Monday, December 26, 2011

performance in the area

129668763119531250_198[Production of specially] big Lotto 140 analysis concern period: tail number concern 3 5 8 Analysis and prediction of mining a specially No. 2011140 Super Lotto, stage review – Super Lotto Lottery Lotto winning numbers-formerly No. 2011139 area: 04,06,10,15,16. Back zone: 03, 04. Worthy of note is this issue of the mixer is 02. And the tail is 16. This big forms a super largeDeviation of large empty area: 16--35. There is also a small area, empty: 10--15. Make the entire front half of the region after becoming empty. And after, but also a very partial. Post: two after isolation period and stay, and both moved to the front: 01 the old republic power leveling, 02, and overall backward move. Back to front: one from 06 to 03; a number from 12 per cent. Super Lotto is rare in history. Prior to and on 51 for the low values are particularly special. 77 less than in the previous period. And values of the area is also a special low after 7. Less than the pre-11. They proved to be great Lotto's front and rear zones are particularly difficult to forecast the Super Lotto. It is worth mentioning is the area before this period, the large empty area are several empty area of the previousSet extension. These are the previous large empty area, super large multi-, separate from the performance. From the emergence of a large empty area, point of view, 0-prefix, this period is 2, and the period of 1-prefix numbers 3. Look 2 and zone 3 of their chips are particularly difficult to predict even more after the front half without numbers. Therefore, area of their chips before trends very person can handle. 2,011,139Lotto is a period before and after the area is was before the special lottery. Front area opened in zone 0, minimum 02. 15 letter than prior to the move. Opened in the area, maximum of 16. 16 letter than prior to the move. Before he created the special Super Lotto. 02 is leading. 16 is a lion. These big Lotto is not on the mark. This giant musicVery rare in the history. Thus prove big Lotto is more difficult to access Super Lotto. Once upon a time, the large empty areas, performance in the area, are all empty set. Front area of focus is on the side to the front before the overall movement, drop the first 0-prefix on day 2. 1 prefix on day 3. Full front, 5. Make it even more Super more difficult to predict. The previous issueMove forward through the area as a whole-after-after staying in 03,12 swtor power leveling, bring to the front before 01 and 02. After both moved a lot: move forward through the area as a whole-after-after staying in 03,12, bring to the front before 01 and 02. After both moved a large: 06, 12. Back to 03, 04. Moving forward through the area before and after all is very large, verySpectrum!! These illustrate the great Lotto's movements before and after are particularly difficult to predict. This cry of recent common area, empty into the now create diverse regional forms, also, empty, issues have appeared frequently before the results of more recent Lotto big--in the form of the existing zone before overloading and unbalanced before. Moving forward through the back area is also ahead of major. The value ofHave to say is big as: 0, 2; region 3; the second district, No. 0; 0, three area. Back zone 03, 04. District 04 is particularly acute after the unpopular number. Illustrates the trend the big Lotto is particularly difficult to forecast the helm. I say this Lotto is the front of the stage area in front of, before the area was also a period after Super Lotto. 2011139th, Lotto and values and values--former area 51. And values are particularly low. More than the previous issue 77. Back area and a value of 7, and value is low. 11 less than the previous period. No. 2011140 big Lotto I good and value--former district and value: 80-20; back area and value: 8-20. No. 2011139 time interval analysis: 0: 2. One district3. Second District: 0. Three zones: 0. District 5, before, in the previous two district 5, two or three districts with 0. Issues than is special in front of a big lottery. No. 2011140 issues I personally feel zones should be before or after the partial interval in the second run. Area move to the right of the location is great. Location of the back, move back, district of 2 will be greater.I personally feel the former sectors without any special case, this area should be at least 2, special attention should be opening two-zone. Therefore, No. 2011140 issues with big ratio of Lotto is in this issue of the comparison distribution near the top of big Lotto. I have been stepped up on the big Lotto analysis. To follow up the fans and I friends win, win big is my prediction purposes! Second, the analysis of pre-Super Lotto-No. 2011140-logging area after common bile: before 05,08,11,10,09,07 and values: after 80-20 and values: 10-20 tail number: 3,5,8 content: the buyer knows the village

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