Saturday, June 2, 2012

revocation of judgment in the first instance Diablo 3 CD-KEY revocation of judgment in the first i

129829462671286250_154Su contract fraud case was convicted of the second instance review revocation dateless judgment 66828--> musicians Su Yue fraud sentenced to dateless $ 57 million (video) NetEase entertainment network on May 31, according to justice report, 87 in the dream of "Qing Wen" played An Wen (click to see An Wen movies lots of the good city) ex-husband Su Yue, more than 57.46 million Yuan was an indictment of alleged contract fraud. This morning, the Beijing high-Level people's courts to make a second-instance ruling on the case. The Court found, first-instance judgments given in the Court over the Soviet Union, there are facts are not clear, there is insufficient evidence, decided to withdraw the judgment of first instance, and the incident back to Beijing's second intermediate people's Court tried again. About 9 o'clock in the morning, lodge An Wen arrived at the Beijing Municipal higher people's Court, and to observe the formalities. Facing the media, An Wen tears more than once. ShePresented to the Court in March this year to reporters the remittance proof of debt of $ 1 million to compensate the Soviet Union. Su Yue, the lawyer said, repeatedly Su Yue in the detention center during the meeting feeling good, "he also taught singing for juvenile offenders". November 10, 2011, Beijing's second intermediate people's Court on the Soviet Union, the first instance judgment. Court identified, SueActivities of the fictional company has undertaken tours of Beijing Olympic Games qualification SWTOR CD-key, using fake media company and the China International Television Corporation of Lake Taihu, China Performing Arts Agency, the 29th Olympic Games Organizing Committee signed false propaganda departments and other units of the performance of the contract Diablo 3 CD-KEY, and the contract, to return on investment for Olympic tour activities can profit fromInvestment in other companies signed the cooperation agreement to get money. From January 2008 to July, Su Yue boundary Lake Taihu media Beijing, media companies, branch name, and by the individual as a sponsor, and murdered Yi investment consulting limited Beijing Branch has signed multiple copies of the investment and cooperation agreement and the supplementary agreement of investment cooperation, cheating people in the companyMOP $ 19.5 million and US $ 2.5 million. April 2008, Su Yue in Taihu Lake on its own or on behalf of Beijing Branch of the media, and actual operation of forest by the sea guarantees the company guarantees, and killed Schmidt in baotou city credit investment guarantee limited liability company has signed the loan contract, the law on investment and cooperation agreement, obtaining Hing China investment company currency$ 15 million. After the company repeatedly under the rush to sue lied that the 29 session of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and other units default on its payments, companies need to increase capital to repayment, signed the investment agreement and Hing China investment company Diablo 3 gold, defrauding the company again 3 million Yuan. Between December 2007 and August 2008, red top Su Yue in Beijing art cultureDevelopment company during the legal representative, in red top arts company name with the victim in a signed copy of the loan agreement, down to 2.5 million Yuan. As the first instance verdict, Su Yue more than 28.4 million worth of damage caused to many victims. The Court held that, the Soviet Union, the imaginary unit with Olympic tour qualification or unit to undertake capital increase and the fact,The name, signed an agreement with others means of defrauding people of money, behavior constituted the crime of contract fraud, and the amount is huge. Court to the crime of contract fraud sentenced Su Yue to life imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for life and confiscated of all personal property. After the sentencing, Su Yue is not satisfied with a decision to appeal. Cases were subsequently transferred to the Beijing Municipal higher people's Court for second trial�� On May 29, an-Wen announced certification on Twitter yesterday afternoon received a court notice, at nine o'clock in the morning, 31st and the Soviet Union, the second-instance verdict. Tear my heart beating. I cry, unable to cry! Two years of suffering. Nearly six months to help him pay off his debts. My suffering and pain every day! 31st! What is going to be an answer for me? I can't really stand upLost all the effort! I had to drink. Drink. The original sentence, I will abide by the commitments! Continue to earn money to help him pay off his debts. No judgment, I shaved the monk! 9:50 A.M. Xu, an-Wen and Su Yue's lawyer out of court one after another. Su Yue's lawyer presented to reporters the Beijing Municipal higher people's Court on the case of second instance ruled: revocation of judgment in the first instance, this time back to BeijingSecond intermediate people's Court for a retrial. Others:

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