of the 1945 film the China, the world of wind and rain), haiying Sun (click to see haiying Sun movies under the Hawthorn tree ') war drama starring the hero may I ask where in Xinjiang TV "Fung TakPopular theatre "exclusive stars after the broadcast on quite a lot, make Xinjiang soaring TV ratings rankings for the period. On May 18, the TV program ranking climb to the periods of Xinjiang national 16th, ratings of 0.11, hit a record high. To achieve a rating and reputation of the bumper, not only the success of the may I ask where the hero, also means that the copyrightFung Tak in--copyright in a film and TV copyright limited operational again hit a new myth. As Fung Tak in continuous push heavy drama, may I ask where the heroes of the income-generating miracles TV in Xinjiang "Fung Tak in popular theatre" the Fung Tak in film and TV copyright limited and TV building in Xinjiang. It is understood that the "Fung Tak in popular theatre" in Xinjiang since the TV began broadcasting, continuous introduction ofMore Department heavy Theatre, as I of father is bench under, and Red Army East syndrome under, and Moses password under, excellent plays, connection raised program boom, makes Xinjiang TV the period (22:15-24:15) of program concern of from cold to hot, and Tang, and haiying Sun starring of war theatre may I ask hero where under in "in the depending on Fung Tak hit Theatre" of broadcast, more is willXinjiang TV program ranking elevated to the highest national 16th. Began broadcasting the first day of the may I ask where the hero TV ratings for the period up to 0.08 in Xinjiang, elevating to the 18th ranked over Hebei, Jilin, Beijing TV, Guangdong TV, TV Rift CD-key, satellite TV and some heavy-weight satellite TV channels. Since then, "Fung Tak in popular theatre" on the program maintains a steadyRising momentum, and on May 18 the day breaking into the national TV program top 16, rating up to 0.11. Xinjiang TV "Fung Tak in popular theatre" to achieve such results, is the creation of the television series Heroes may I ask where the TV program miracle, myth of Fung Tak in film and TV copyright limited building operations. Revealing the secrets of the drama play ��Ϸ flagship brand, further promoting the theatre collectionVideo "Fung Tak in popular theatre" since its launch, not only on the choice of broadcast works very hard, has launched a number of consecutive heavyweight works program and good reputation of the Department, while also creating the supporting columns of the drama drama ��Ϸ, and broadcast play Xiang Fuxiang, mutual promotion, achieved good results. The ��Ϸ drama plays by the famous presenters Shi Liang served as the primaryTalk, broadcast around revealing the secrets of history plays the main brand, to enrich the knowledge of history and lively way of telling, attract a lot of viewers ' eyes wow power leveling, response was very warm. From the Red Army's East to the Moses code, in the drama drama ��Ϸ revealing the secrets of a large number of content viewers to see very high. Play ��Ϸ may I ask where the hero of the play, extending the program's unique style and finishGood production, such as on interpretation of xiangxi folk, jiashan Xiang Army soldier stand in the battle for seven days and seven nights only revealing the secrets of Japanese army advancing 11 km of this period of history Diablo 3 CD-KEY, may I ask where the hero is an excellent complement, great view of stirred up the audience with a strong desire to play. It can be said that ��Ϸ column of the drama plays a successful build, the drama ratings upgradePlayed a great role in promoting. After the independence of broadcasting drama program has been ranked the Moses password from 30 up to 22nd, may I ask where the hero is elevating to the national top 16 program, make Xinjiang television ratings by 358%, rating ranking increased 11. To achieve program success is the wonder, not only is the may I ask-BritishMale where the success of the theatre of the war, is the success of operation mode of Fung Tak in copyright, description of Xinjiang TV "Fung Tak in popular theatre" there is a growing number of loyal viewers, Fung Tak in brand recognition of more and more people. Others:

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