Sunday, June 10, 2012

What makes me a healthy balance to dominate my time and urgent matter wow power leveling What make

129834178876202500_42Say goodbye to fatigue and excessive small "Closest to the breakdown of a symptom is the conviction that their work is important. The "--botelan·luosu" sometimes the most urgent and important things you can do is to completely rest "--ashili·buliliante" rest is not hiding lazy, in the summer some time lying on the grass under a tree, listen to the murmuring sound of running water, or take a look at the clouds floating in the sky,Never a waste of time. "--Lubbock may be more difficult to maintain the balance of life today than ever before, needs and work of the school will overwhelm you. Endless flock to live like a tide of information. Seize the opportunity to explore different things have never been so rich. But if you do not set limits and work in a balanced State, you will be exhausted, overwork, end up in theWhen long time no longer work. When faced with serious challenges, so what can you do? Of course, I don't have all the answers. But I found some helpful things to me. If you do not follow the rules, I get cranky, dry up, and I thought tends to negative. But when I made these, I can balance my own work, And feel good. 1. set clear boundaries and that is very important in a day, for me at least this is the case. Determine a limit I have to go to work and rest. So will not work until 7 o'clock in the evening until eight o'clock in the morning the next day. I would suggest working time in finding a balance. When at the end of the day to rest, in the evenings or weekends to addEnergy. I often work in one hour 45 minutes, a 15-minute break. When the rest of the time, I will leave the computer, or doing something else TERA CD-key, such as going out to breathe the fresh air, something to eat or watch half-sets of the Simpsons. I can do more work per day, but working without rest SWTOR Power Leveling, excluding lunch breaks, damage to the quality of my work, not moreBetter faster. When you do not need to rest, but the rest will make you more efficient. 2. don't work weekends on weekends, I try to stay away from day-to-day activities, I often see on television or the Internet, few view mail on Saturday or Sunday. Instead I spend time with my girlfriend, my friends and family. Read a good book, watchThe movie, of course, I'll be doing some other interesting things. The rest I can recharge. These stringent limits, as described so far in this article, in the rest of the time you can do some work and a variety of activities. I started to treat ourselves, so as to avoid grey areas. When you are at home or on vacation when you spend most of the timeThink about your work. Or when you are at work, think about your life and challenge, you are in the grey area. Avoid these grey areas and it will ruin your life. 3. eat well sleep well if you keep the spirit of adequate sleep, eating well, full of movement, then, business life and work will become very easy and relaxed. If you are eating well this week,Or insufficient exercise, I get nervous anxiety, lack of energy. I find it difficult to make decisions and take action. If I slept well, I can feel the pressure, clarity of thought and became very difficult, negative thoughts can be very frequent in mind. Immediately before the articles of the two steps above can help you sleep better, because when you will get you from grey area capacityEasy to fall asleep. Rules of practice, walking to school or to work, is a very simple way so that I can get more exercise and fresh air, it can also help me to improve the quality of sleep. 4. listen to yourself when you start becoming more irritability, feel discouraged and tired, when creativity has plummeted, not to enter the insurmountable obstacles. Instead, you should schedule moreAmount of time to take care of yourself wow power leveling, rather than from school or after work went on to upset your regular life, treasure belonging to self time, spend more time on themselves. Stay in bed at night and read some books, or quietly strolling in nature. Do something that will make you relax or will charge you for things. No one will reward you continue drilling dead end, feel worse, or fine tiredExhaustive. Treat yourself, take care of yourself, give priority to their own health in order to continue your work and good interpersonal relationships, realize your value. 5. questions will make your work more clearly regularly reassess how you work. A good method is to question themselves, it will give you more clearly. Helping you to focus on more important things, you mayPresent new ideas. Questions about you out of busy work, this is the tenth time you check your mail, please pause for a few seconds and see how you spend your whole life. Do you 5 years has been doing this thing? Or 5 months? Or 5 weeks? Doing this can bring me closer to my goal? Why do I do this? What 4 things is my top priority in life? IHow do we balance these at once in my life? What makes me a healthy balance to dominate my time and urgent matter? Normally, you don't have to do everything so perfect. I do not have, but by small steps to increase the proportion of time to do the right thing, or take more positive action, your life will be better. Source: psychologyNET translator: Ariel[scroll] Wen Guo Chuanzhi for unlawful pyramid scheme running involved amounted to 3 billion (06-06) [scroll] shunxin agriculture: liquor business holdings of rapid growth rate (06-06) [scroll] tunnel shares: infrastructure investment accelerated in the Yangtze River Delta to maintainOverweight rating (06-06) [scroll] Cyber breed a variety of new vocational and professional praise "brushed" into the hundred (06-06) [scroll] shares cancelled limited institutions still do not appreciate: the price is too high (06-06) [scroll] three stock funds as "safe haven"(06-06) [Scroll] retired employees 10 investment road: 130,000 million (06-06) [scroll] global stock market "bear" infested gushen meal nobody should? 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