Sunday, December 25, 2011

To this end

129667837404052892_250 <a href="">swtor power leveling</a>2011 is now near completion, more than a month to go until coming in 2012, the mortgage will be in accordance with the latest interest rates next year, more than 5-year commercial mortgage interest rates rose to 7.05%, this also means that starting next year, a number of "home loan" will be increasing the burden of repaying. So, some on hand was a little spare cash "mortgage"Should we not giving back loan forward? To this end, I interviewed several banking divisions are the prepayment to a number of recommendations for the public. Recommended reading Bank channel count of the day: counting the strange coin in the world (photo) inventory: world's weirdest coins (Group) 14 credit card security: deep development of the bottom part of the Bank first mortgage rates rise10% custody mother deposits be liable to pay interest in black men equal principal repayment was blatantly stealing money in the Bank passed one-third prepayment? Three types of condition should not advance is also has a 70 percent to 85 percent discount rate mortgages should not be in advance. Because 70 percent of the 5-year lending rate lower than the current 5-year deposit rates. 5Year loan interest rate, for example, after raising interest rates interest rates is 7.05%, if you receive a 70 percent interest rates, the lending rate is 4.935%. To enjoy 85 percent interest rate calculated on the first suite of 20-year loan of $ 1 million loan, interest rates increase but the monthly payments over dollars a month, won't have any effect on the borrower's daily lives. Finance Division highlighted in particular, in the presentSuite rates are higher than the benchmark interest rate under the circumstances, prepayment appear to interest on savings, but is worth. Two equal principal repayment period is passed one-third not in advance. Equal principal repayment was repay the same amount each month for the period of repayment of principal and interest arising out of the remaining loans in the month, according to the remaining principal payments of interest, with the repayment timeIncreases the old republic power leveling, the remaining principal reduction, interest repayment is less and less. ����When the repayment period of more than one-third, and then select the prepayment, pay more principal interest not many left, it cannot effectively save interest payments. Third, matching the principal and interest repayments to the medium-term should not be in advance. Matching the principal and interest payments, was during the repayment period to repay the same amount per monthLoans, increasing repayments of principal, repayment interest rate decline. In other words, early interest of a large proportion of the borrower, principal share less, and will gradually reduce the proportion of late interest. If the borrower repayment to the medium-term, and then select prepayment, prepayment is principal of some more, interest is only a small part of, this situation, select the prepayment of little significance�� Suitable for early repayment of the finance and pay attention to what their opinion, is in the early repayment and floating interest rate the borrower more suitable for selection has been performed early repayment. ����Because in the early repayment, and rising interest rates this year have been performed, then the loan most of the interest has not been repaid and therefore produces less suitable for prepayment. Prepayment attentionThree a problem: a is asked Qing Bank requirements, as is to received penalty; II is prepared related file, as ID card, and borrowing contract to bank handling approval procedures; three is timely back insurance and the solutions mortgage, borrowing people if settled loan words, must to timely carrying ownership and, settled proved and mortgage in Bank of he item right card to all area live construction Committee Office understanding mortgage, such own of propertyBefore we can say that there is their own property. Related link: some banks first mortgage interest rate floating range from 10% per cent to Nanjing first Suite 5 bank loan interest rates to 5% only for protocol properties Canada Bank: over 30% Canada persons 65 years old are still difficult to pay off the mortgage "Devil" comeback: us home loansDefaults skyrocketed high was between getting loans from European banks are not up to you and count the year mortgage interest rate [table]

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