Tuesday, December 27, 2011

other a Hainan air anion content of the highest quality best

129667889658115392_139Langfang sadness when? Langfang city was under the impression all these years, not much positive events can be described as positive, enclosure frequently disputes, corruption of officials, University City plagued by scams and a series of serious incidents. This is a city of sadness. We want to make an in-depth study and research of Langfang "city of sadness". Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) Unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved!  When we decided to have a good look at the city of Langfang, reminds me of two things. One is a good tea friend said in Beijing it is difficult to drink the tea really good, one reason is that, under the influence of geography and climate, China's tea-producing goodThe South, and tea storage and transport will certainly have an impact on the quality of tea, the tea was sent to Beijing, is not the best quality. My point is, if not a very extreme view of tea quality through stronger involvement of power and capital, closest to the Centre of power of place (such as Beijing), not only you can drink tea, and you can drink, including southern teaA lot of good tea, "a ride of Red Dust ' feizixiao, no one knows is the Lai Chi Kok" behind as seen in this truth. Second, fog haze of Beijing suffered a few days ago the last few days, and a group of peers discussing "Beijing's air is no special" topics, I raised the idea for solving water shortage can engage in a South-North water transfer project in Beijing, so if in Beijing cityCity did become the city of air pollution to bear heavy, perhaps you can consider design a closed air corridors in the air, a link between Beijing, other a Hainan air anion content of the highest quality best, oxygen, the so-called "South-North pipeline" pipeline project, to make sure the Beijing people's breath of fresh air. This two storyIn describing the same question: at present, the Executive power configuration of resources is still played a vital role, and in this context, advantages of resource distribution and circulation processes in many cases reflected in or towards the Centre of power in the Centre of power set set. And this has become a resource configured at the regional and geo-spatial or hidden or logic, and is the core of the logicalSeries, although the flow and distribution of forms, may be formed by the active provision of administrative power on the one hand, on the other hand could also profit driven by the nature of the resource control to the centres of power closer to the formation of. Analysis of Langfang city development all these years with this logic is very interesting. In a public statement of the Langfang, the most popular table that is based on its geographical advantagesIn: is located between two major cities of Beijing and Tianjin, known as "the Pearl on the Beijing-Tianjin corridor". The geographical location makes Langfang naturally is in Beijing the old republic power leveling, Tianjin and two first-tier cities in China's industrial and cultural radiation RADIUS, with the economic development of regions and cities in the region, naturally in this area is considered to be ushered in hosting industry transferring and economic factors between good opportunities for spillovers,It is also of Langfang economic and urban development, one of the important basis for optimism about the future.  From many years ago swtor power leveling, of regional economic geography and economic expert in public speaking, we see that hope, and provincial economic development in Langfang, Hebei province has also been one of the important strategic planning point of, is the province's capital in economic development planning is expected to Star City. Can beIn fact, Langfang is given this based on the theory of regional economic prosperity, has not come, its geographical and geographical advantages in economic development has been failing to live up to. Not only that, since the middle of last century 90 's, as represented by the real estate economy of land economy at the national urban development generally put on in the story, but close to the Beijing-Tianjin-geography and geographical advantages allow GalleryWorkshop in the real estate economy with greater imagination, so here began a binge of more aggressive than other land and real estate. This Carnival, also severely overdrawn in out of the City Government of good faith and the city's reputation. It also makes, in the industrial undertaking and development still failed to shake off light when the limitations of the black from Beijing and Tianjin, industrialization and urbanization of the cityRupture between increasingly evident and this city has implications for the health and sustainable development.  City of sadness show. Langfang sadness when? Here we remind Langfang should also be looking for in the coordinated development of industrialization and urbanization to one based on cycle economic development of regions and cities in the region of the road, and equal participation in the regional competition for cities to win more chipsOut long dependence on Beijing-Tianjin-myth, go on a own road, Langfang, Hebei province, all the way to regional economic development marketing advantage in resource allocation so far really dominates. In the present stage, do not continue on the theories of economic geography books illusions, but to face up to real that one of the leading regional economic development in China, or implicit or logic. This are theLangfang direction.

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