Saturday, December 3, 2011

times that of China's small and medium enterprises

129667889711552892_280Following last week's Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Ming Xu published "International Board ready to launch" freedom of speech, after the stock market from 2,536 120 points that management did not make any clarification, General Manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Thursday and Deputy Mayor again given "International Board must speed up the launch of" appeal, the stock market will be the next city, indicates that the weak market is very offensive to international Board. Despite the whoAll know that in the six months to a year's time, launched the International Board is little likely, however, scourge message can be destroyed in cities. In my view, the Commission has a duty to the six months to repeatedly led to informal information to make statements of the stock market crash, dont let it to artificially depress the market. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden surgeNot in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved!����Why International Panel cannot be launched in the near future? First, the international economic and financial environment not allowed. For now, the European debt crisis from Greece to Italy, then to France, and Portugal, growing in the near term, see no hope of resolving the, there are significant uncertainties, Europe's economy has slipped into recession. United States debt crisisMachine is also difficult, plans to cut administrative expenses do not have access to the support of the Congress and the economy is very weak. In this case, the enterprises are facing numerous difficulties in Europe. If they come to China International Board listing, is likely to be of the debt crisis in Europe and "fire" burning to the Chinese, Chinese investors have suffered heavy losses, led to financial instability and social unrest in China.Second, foreign exchange reserves are at risk of being hollowed out. As 3The guise of high prices offering of shares, in exchange for a large number of Yuan and then exchanged for dollars siphoned from China's foreign exchange, China 30 years to cheap resources, cheap, cheap labor, cheap sell stake, worked hard to accumulate foreign currency reserves, after deduction of over 1.1 trillion United States Treasury, 600 billion euro debt and 4,000After liabilities of $ 0, and then was taken by international Board, the remaining 900 billion China's reserves are constantly running out, make China into financial crisis. Third, poor ecological environment in China at present. China's stock market took just 20 years, worth ranked second in the world, share reform expansion after the great leap forward, more is the market need for air pressure. Just 5 years, the a-share in circulationValue is never to 900 billion, up to 17.5 trillion, listed companies increased by more than 2000 enterprises, scale is the world's first stock market in recent two years, the stock market margin of more than 1 trillion left, funds in value to more than 3 trillion, decline for two consecutive years the world's top two, in order to discredit China's international image. In the case of a serious imbalance in supply and demand, and even for National Board, Small, large gem IPO expansion and refinancing of listed companies are no longer sufficient, and has the ability to let the International Board to China's stock markets "the goose"? IV, supervision on international enterprise market is impossible. Europe and the United States to China, whether politically or economically, has adopted a double standard. Recent United States Government ordered the ban on Chinese audit institutions to United States regulation, inOn a meter system and monitor, confrontation with China. Instead, 150 companies listed on China in the United States you do all suppressed, difficult, and blacklist capabilities. In this case, if available on the International Board, Chinese regulators on listing foreign companies conduct violations, fraud and manipulation of stock prices, would be beyond, helpless, unable to carry out investigations, forensics, penalties, claims and compensationClaims, there is a big risk to regulatory vacuum, but suffer is the vast number of investors in China. V, shock "structure, changing" national economic strategy. Present to the international market have raised foreign companies, mostly belonging to the traditional industrial, cyclical industries, has had a gold San long industrial, money chain industries that have major problems. Twelve-Five of planning in ChinaFocus is to change the mode of economic growth, strategic focus to development of new industries. Chinese investors would prefer to accept one hundred or two hundred small stocks in emerging industries diablo 3 power leveling, nor would it accept, and disgusted looks great circle of foreign enterprises to gain money. At the same time, International Board size several times, dozens of times, times that of China's small and medium enterprises, in the present monetary tightening, equity is veryLack of cases, open international Board, meant that most Chinese companies will not reach the city, funding was not thaw.����In view of this, push the current international Board is not, as some say "three advantages" and "four great significance", but harmful to national interests, harmful economic and financial stability, harmful to stability and development of the stock market, harmful to the interests investors. I suggest that managementOn such an important issue of international, should be carried out a wide range of hearing (hearing even bus ticket prices), and then as it did when stock price, make 160 million equity accounts voted in a referendum.����Prior to this, local government and department managers never for its own selfish interests and casual positions. Week average trading volume in Shanghai rapidly fell to 49.5 billion this week, for eight consecutive daysTrading volume in Shanghai less than in Shenzhen, China's hydropower has returned to the issue price diablo 3 gold, the market risks failed to issue new shares due to have stopped. This shows that the impact of international news, have hurt the interests of every aspect of marketing, necking built before the end end of sideways, waiting for clear signals of loose monetary policy, sought under the directed easing next year band opportunities for targeted stocks areFormer investors helpless choice.

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