Friday, December 23, 2011

in that case

129667786203896642_86Recently, on the International Board's official remarks once again fengshengshuiqi. One of the most typical, flags most distinctive is the Shanghai Stock Exchange General Manager Zhang Yujun, held in Shanghai in "creating financial market with global resource allocation capability" Forum on the "three favorable" speech, that "International Board have a favourable impact on a shares only, will only have a favourable impact on China economy, investors areFavourable impact. "In view of Zhang 's" three favorable "theory is too concise and, after listening to really do not know where the benefit, I can only make wild guesses," three favorable "one by one to roll out, a little analysis. Lee: "International Board will have a favourable impact on the a-share". Beneficial effects related to the disease on the a-share. A long time, the a-shares has three main disease: one said, voteSpeculation, said the second high price issue, said Don ' t expect the third return. International listings are outstanding performance, rewarding, reasonable valuations and corporate governance are also pretty good benchmarking enterprise. Such an enterprise to a stock market listing, can be the natural pioneers, become a good example, by osmosis, gradually weakening and address a shares three stubborn problems. This is ideal International BoardOf the. And not listing on the international market are not necessarily all outstanding enterprises, even if it is, may not be able to solve three stubborn problems. Say the least, China's large blue chip listing on the a and h share market at the same time, especially Bank shares, there are more than half belong to the a-h, they were acting in accordance with international standards in all aspects, in full compliance with the "outstanding performance, rewarding and reasonable valuation"Indicators, with these standard enterprise, the a-share markets have become more healthy and more? There is no. The contrary, in addition to the funds must be "standard", the majority of investors are not buying blue-chip benchmark the old republic power leveling, because no one who buy loss. Take affected Friday by the International Board, "the foreign-backed concept" to 0.89% gain column plates first, rose or those who have a good small stocks, construction Bank, andSafe fall instead of rose. The a-share disease is ultimately caused by system. Lee second: "will only have a favourable impact on China economy". Positive impact on China's economy, would like to stress is as Mr TU guangshao, Vice Mayor of the "configure international financial resources". We Chinese have a characteristic, like global, politics economics history, we are financing the weak (the Central Bank's monetary policy CommitteeXia Bin), came as an ambitious expectations "configure international financial resources", so what is this naive, is greatness, or "vast country not wanbang laichao" pirate it? Or Andy Xie, said Frank said: "China to do your job well, you can help the world and Europe. First of all, China should start as soon as possible the International Board. This can be a global company creates a new financing channelRoad, promoting their increasing investment and job creation. This is a relatively safe way to export capital of China, because close monitoring at home, and global companies with good balance. "The original, available on the International Board is to get us sweat for Chinese people, establish a financing channel for global companies to help weather the financial crisis in Europe and America. Lee III: "on the investmentMore is good ". Shareholders ' cry, the International Board is not money, is, can we exchange is said to be good for investors, but also added a "more". Why say it? International launch, small shareholders is not out of the country you can buy the large international companies, enjoy the dividends of growth of these enterprises. Not to mention that in the present technical conditions,Buy international stocks is not difficult, at least, the investor can buy QDII or direct purchase of h-share access to international markets. The so-called "more favorable" and so on, apart from General Manager, probably no single investor will agree that is so, but because the principal contradiction in Chinese stock market, chip supply far more than money supply. China's capital markets need most now is not openSet up the International Board, three Board, but the over-the-counter Exchange of rectifying the mess, the venue as soon as possible delisting system was introduced. China's capital market has expanded too fast, is the stop and rectify. Zhang Yujun says, "helps China's economic development, conducive to development, China's financial industry to investors" the most basic premise is the study of the International Board, related to the concerns, problems,On the design of institutional arrangements have earnest, strict and rigorous thinking. Capital market is a market with the highest degree of public concern, in that case, just put those "earnest, strict and rigorous thinking", and design-related institutional arrangements, brought out millions of shareholders participate in demonstration swtor power leveling, while considered that those "earnest, strict and rigorous thinking" are still internal discussionsStage, it is not open, not in public remarks made by the International Board issues. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

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