Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the banks accumulated foreign income of us $ 1.8967 trillion for customers

129667837307802892_5Foreign exchange statistics showed on 25th October 2011, Bank Exchange settlement for customers surplus just US $ 3.2 billion, hit a monthly record low since the publication of the data.   Coincidentally, Bank foreign collecting payments surplus amounted to us $ 10.9 billion for customers, for this year's low. In October, Bank$ 115.2 billion of foreign exchange, exchange banks for customers and sales of US $ 112.1 billion, Bank Exchange settlement for customers surplus of us $ 3.2 billion.   2011 1, banks accumulated $ 1.3265 trillion of foreign exchange for customers, the cumulative sale 942.6 billion dollars, banking Trojan Exchange settlement for customers surplus $ 383.9 billion. Compared with the early October exchange for customers and salesData flat to the 8 September, but data showed a significant decline of foreign exchange for customers, become the reason of Exchange settlement surpluses caused record low. In General, when the strong prospect of RMB's appreciation, enterprises and individuals choose to sell foreign exchange to the Bank, in exchange for currency, foreign exchange banks; the Yuan devaluation occurs when the expected, businesses and individuals tend to use the local currency to buy foreign exchange, $ handheld, The Bank sale.   From late September onwards, Yuan market for non-deliverable forwards (NDF) encounter short diablo 3 power leveling, an appreciation of the Yuan is expected starting to wane, many companies choose to reduce foreign exchange settlement and holding foreign currency the sidelines. At the same time, in October 2011, banking for customers in the territory of foreign revenues of US $ 186.8 billion, external payment of US $ 175.9 billionBanks foreign collecting payments for customers Shun received US $ 10.9 billion.   2011-in October diablo 3 gold, the banks accumulated foreign income of us $ 1.8967 trillion for customers, accumulated external payment of us $ 1.6378 trillion, cumulative foreign bank Valet collect payment plus a $ 258.9 billion. Bank Exchange settlement for customers and foreign collecting payments for customers is that many projects integrated performance, including capitalAnd trade, and foreign exchange, foreign exchange reserves, and other data and does not match well.   But the largely reflects the trade balance, capital account some of the trends. This can be judged, in October reduced the pressure of foreign capital inflows. Central Bank figures showed a few days ago, released October Exchange-24.9 billion yuan, is the 2007Months the first time since the single month of negative growth. Reporter Dandan Li

has become a buzzword of finance

129667864474990392_415Since its financial crisis, "leverage" (deleverage) has become a buzzword of finance, but also caused many investors to suffer.  As Italy's level of bond yields break 7%, amid concern Europe and the de-leveraging of financial institutions, in early November Hang Seng index in Hong Kong in less than one day collapse 1000, is proof. But everything always has two sidesSex.  Deleveraging is in full swing, perhaps to create better opportunities for RMB's internationalization. To understand this issue, may wish to take a look at the deleveraging is going on. The so-called deleveraging, simple understanding is to reduce the company's debt. For the banks, debt reduction, mean increased proportion of equity interests in total assets. Whether United States subprime or the EuropeanChau sovereign bonds last is closely related to the banking books in their own capital. Under normal circumstances, these "toxic debt" as borrowing collateral – between banks or institutions when these reduced collateral value, the easy financing to try "unwinding", or increasing the number of collateral or cash supplement. Of the banking system itself has its own very limited interest, when the market value of collateralPlunge in credit crisis of the financial system will be thrown. When no material and with the United States sovereign rating is of Fannie and Freddie bonds to be reduced to no market value of collateral. But after a warning from the United States debt, investor concern about the European debt more. United States very clever and very high-handed disregard of others against, first change the accounting standards, allowed the banks no longer to "market" to determine the "toxic debt" in the BillOn the value, then the Fed started printing press, Bank "unwinding". Europeans not so-the end of October, the European Summit to require banks to improve capital ratios before June 30 next year to 9%.  Politicians also called banker from "folk" financing, enriching equity capital to offset the effects of European debt declined in value. EU calls on bankers will certainly comply with –-The European bankers how to respond to Mr Sarkozy's so-called "voluntary" impairment of Greece debt after they know that deleveraging process of European financial institutions than the United States more thoroughly – this means that a large number of European funds can Europe back from other markets at home. In Hong Kong, China, Europe and a considerable proportion of the total credit market, particularly in the securities market, more than half of。 As Hong Kong has no capital entry/exit restrictions, which can be huge amounts of money to bring up the market throughout the day. Most of the time of the year, and European debt not detached of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange total return lagging far behind the US and European markets, this de-leveraging that it's hard not to give someone like. Recently, foreign banks began tightening credit in Hong Kong diablo 3 gold, the abolition of preferential HIBOR floating rate mortgage rates, The signal is not good either. But if the Chinese Government and Chinese financial institutions can take full advantage of the opportunity to fill the European and US institutions to deleverage void left by, perhaps now is precisely the Yuan great opportunity to enter the Asian market, the internationalisation. Such opportunities can be funded by credit institutions in the local market and to expand its range of use to achieve.Internationalisation focuses on trade means of payment at this stage. Deleveraging means in Europe and possible credit reduced to overseas traders.  Already have European trade representatives complained that get credit from a Bank began more difficult in the near future, cash withdrawals are only thousands of euros or less. China should encourage their financial institutions to increase exposure in all major markets,Apart from the mergers and acquisitions, should also be allowed in the Renminbi credit funded organizations have more space and flexibility, encourage them to expand RMB business in various markets diablo 3 power leveling, increase in Renminbi loans to local importers. This can serve two purposes, both China's exports, while promoting the business development of Chinese financial institutions at the local and grow capital strength of financial institutions, ChinaEnterprises "going out" strategy. Capital markets perspective, allowing further development of its asset management business in Hong Kong, promoting the innovation of RMB investment products, are able to attract more overseas investors concerned about RMB investment products, increased demand for Yuan. Such requirements are not always associated with the exchange rate, but can also further promote the internationalisation ofExhibition. It is regrettable that policymakers seem to be for internationalisation and development without clear ideas. Some scholars and officials are still tangled in the possible impact of internationalisation. Concerns were mentioned by internationalisation throws hedge fund betting the Yuan to appreciate, but recently, devaluation of the Renminbi appears more than once on the offshore market, heated holding snacks bond yields also conceals nearly 1 time –Worry dished up hedge funds "short" Chinese conspiracy theory. Risk certainly should pay attention to, but as Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange said, never drowned in the bathtub, but never learn to swim. Problems in a rational view of the internationalisation processes more necessary. The long term, let its currency appreciate leading factors in the process will be in the internationalization of RMB take a back seatThe second line.  Hong Kong's financial services and the Treasury Secretary said in an interview in the middle of November: "(devaluation of the Hong Kong dollar), the worst situation is over, maximum appreciation of the Renminbi has passed sth" K c Chan judgment means the internationalisation needs another driver? If you really have the same driving forces today in Europe and the de-leveraging that's probably a.China's monetary policy makers to promote the internationalisation of opportunity really is not much, because Europe and the currency will not always be vulnerable, and unwilling to accept Chinese assistance with conditions from the eurozone will be able to see, Europe must not lightly its challenges to its monetary hegemony of chance. (Author of Hong Kong's financial industry professionals, accounting and finance at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University PhD candidate)

and according to raise amount of shares issued and to determine exactly to what they will release

129668688761718750_40Editor's Note: in order to promote the healthy and steady development of China capital market, the Commission recently launched intensive six initiatives. This special launch series, each of these initiatives conducted in-depth analysis and interpretation. 22nd, 23rd and 24th respectively launched the bond market calling for chess policies are still needed at high speed, and the prevention and control of insider trading of capital market from the source "rodent" actions escalatedAnd the chaos-ridden under the State Council over more than 300 trading venues will straighten up, today published the change higher earnings to issue new shares of correlation analysis reports. High price-earnings ratio of new shares issued, why not? Has been discussed in the industry, regulators have been promoting. Recently, the regulators are clear means of gradually changing high earnings shares。 So, how can this situation to crack? New stock issue "three highs" is complete with the introduction of initiatives to be changed? Everything is looking forward to. Since the new deal for IPO launch in June 2009 in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market, China's securities market has accelerated the pace of market-oriented, but, judging from the IPO market issuance in the past two years, new stock issue exposed the seriousIssue. IPO has become high price issue, high earnings release, superb raised the issue of "three high" release. Particularly prominent are second board companies. According to statistics, the current listing on the gem company 275, the average price of about $ 35, nearly 68 times times issued on average earnings, average more raised than to 200%. A few days ago, the Commission launched six major regulatory reform measures, Which made it clear that, by means of gradually changing situation of high earnings shares. SFC official said, "as a regulator, we are not giving reasonable standards for price/earnings ratio. But the next step the Commission will continue efforts to increase the intensity of reforming and perfecting the issuing regulatory ". "Three high" being blamed for a long time, new issues "three high" by general investmentCriticized by users. However, recently, the IPO price generally lower, individual issue price-earnings ratio high became the focus of new shares. A few days ago, the largest of the traditional publishing industry IPO--Phoenix Media publishes online success rate and placement results under the net, issue price/earnings ratio as high as 63.4 times times, facing the stock higher issue price/earnings ratio, agency minimum bid is only 5.2Yuan per unit, this 1 time difference with the highest bid $ 10.88/unit more than doubled. Prior to this, Phoenix Media findings of a preliminary inquiry, Phoenix media this release issue price range of $ ~8.80 is $ 8/share/unit (including the lower and upper). This range corresponds to earnings before the 2010 issue of level of 46.11 times ~50.72 times,Earnings after 57.63 times ~63.40 times. Investor Roadshow platform directly questioning its price/earnings ratio is high. In response, the Phoenix Media Chairman Chen Haiyan says, if calculated according to the sustained viability of standards to the issue corresponds to 2010 year earnings level: 25.23 times ~27.76 times before the release, after the release of 31.54 times ~34.7 times, if further consideration on the basis of company earnings growth in 2011, the company of the a shares issue compared to comparable company earnings and major a-share, it is more reasonable. If Phoenix media in the whole publishing's leading position in the field, Phoenix media give investors the determination of the offering price is set aside a certain amount of space. However, thisQian, shenyin wanguo analysis report, 11, 12, 13 is fully diluted EPS of $ 0.28 and $ 0.33, $ 0.36, reasonable valuations $ 6.44 per cent. Combining similar valuations of listed companies, as well as the current market environment, the 11-PE-26 times times, reasonable valuations $ 6.44--7.28Yuan. China Securities analyst Lin Hu Yu said that taking into account the price of more than 60 times the Phoenix Media PE, it is recommended that the "Beware of the risk of break, do not purchase". In addition diablo 3 gold, a recent listing of new shares is due to higher pricing very concerned about. On November 22, Dominion optical listed on the Shenzhen small and issuing valuation 67.65 times times, into a caps since NovemberNew stocks with the highest earnings. Listing on the six months in small and new shares, second only to the April Understanding power 76 times times the issue price/earnings ratio, is more prominent. However, Dominion optical to beat 20% on the first day of gains on the day at $ 28.8 opened smoothly after shock, closing $ 28.76, exchange rate up to 88.63%. 2011 three quarterly reports shows that publicDivision specializing in 40% increase in revenue, net profit growth of up to 181%, diluted earnings per share of $ 0.544, researchers believe that dynamic watch company valuations are not too high. According to another study on Shenzhen Stock Exchange financial innovations laboratory data since October 30, 2009, on a small total of 528 new listings and gemMarket investors to buy shares on the first day of 5th loss of 61.23%, particularly since the beginning of this year, in Shenzhen a shares break phenomenon not uncommon over 70% shares have fallen below issue price. "Three high" causes diverse new "three-high" release was plagued in recent years priority issues for the development of China's stock markets. It is not only serious overdrafts had shares in the secondary market value of investments,Increased investment risk. Many issuers raise funds ultimately can only be tied up in huge Super Bank, resulting in a huge waste of resources. The reason, analysts said, leading to high price issue, there are many reasons to raise more funds, existing distribution system is not perfect, the market mechanism is not perfect, and investment culture and atmosphere is not reason, do not attach importance to risk revealing and the blindHype has a larger relationship. And, for a long time, the a-share markets, "every new rose", therefore, we are "every new play", supply and demand leads to higher issue price of new shares, high earnings and a high proportion of Super-raising phenomena occur. In addition, the Investment Bank's IPO valuation report is often higher than the final offer price, even in the worst times, higher than the final pricing more than 1 time times the valuation reportDivisions are a minority. This further led to the inquiry does not trust relationship between agencies and investment banks, inquiry agencies offer also tended to be irrational State, affecting the healthy development of capital markets. And its ultimate result, investment banks lost their authority and influence of research on valuation, when the market is hype atmosphere lost control. However, the British Institute of securitiesLong Li Daxiao also said that this is a product of China towards market-oriented pricing of securities market, cannot be avoided. Li Daxiao believes that compared to mature markets, the a-share market is a product of a non-market starting immediately fully market-oriented issue may have unforeseen consequences. Progressive realization of market-oriented, progressive reform is the best choice. It is understood that in the mature markets, Secondary market pricing is a two-way trade system, and even naked short selling, stock market policy did not favour either, any company dare to unscrupulously pricing, because a great deal of reverse transactions and arbitrage disks poured out of at any time. Market-oriented pricing, market-oriented release, Enterprise IPO pricing will be free to, as long as people buy. So market upsurge, because of too high a price to attract a large number ofNew share issues, market downturn as shares was too low when few companies are willing to go public. However, subsequent financing very liberal. IPO has been ahead of the market in our country on the road, while on the way there yet to be room for improvement and perfection, General also are able to objectively reflect the prevailing relationship between supply and demand and of the corresponding stock market valuations. With the IPOInstitutional reforms, the gem IPO pricing starting rational return. Data show that since the beginning of this year, the gem IPO price/earnings ratio "-by-quarter" gem release earnings is clearly downward trend. The three quarter 2011 gem release earnings declining 73.88, 44.18, times. In June this year listed on the United StatesMorning tech 18.12 times times the issue price-earnings ratio is the lowest. But insiders said the IPO earnings fall, mostly because of gloomy market and fund this year under the environment of surface tension, if market conditions improve, does not rule out new share price-earnings ratio to rise again, securities and Futures Commission for the new shares higher earnings results also continue to watch the new deal. Address the high price/earnings ratiosNeed to start with the high price-earnings ratio for new shares issued, regulators continue to take measures. SFC responsible person stressed that reform issue regulatory systems, requires sustained effort. In recent years, the Securities and Futures Commission regulating the behavior of inquiries and pricing programs, on the one hand, on the other hand strengthen market discipline mechanisms. Issuing auditing, in addition to constantly raise the level of auditing, strengthening agency responsibilitiesEstablished intermediary asked the nuclear program, enhanced on-site examination; release link discovery issues, intensify efforts to investigate and; supervision on release process, increasing risk, efforts to increase transparency diablo 3 power leveling, improve predictability and so on. Industry sources said, to further changes of high earnings shares should be multifaceted approach. If in the process of inquiry, it is necessary to strengthen inquiry objects quoteMarket supervision, to establish a reward the good and fine [punish] the bad control mechanism, eliminating inquiry objects offer poor quality; we should further improve the pricing mechanism, improving small and medium-sized investors to say in the valuations process. Many industry experts and scholars are also given his own proposal. Li Daxiao, available from the following address. First of all, you can control the total, dispersionListed as a centralized listing, that is, from eating less meals to set meal, so that you can implement control the listing price of new shares. At the same time the number of more than a, investors naturally there is not much interested in going to the hype. Followed by the first release, delayed for several months or longer after listing, with increased playing time for new risks, control its hype, and still have plenty of time to understand theCompanies ' investment value. Wuhan University of science and technology, Director of the Institute of finance and securities Dong Dengxin recommendations, IPO Netherlands auction pricing, that is, direct quotes by the investors in listed companies, and according to raise amount of shares issued and to determine exactly to what they will release, quoting higher than the final pricing of access to shares, corresponding to the high bidders get shares of the market principle。 Avoid stock boom collapsed in the first trades. Deputy Director, Institute of Southwest securities chief economist Wang Jianhui said that on the need for restraining the IPO "three high" in the system. Proposals of intermediaries such as inquiry agencies, securities underwriting agencies hard constraints, so that they can't quote, high price. Investment bankers believe that solving the IPO higher earningsIssues, investment bank has an unshirkable responsibility. Recommendations on the IPO risk, banks should shoulder more responsibility to guide institutional investors offer to give a more rational. Currently depressed market environment for banks provides a very good reflection on the opportunity to strengthen industry self-regulation, perfect IPO issue is imperative to link risk.

mirrorAccurate rich language

129668731740781250_201Screenshot of report from the recent period of hostels funny news on Twitter crazy. This video based entirely on CCTV news broadcast adaptations of routines. The dormitory apartment television news anchors with clappers imitates CCTV anchor, reports seriously funny news on hostels, netizens praised performances of the two anchors in a professional.The video's title to intercept the CCTV news title song. Hostel hostel long is the main content of the news network began arriving at school playground and friendly visit, CCTV News News the outset often show aircraft flying in the sky the ground frame. Second news apartment eighth meeting held in 343 hostels, several Extras face seriously held a small meeting flag; Third news caused toilets blocked major accidents is 343 hostel 8 "small" top killed more than 200 over Xiao Qiang unaccounted for diablo 3 power leveling, assignment reporters also use their water bottles for microphone to imitate very in place. Latest news for you about services for the good of the people of cadres is a false certificate handling Xu Youcai. ����This series of comedy everybody simmer. According to the Central People's wideBroadcast radio stations voice of program anchors rain Pavilion in microblogging, revealed that this dorm Edition of the news network video done by liaocheng University students. And give this video of anchors, reporters and other details for the professional comments: "men slightly low seeding slight and seemingly for prompt, dignified and generous woman sowing typhoons, broadcast some natural fair teacher Fan Er, a montage clear and smooth, mirrorAccurate rich language, the mirror reporter and simultaneous use strict diablo 3 gold, most notably the whole manuscript layout sth One word: Bull! "This video has been a lot of friends agree that netizens praised so talented, and on the word of the news well cooked. ()

into four quarters

129667837328271642_55Stock this year, the first three quarters of risk capital investment show, more conservative, however, into four quarters, risk capital is showing significant market posture.   Added October monthly insurance funds investment of 142 billion yuan, hit a year high monthly increments. The latest data show that October monthly new investment of insurance fund 142 billion dollars, hitting a year high monthly increments, market analysis diablo 3 gold, the data to a certain extent disclose chuxian Chinese think the market has been built at the bottom, bottom-wish strongly. Insurance-funded four-quarter gallon heavily yesterday, the China insurance regulatory Commission website released the first ten months of the year operating data, in January-October, total assets amounted to $ 5.8 trillion in insurance industry, insurance funds total 3684.8 billion yuan diablo 3 power leveling, of which, $ 1.68 trillion in bank deposits, and percentage 29%.   Compare with 1 ~ June data, released October monthly insurance funds investment of 142 billion yuan, bank deposit edged lower to $ 35.5 billion. Industry analysis says that this scenario is similar to at the end of June this year. For half a year doing the accounts need, coupled with inflationControl is expected once going strong, continuous gallon billion of risk capital in June had become important promoter of the year more than 100 points in the rally. Capital earnings rate steady rise in this year's stock market fell a total shock, most institutions losing money. However, the insurance agency 50% asset allocations in the bond market, bond market since the third quarter to go cattle make it yield a significant improvement, as of nowThis year overall yield in 3% per cent, but still significantly lower than the previous two years. Specific view, the end of the first quarter of this year, operation of insurance fund receipts amounted to $ 51.5 billion, an average yield of 1.07%; first half insurance fund investment gains 103.11 billion yuan, average yield 2.1%; 1 ~ June, insurance companies achieve capital gains 13$ 5.38 billion, an average yield of 2.7%, after years of investment rate of return is; in 3.6%, capital gains amounted to 182.392 billion yuan of insurance companies, capital operation with an average yield of 4.42%. Analysts said the insurance organizations will not give up easily, and will continue to strive for reduced stock investment losses, the stock market will be aNo small benefit. Links: insurance exchanges, subject to the approval to set up this reporter learned that, recently published by the State Council on rectifying various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision (hereinafter the decision) requirements, financial products such as insurance, credit, gold trading exchange, must be approved by the State Council approved the establishment of the financial management sector.

beat are letters and complaints Bureau staff

129668731785781250_216Apologies,, reflection, and are not limited, but the matter is not as simple as that. The one hand, this situation lets people see the rights of journalists incessant occurrences.   The other hand, it makes a glimpse "Excellencies," open difficult. 24th, Henan newspaper reporter Wang Xiangqian "Excellencies," the issue of funding, interview with letters and complaints Bureau in Nanyang city, beat are letters and complaints Bureau staff。 Whip of letters and complaints Bureau officials play called bad language, "you're the reporter, daring move, let you die today!   "The cadre Wang Xiangqian legs shook off a few feet, has been hit Wang Xiangqian stand up. Journalists have been frequent violent invasion, this violent incidents dismay is that perpetrators are letters and complaints Bureau officials. Letters and visits from the Department's responsibilities are to resolve contradictions diablo 3 gold, and calm things down, For public service, if you become even more domineering letters and visits from officials, the use of violence, completely deviated from the basic duty; the official not only beat reporters diablo 3 power leveling, so shame: "dare let you die in this!   "So they air, unbelievable. At present, the letters and complaints Bureau cadre of beat reporters have been suspended, see sympathy, head of the Council press conference of the parties, and a sincere apology. In Nanyang cityPrincipal leaders entrust the investigation of discipline inspection and supervision, public security departments to deal with the matter.   Apologies,, reflection, and are not limited, but the matter is not as simple as that. The one hand, this situation lets people see the rights of journalists incessant occurrences. Reporters, was to meet the public's right was to exercise the right of supervision, but many reporters were refused, and even battered。 Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out that guarantee people's direct supervision according to law the Government's right, supports the media exposure to the illegal or improper administrative action. How to better protect journalists ' right to information, the right to interview, the right of publication, the right to criticize and comment on the right to a need for more effective protection. ()

leading European and global markets remained ceiling zero

129668682385468750_54The Red week special securities Chief Economist Wen Guoqing summary mentioned last week, because the European bond market interest rates rose sharply and high, making the European pig five growing debt crisis, the only ease of the crisis the European Central Bank left hand pay. European debt crisis deepened and the collapse of the euro expected continued turbulence in global markets, national stock marketRoad down. Eurozone Government bond yields remained high this week diablo 3 power leveling, the market situation continued to deteriorate, investors expect effective measures as soon as possible of the European Union, but their huge differences on rescue and intense gaming, leading European and global markets remained ceiling zero, stocks continued to fall, end of a-share market built on several occasions failed to work. Last week France Government bond interest rates soaringTransmitted to the eurozone core countries of the European debt crisis, this week Germany Treasury cold for the first time, showed a significant rise in yields. Although Germany is extremely strong economic fundamentals, but the euro's volatile situation, investors ' attitude is slowly changing. EU Member States of the European Central Bank last week paid European debt plan Germany deny this week put forward by the EU common European Bond TesterAgain Germany, Prime Minister denounced as "inappropriate", it appears that Germany was going to play. Germany certainly does not want the disintegration of the euro, it's tough approach is really a game. As we all know, the euro's weakness is money-lower financial Division, making European debt problems from the plight of individual countries into the euro crisis, the fundamental solution is a unified fiscal policy. In the presentUnder the system of political, fiscal unity means cede some sovereignty, not weak countries will not agree to the last resort. Now developed to this point the European debt crisis, Germany believe that the time has come, it modifications proposed by the EU Treaty, is that in times of crisis to force smaller countries to comply: to survive, surrendering sovereignty. This is a dangerous game. In theory, Greece country suchWant to live, should be produced in part by, or else leave the eurozone, and as soon as you exit the eurozone, just as hard to survive. However, to reach a political agreement is a slow process, perhaps several years to resolve, but financial market reaction speed is 10 times, 20 times times, without an agreement, financial collapse for a long time. In addition, to a unified policy, also has a widely recognised as one ofGreat man, the character is not immediately get out of. From a variety of signs that Germany move was aimed at traditional German law the eurozone "double giant" leading into Germany axis to make France into a subordinate position. Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel has made it clear that Europe may be 10 years or even longer recession, this shows that Germany has seen the essence of the problem,Intend Europe to experience a reign. Perhaps out of this understanding, the market has started selling euro assets inexorably, whether France bonds still Germany bonds, whether the stock or other assets, in a word: flight from euro assets. European market mess, European funds will be pumped back to the local community in Asia, resulting in Hong Kong, India stocksCity fell, this investment is not so much. Funds in the market as a whole shrank in Hong Kong, China enterprises index fell a lot AH unit broken down, which leads to the a-share market price effects in financial stocks, large industrial stocks downward, the Shanghai composite index has been dragged. Index of guardian of 2,400 points several times this week has not been successful, it is very important given the decline in the Hong Kong market is too big drag�� Class a shares of banks that do not fall due to the so-called "value", but the premium and the Hong Kong market to expand the concept of temporary unconvincing. Under the market gloom, institutional money has chosen domestic demand, consumption sector, better stock, plates, but in the case of large background is pale, this firm is a bit like "if they were trapped beasts." United States stock markets hardImpact index of involvement from involvement in Hong Kong the Hang Seng China index is gold in the market value of online statements: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly diablo 3 gold, and at your own risk.

with the gradual increase greenhouse gas emissions reduction of pressure

129668688800312500_122Policy in which gold deposits in South Africa ahead of the United Nations climate change conference held in Durban, carbon emissions, this hot topic has been preheated in the market. In the investment community's view, the a-share market related stocks are expected to usher in a new round of upsurge of investment. Changing economic landscape for 12 days of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, the 17th Conference of the parties will take place on November 28 in South AfricaOpening of the eastern coastal city of Durban, the participants will continue to discuss issues such as global climate change and response measures, will affect the world carbon emission pattern. Band meeting will focus on after the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol first commitment period in 2012, on the second commitment period reducing greenhouse gas emissions of their arrangements, namely the Kyoto renewal. As the first carbonEmitters, the Chinese Government has all along been committed to the transformation of the economic development model, speeding up the adjustment of economic structure, shifting from energy-intensive high emission of the extensive development of low carbon green growth. Data show that this year, the State Council, released on November 11, the Green Paper on climate change pointed out in, Twelve-Five planning has explicitly put forward gradually establish carbon emission trading market, which is the first GovernmentIn official documents of the national domestic carbon market position. Immediately issued on November 22, the Chinese policy and action on climate change (2011), white paper, introduced 35 in addressing climate change in China during the identified targets and policy measures. Analyst Xie Zuping said in an interview with reporters, most recently in the market during the tuning,Energy saving and environmental protection, low carbon, IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle power generation system) plates performed relatively stable, now and then hardly appear a rising trend, shows affected by the policy of positive expectations, still active in these varieties, and associated information will become the capital of the Durban Conference to push it higher variety of reasons. The three major sections benefit for investors, Governments including ChinaGovernment attaches to the carbon reduction will inevitably lead to enterprise interest structure of great changes, form new business models and new economic growth points. Some analysts believe that, it gives carbon reduction three areas (the clean development mechanism and carbon capture and sequestration, forest carbon sequestration) brought historical opportunities of companies. "Durban Conference on impacts of the a-share market may not, however, 5 yearsNational Environmental Conference to be held at the end of this year, the Twelve-Five of energy saving and environmental protection industry development plan, is expected to publish, is likely to benefit some sections. "Analyst at a securities company in Shanghai Zhang told reporters. These analysts believe that new energy sources, energy saving and environmental protection and forestry concern three plates. In addition, Tokai securities analyst Xie Kai believes that at present the General Assembly to the new energyLittle impact. Because a lot of new energy industry overcapacity, resulting in too much pressure, and therefore affect the downstream market. However, in terms of national energy-saving emission reduction, public utilities, there may be some positive. "Some and carbon emissions directly related to the company or companies may already carry out these operations will directly benefit from. "Xie Kai said. Stocks took the opportunity to fly not only stocksThere are appropriate opportunities, carbon emissions is expected to bring development opportunities to the respective shares of the General Assembly. Brokerage report shows that a-shares in listed companies, with the clean development mechanism (CDM), Liu of shares of the project, three shares of Fu, giant, love, and so currently only Liu of shares of the project have access to United Nations verification. Liu Hua shares on November 12 notice disclosure, company CDM emission reductionAccess to United Nations verification confirmed that the company actually received $ 10.46 million in revenue to reduce emissions, about 66 million Yuan, is expected to make the company's earnings per share (EPS) increased by about $ 0.2. This will add new profit growth point for the company and improve profitability. Analysts said the day shares are the largest of the coal-bed methane development and utilization of Twelve-Five planningBenefits, and General Electric (GE) to develop coal bed methane power generation and total solutions, marks on low concentration coal-bed methane comprehensive utilization into new application areas, is of great significance to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the Kowloon electricity also benefited. In the field of forestry carbon sequestration, have a policy to bring about positive. Messages displayed on November 1 this year diablo 3 power leveling, ChinaGreen carbon sequestration Foundation and in cooperation with the forestry property right Exchange in East China National forestry carbon sequestration in Zhejiang Yiwu trading pilot has officially started. Gradually establishing domestic carbon trading pilot will offer historic opportunities for domestic forestry companies, these companies bring new profit growth point. Brokerage reports, group, wing on forestry, forestry, Jilin forest industry rose and many stocks are expected toTo increase market. "Comprehensive view, South Africa, Durban for energy-saving environmental protection, a unit of the General Assembly will have a positive stimulating effect diablo 3 power leveling, short or aggressive investor in which you can search for trading opportunities. But the long-term impact, limited impact on the performance of enterprise growth, and will also have the differentiation between the shares, therefore on the core competitiveness of enterprises are particularly important. "Xie ZupingSaid. Twelve-Five ice-breaking development of forestry carbon sinks transactions planning, establishment of carbon emission trading market committed to trial, the national forestry carbon sequestration trading starts, as well as further promoting forestry property reform, the recent promulgation of frequent forestry policy being out on the upside or will enter a new stage of China's forestry development, at the same time, with the gradual increase greenhouse gas emissions reduction of pressure, forest carbon sequestration is expected toFrom a symbolic concept gradually to the letter, of Yueyang forestry and paper, yongan forestry, a number of planting in forestry, wood processing, paper and other listed companies with large forest resources, is expected to usher in "upgrade" opportunities. Public information displays, and carbon sequestration refers to a general purge carbon dioxide from the air in the process, activities and mechanisms. It mainly refers to the forests absorb and store carbon dioxideLittle, that is, forest's ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide. Forest is the largest of terrestrial ecosystem carbon pool, in the reduction of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, in the mitigation of global warming, a very important and unique role. Although it is only one-third per cent of total land area, but carbon storage of forest vegetation areas accounted for almost half of the total terrestrial carbon pool.

provided that they do not fall below 2

129668631871718750_72Shanghai composite index continued drawing back the past two weeks. The next two weeks could be developed?   Let's start by looking at a chart next week (see Figure 1). On the weekly chart we see that the market for the past two weeks was out of the week on line di Napoli short "bread" signal diablo 3 power leveling, and has reached its target point F5=2394 point. Next step is to see if it isNot to walk out long "double penetration" similar directional signal. The next two weeks the market if they are really out of this di Napoli directional signal, it will basically realize building a reverse at the end of the 2357.1 line, or at least out of the sharp rise in a wave of market. If you failed to get out of the line below the lowest point of 2,307 points, the market may be deep drop to 2,217 points or 2028 point location.   Let us look at the daily chart below (see Figure 2). From the day on a line chart, line drawing back to the market over the past two weeks weeks short "bread" signal at the destination point F5=2394 point hovered for two days after it fell below, Friday has closed at this point lower at 2,380. The market was likely to dip next week, in di Napoli goalCollection area contour COP=2333 ~ date line COP=2328 points are supporting a strong rebound in the vicinity.   Let's take a look line map (see Figure 3). On the from line map of it, the market fell this week to the periphery F5=2394 rallied twice suppressed by the di Napoli-F3=2413 points of, shocks decreased.This week after the line level is below, in addition to the week on the line and the date line outside the 2330.1 di Napoli support points, the market next week in line map identified regional XOP=2358 di Napoli goal level collection points is likely to be support and subsequent recovery. Overall, the index of development in accordance with the way we predicted in the past two weeks. LargeStill on an upward trend on disk is in the periphery, next week, provided that they do not fall below 2,300 di Napoli MACD indicator values, it may rise again after the second dip, out of the week long line di Napoli "double penetration" directional signal. However, the market next week if the below 2,300 points diablo 3 power leveling, it might be the 2,200 per cent line depth adjustment.

strong creditHigh bad debt risk is low

129667864329209142_43Seamless knitting, also known as the "three-dimensional one-time shaped knitting technology", and its production process is to demand curve database of the human body and the physiological function of human body based on the digital model of, relying on computer-aided design tool style design diablo 3 gold, the use of intelligent industrial digital control technology, the yarn "stereo, a piece of" modeling structures directly from industrial knitting machines become clothing products, Was a modern dress production of digital intelligent technology. Zhejiang great Jay digital knitwear company limited (hereinafter referred to as "great Jay shares" or company) has focused on the deep development of the seamless knitting technology and applications, progressive has an independent research and development design and fast and efficient large-scale production capacities. Benefit from seamless knitted apparel in the world in the field of fast-growing productAlternative consumer demand for traditional welded and seamless international industrial transfer patterns as a result of direct procurement needs, the company has become a global seamless important vendors and application developers in the area, in ODM/OEM mode to provide global customers with seamless development design and manufacturing services. Technical advantages highlight the company has beenFocus on deep development of the seamless knitting technology and application, the company has the independent technical team, not only in the context of its technical development has been involved in new product design and development of downstream brand operator, also by extending industrial chain extends upstream of fiber production and development process, and with the global core suppliers for seamless knitting devices Italy and Santoni company in greater ChinaGeneral Agent in Hong Kong maintain close cooperation in terms of seamless weaving technology. Company's research and Development Center is seamlessly Yiwu municipal enterprise of industrial clusters in the early Research Center. From 2007 to 2010, the company as the main drafting units involved in the textile and clothing industry there is little industry standards related to pressure comfort of the forming Shushen seamless underwear manoeuvreSet.����2009-2010, the company as the principal drafter, participated in Yiwu area Alliance for seamlessly weaving industry's first enterprise technical standards for the development of the eco-seamless. Fast delivery supply capacity advantage is international buyers for the seamless garment manufacturing enterprises one of the most basic requirements. Delivery date requires a seamless production enterprises with a certain amount of productionSize, comprehensive equipment and skilled design and proofing technology. The company has 300 Santoni for seamless knitting devices (syringe over 12 inches to 18 inches in diameter), second only to Smith Barney textile production scale in China, was ranked fourth in the world, among them, the company also has 6 Santoni top-end SM4-TR2 (Countries currently totals only 10 units, langsha new plans to use non-public offering of shares to raise funds to buy 20 sets), its 18-inch needle diameter is Yiwu seamless seamless knitting needle diameter maximum equipment in industrial clusters, this type of equipment is mainly used for producing high-end products such as professional sports wear and mesh fabric. Our research and design department, with a strong productDesign, proofing capability.����During the reporting period, monthly mean value of the company design proofing capability is about 400-500. Company based on production capacity and a full range of equipment on a large scale model, using international advanced CAD-aided design systems, while research and development and Design Department development proofing technology for many years of accumulated experience, according to the particular requirements of the order, delivery time can be shortened to 20 daysTo meet a part of Europe and the United States customers for new product design in the month, next month, time to market requirements. Stable sales channels over the years, the company has worked with C&A (well-known clothing retail chain in Europe), ALDI (large supermarket chains in Europe), MAG (United States of large garment buyers) diablo 3 power leveling, ZEEMAN (Netherlands specialty clothing retail chain), NKD (specialty clothing retail chain in Europe), Kik (specialty clothing retail chain in Europe), Winds (Hong Kong's major sports brands apparel buyers), and other large clothing retailer or purchaser abroad established good business relationship, and PUMA, C&A, M&S, and many internationally renowned clothing brand services provide seamless garment design and production seriesProduct. High quality middle and high-end customers, on the one hand has a stable sales channels, rely on its brand awareness, product gross profit margin is high, and relatively low sensitivity to supplier price increases will help in the case of changes in the economic situation of the company, transfer costs, impact of RMB appreciation or the export tax rebate rates cut factor; on the other hand, the class customer risk-resistant ability, strong creditHigh bad debt risk is low, reduced the company's operating risk. For many years, the company's customers consistent design concept, quality requirements, deadlines, and so have some understanding of, while the two sides bargain inquiry, design, proofing, production, quality control, delivery, product and other links are formed good communication, collaboration, these customers dependency on companies in their businessGrowing stronger.����With the increase of competition power of company, as well as the promotion of market awareness, the company developing new customers at the same time, also focused on adjusting the customer structure, increase the proportion of high-end clients, phasing out some of the weaker clients, making the structure of Corporation's customer is constantly optimized and more stability. Escort raise investment projects according to the prospectus show, the companyThe proposed public offering of 1? smoked 6.7 million shares to all to raise funds to produce 2? smoked 0 top-grade seamless technical renovation and expansion project. This time to raise funds after the implementation of investment projects will be conducive to raising the level of company's technological innovations and technological equipment to further optimize the structure of the company's products, raise the proportion of high-end seamless products, and helps to improve productQuality, expand capacity, resolve the bottleneck of restricting the development of the company, consolidate the competitive advantage of companies in the industry, for the protection of international marketing strategy. Based on the rapid growth of global consumer demand for seamless product, seize the favourable pattern of global seamless transfer of industrial manufacturing base, China's industrial upgrade needs and current traditional textile and clothing industry in ChinaSeamless garment industry development's present situation, the next 2-3 years, the company will continue to focus on design, development and production of seamless, adhere to the international expansion of roads, on refinement management mode, improve and extend the industrial chain, in the layout of the market structure on domestic market, and relying on the Cointegration effect of industrial clusters, to more high-end customers with seamless openingDesign and manufacturing services. (Helen)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

he is able to do step by step

129668659902812500_5An interview with Golden Horse best actress deanie: I it has been quite calm Video: interviews with Golden Horse award best actress deanie. An interview with Golden Horse best actress deanie. NetEase entertainment on November 27 (video/Song Xiaoka/3pinky) the sister of peach in the 48th on a Golden Horse award taken away even three individual awards are many had seen the film, also supported Ann Hui people most pleasant, unexpected events of the movie, but deanieCorner of old servants won best actress in the movie it seems to be at the beginning of the nomination is certainly true. Of course, does not mean that Shu Qi, Qin Hailu acting skills than Italy, but two months ago published Venice best actress have proven veteran mountains momentum shift. Deanie stage under appear in all her glory, pharyngeal sensational drama, such as tears and stem are lacking, but in the best actor when the lottery, she suddenly does not lightAnd keep at a press conference room in front of the TV, such as Andy Lau's name was called out, screaming in front of reporters. In an interview with reporters, she admits that Andy "eye" starring himself in General of the peach sister, second, commensurate with the mother and son, but you're welcome to dry his honour son; can be higher than on the takes award by Andy Lau looking forward to his honour, "so slow in action,He can to do step by step, his plan is so, it is not easy! "NetEase entertainment: How do you go from nominations to award you calm down? Deannie Yip: does not calm down, please? I don't think so. I feel that the finalists have very well, can award is a matter of judgement, so I have been very light. And I've been pretty calm in this guy--if I didn't lose his temper, HAA-HA! NetEase entertainment: just saw Andy Lau also took prizes, your response feel happy than on your own. Deannie Yip: I hope he will win the prize, but our opponent was too strong, so winning is empowered. NetEase entertainment: why would prefer he took the award? Deannie Yip: did you know that, because most of the film is now very fast foods, like science fiction, policeBandit, little such art films, especially in Hong Kong, this role from the beginning he is indifferent, in the end he found this man a lot of comeback of his life, he should give back, so slow play, he is able to do step by step, it is not easy! I feel like cops-and-gangsters, you can do a lot of emotion, fear and very sad, quickly done, but this (role) holding should not beEasy way out. And you know, we tend not to shoot, were dancing, you see his plan is so accurate, it is not easy! NetEase entertainment: he privately called you a woman whose position is roughly equivalent to a foster mother and godmother without religious or legal complications, the film is also his investment, that the location of the partnership holds the actress you, do you have anything special to him? Deannie Yip: I would first like to speak to us, even if he is an investor, who he was not able toWhere holding, which is to stand in my way, nobody can do this, I do not believe these. Only the right people and can fit, and I hope you do also this is not to say a person of the media diablo 3 power leveling, like God as he spoke, nor should it. (He had seen the play but first find your speech. ) Maybe he's keen eye, HA HA HA! NetEaseEntertainment: in Venice last time winner back in Hong Kong, has received what kind of feedback? Deannie Yip: Curiously, even if people recognize me, is that (not secret), "you know, deanie! "They went away. But strangers now see I would go with me nodding attitude is completely different, I think they are happy for me, a lot of people do not call meDeanie, call me "Miss peaches"! More friendly. NetEase entertainment: in the Golden Horse Awards has encountered new directors and actors of interest on it? Deannie Yip: actually, I don't see the film, I realized just now that I have seen is very red and very ill actor, but I see no "wow", but felt we are all actors. NetEase entertainment:Yesterday nominated actress Chen Yan of the Greek Cypriot side with you also say you is her idol, younger generations will also have your fans are a bit surprised? Deannie Yip: a bit rude to say, I haven't seen the film (Note: refers to the year, we catch up with the girl), so do not know who she is, she turned out to be a red child, that I congratulate her. NetEase entertainment: winning and intoWAI's movie, do you want to see? Deannie Yip: what I most want to see is five hours (saideke��Balai), because I like to watch as Ben-Hur, a few hours in length, with lower and upper sets. In my opinion, now some short movies to concentrate the length of, is no way to tell stories, and history-related content will require five orSeven hours in length. (Do you read? ) I really like this diablo 3 gold, just let me sit in the last row, you can sit on stand up and move.

because Germany poor bond sales

129668642071250000_36Global economy are competition who is the ugliest, resulting in huge countries exchange rate turbulence. When there is no direction in the market diablo 3 gold, is the best time of RMB exchange rate to increase two-way volatility. Appreciation of the Renminbi must not be under pressure, it is in China for manufacturing bring ruin upon oneself, China also cannot let the Renminbi exchange rate still intact. Therefore, expanding the fluctuation interval to be the best approach. From the exchange rate of the euro and the dollar priceSee, currently on the market has not knows what currencies may not be unilaterally rising or falling trend. On November 23, 1.3341 fell to EUR/USD closed a six-week low, because Germany poor bond sales, Germany staged sell from buy farce planned EUR 6 billion 10-year bond auction, eventually sold only 3.644 billion euros, GermanyNearly 40% of the Central Bank was forced to buy the remaining bonds – investors panicked State of mind to expand further against the euro. Euro not homeopathy fall, Beijing time on November 24 at 7 o'clock, euro-dollar gradually reverted to 1.3381. K-line stretched to months, has gone through three rounds of the euro can be seen very obvious downs: from the crash of 2008 to the end of the year, 2009 plunge of the year from November to May 2010, April 2011 fall so far. Starting early last year, European debt crisis intensified in the second half of this year. The strange thing is, the euro fell and not out of unilateral, but after a wheel fell, followed by a massive increase, and shock, while the highest downlink of a distance of 1.6, but the reboundStill can reach the height of 1.5. This shows that investors in the global economy, widespread panic. Investor attention to the European debt crisis, the euro, investors eye occasionally glance at United States debt disputes, deficit of us $ party struggles give investors dare not go chasing rising dollar. In volatile markets, investors in addition to keep euro or European debt short, was let goThe yen and Swiss francs, this is really a coward generals – not the worst, only more rotten. However, unwilling to be fish of Japan and Switzerland's Central Bank, announced suddenly intervened in currency, betting encounter gunnin ' Phoenix Suns explosive cartridge. Expanded two-way volatility of Renminbi exchange rate the best reason is that the market formation stability of the renminbi is not expected. This year, the Yuan-dollar reference rateLargest increase over 4.6%; since the third quarter, exchange-rate flexibility is significantly increased. Calculated according to the Bank for international settlements, the third quarter of 2011, nominal effective exchange rate appreciation of the Yuan 1.58%, 4.24% real effective exchange rate appreciation. After the national day holiday this year has been more than 6 weeks time, week cumulative of the Yuan central parity against the dollar were mixed basis points-213, 134, respectively, 125-152 and-231, and unilateral move up 6 July this year compared to the situation, prospect of RMB's appreciation has been signs of weakening. Market for Yuan love/hate, see Europe, the United States, such as China and India forced appreciation, betting on Yuan; fear that the real economy weakens and short peoplePeople coin. There is no doubt that, at $ 3.2 trillion in foreign reserves in the hands of China, also increases the pressure of RMB appreciation in the world. But this is political pressure rather than market pressures. Since the second quarter, offshore stock lower, and often lower than the domestic market, indicating the foreign investor is not optimistic about the Renminbi. Outflow of funds gradually within the market in October, financialAgency added Exchange account for the first decline in nearly 4 years, in the case of foreign direct investment and foreign trade surplus remains, notes significant increase in the speed and scale of capital outflow in China, short of RMB and China's economic strength is growing. The other hand, due to the weakening of the domestic economic situation, October purchasing managers ' index fell to below 50 shows contractionStrongly in the period. Under the current situation, as long as China doesn't launch massive stimulus, RMB exchange rate cannot be increased substantially, the maximum may be related to the euro, relative to from dollar fluctuations. Forced in front of the problem is that due to the European debt crisis in Europe in the world to withdraw funds, funds of about $ 1.6 trillion in Asia may withdraw, increasing Asian financial sector deleveragingThe risk of. At this point, in Asia, including China financial pressure will only increase, not diminish. Therefore, relax bi-directional wave, will never cause a drastic appreciation of the single. Neighbouring India rupees has been pushed to a record low, exchange rate pressures following short-term downside was its future possibilities. Good initiative to expand when volatility in the market of RMB exchange rate, is confident the independentFlag. On November 19, Premier Wen Jiabao said China is paying close attention to recent changes in the RMB exchange rate diablo 3 power leveling, it would allow two-way volatility of exchange rate flexibility. Now US dollar spot rate difference between the selling price and the purchase price shall not exceed the trading price of 1% and interbank foreign exchange market trading of the dollar against the Yuan in Bank US dollar transactions in the middle price up and down 0.5% Within the range of a floating, expanding 1 time or even twice times, appreciation of the Renminbi will not unilaterally and then crash. Premise is that the Government does not stimulate economic pursuit of GDP, not to broaden the foreign exchange reserves, not to act as a Savior of the global economy.

Luocheng County of Guangxi small Sien

129668682449843750_191On November 25, Luocheng County of Guangxi small Sien, Chang an town to keep the good village people handling just cut sugar cane. On that day diablo 3 gold, two thousand eleven-two thousand twelveths years of Guangxi sugar cane press quarter cut transportation work officially started. It is learned that two thousand eleven-two thousand twelveths press quarter, sugar cane planted area in Guangxi 15.6 million acres, compared with the corresponding increase of 400,000 acres projected into the plant about 57 million tons of raw material cane and sugar yield7 million tons. Guangxi sugar production has been living in the nation, is China's largest production base of sugar. "Sweet industry" has become a critical advantage industry in Guangxi and the leading industry. The Xinhua News Agency on November 25 diablo 3 power leveling, in Luocheng County of Guangxi cattle and sugar factory workers sugarcane truck had just arrived. Xinhua (Wu Yaorong's photography) Gold-line statement: GoldLines reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

a total of 8

129667515269843750_6Five-year performance evaluation in China's land Inspector system recently issued, evaluation report found that land Inspector maximum effectiveness is to gradually standardize land use and management of local government diablo 3 gold, but local finances and the over-reliance of urban construction land transfer receipts, become a land Inspector system and the effects of institutional obstacles. Evaluation report shows that in five years,Home Inspector of land agencies contributed to the implementation of the system of strict protection of cultivated land, promoting national implementation of land policies throughout. Only 2008-2011 the first half year, they found that illegal 64,366 of land breaches involving 240,300 hectares land, area of 14,100 hectares of idle land were resumed. 2007-2011 first half of the yearHome Inspector through Inspector of land, a total of 8,471 people were affected by the party's administrative disciplinary measures, 1589 people were prosecuted for criminal liability. Assessment report finds that land Inspector urgent need to strengthen the construction of legal system in China, inspectors of the national land agency without clear definition of the powers, responsibilities, especially for investigations, inspections diablo 3 power leveling, and other powers have no clear legal provisions at the same time, place of residencyHome Inspector of land between the scope and extent of the work carried out is also not consistent, needs to be by legal norms. In addition, requires further strengthening and deepening the construction of land Inspector system. (Mr CHEUNG)

closed at $ 39.37

129667889679677892_196Index of 2,307 points just now started to attack on the 200, at 2,540 resistance was encountered near.  On November 16, a long Yin line concluded a share rally of half a month, the index fell back down again and this week wearing a 2,400-point mark. No nest eggs. Has just recovered in early rebound strength of brokers collections financingProducts plummeted again encounter. According to Yi Tianfu fund investment analysis and decision system, ending on Friday at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, after November 18 announced a 230 broker-only collection of the latest net worth wealth management products, only 39 weeks net growth, 4 only flat; fell as many as 187, ratio of 81%. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths)Unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! If issued a collection of brokers the most frustrated Finance Awards this week, I'm afraid not Mo CITIC Securities is a subsidiary of CITIC Securities proprietary disc carrying 5 collections appearing smarter financial products only ten current stockholders ' shares, the tragedy is, on November 19 shenma shares (600,810, closed at $ 9.67) restructuring failed, CITIC stepped on a landmine, market value of shares held by hundreds of millions of ashes. Dongfanghong bunker consumption into Wang Yi Tianfu fund investment analysis and decision system of Defense, according to Oriental securities may be the collapse of the current round, collection financial products the best in the brokerage, one of the its dongfanghong series8 net positive growth in one week. As of November 24, TFH, 4th, 5th, pioneer, 6th week net worth increased by more than 1%, ranking above 230, only the first three collections than the brokers ' financial products. However, the increase of dongfanghong 5th up to the net increase of only 1.33%, the recent brokerage financing the bleak days of the collection can be seen。 Dongfanghong 5th belonging to non-qualified products, each session is open.  Third quarterly results, although always heavier stock positions, but the consumer sector in key investment outstanding performance in the recent market correction, it may be important reason is to help the good performance of the product. As of September 30, dongfanghong 5th market value of equity investments was 803 millionYuan, in proportion of total assets ratio of 85.97%.  Top ten holdings including the 5 million units and its Queen shares (600,887, closed at $ 22.96), 1.92 million shares shares (600,694, closed at $ 39.37), the base can be classified as major consumer areas. Dongfanghong positions more than the 5th, 6th, and end of the third quarter stockAssets ratio up to 89.81%, configured on the same concept to consumption, with an emphasis on holding a liquor, pharmaceutical, electronics, home appliances four plates. As of September 30, dongfanghong 6th including 12.95 million shares in the portfolio of Hisense electric (600,060, closed at $ 11.99), 820,000 shares of Guizhou moutai (600,519, closed at 209.98 dollars). Investment Manager, East 5th and 6th are different, but they have expressed in the three quarterly reports on the consumer sector's favorite. Chen Guangming dongfanghong 5th investment managers that "three-quarter domestic demand for consumer industry this was, reflecting the strong institutional investor certainty, sustainability industry a configuration option. Looking forward to the four quarters, althoughRisk focused release of Commission was gradually over the period, but shock adjustment is still the main tone of the market. In this context, dongfanghong 5th will be focused on domestic demand in the industry, from bottom to choose to invest in leading edge companies in the industry. "Dongfanghong 6th investment manager Gu Lingyun, said:" given the current market valuations to fall as a whole is limited, strategically we areOptimistic, adjust the appropriate tactics, contraction of active defense in the main consumption areas. "In fact, in the regulation of the market in the near future, consumer stocks showed strong defensive. November 16, the index decreased by 5.91%, moutai rose 2.94% in the same period, dongfanghong 5th Queen shares hit a record high, first holdings (formerlyComplex).  Other net within a week to maintain positive growth brokers financial products and many of them are belongs to the collection of money or bond type, but most of the smaller increase, 23 per cent or even less than 0.1%. CITIC packs shenma shares dongfanghong product of Euphorbia ebracteolata customers than CITIC Securities Brokers financial products customer I'm afraid people are now calledSmarter restructuring failed, for shares of the company told investors share price plunge, "spirit horses are the clouds" that sentence possible meanings in the stock market. In May this year, God has thrown horse shares attractive restructuring programme: nylon and plastic engineering company intended to be injected with smarter shares existing assets each other from top to bottom tours in 2010, nylon and plastics engineering company net profits were 2. $ 200 million, $ 88.16 million. Smarter shares net income of only $ 45.22 million last year, the restructuring plan has aroused great interest in the market.  Smarter shares on May 24 after resumption of pulling out the 3 consecutive daily limit. End of the first quarter, CSI does not appear in the horse God shares in the list of shareholders. But by half-time, CSI self-disc and three collections of financial productsNew has entered the top ten current stockholders '; and in the third quarter continue to a large gallon. As of September 30, CSI has been getting a smarter ten current stockholders ' shares most exalted position, 5 wealth management products and proprietary holdings reached 43.48 million shares.  May 24, after the resumption of estimating the average price of $ 15/unit, CITIC funds of about $ 650 million. Capital market isA big Casino, CITIC so heavily bet on a company's reorganization was a huge gamble.  It was regrettable that, this time of CITIC gamble was wrong for the time being. In fact, the smarter flush on the shares at the end of July to $ 18.56 entered into decline after channel. On November 19, the company announces private placement issues the issue of asset defect and the re-organization of the company's management performance declineAnd is no longer within the next 3 months planning a major reorganization of assets. This message allows the already tumbling share prices suffered again in case of avalanches.  Yesterday (November 25), smarter shares closed at $ 9.67, if you have not yet sold, CITIC now floating losses or as high as $ 232 million. Smarter shares slump, coupled with the sharp fluctuations in the market, CITIC sets reasonable propertyNet worth plunged. Yi Tianfu fund investment analysis and decision system data show that as of November 23 (Wednesday) diablo 3 power leveling, the net debt-win a week CITIC share decreases of up to 5.19%, ranked collection products decreases in top of all the brokerages (debt smarter shares a win-win situation held 5.6252 million shares CITIC share); shenma shares held 12.2815 million shares of CITIC finance 2Drop a week, at 1.69%.  QDII setbacks overseas investment analysis and decision system under Yi Tianfu Fund statistics, in 230 brokerages with comparable data collection in financial products, net worth more than a week 2% of more than 100, less than 43%. One of those 3 QDII Everbright global flexible configuration, huataiGolden Dragon in greater China, guotai Junan securities, you Fu Hong Kong is very interesting: overseas situation changing in the near future, external market even more terrifying than a shares, these 3 QDII gripping, net to some degree fallen. On November 23, guotai Junan securities, June rich Hong Kong announced the latest net: 0.695 Yuan, compared with a week ago by 3.87% decline columnBrokerages third collection financial products.  From its three quarterly, on the situation in the overseas judge too optimistic, perhaps you Fu Hong Kong suffered significant cause of Waterloo. As of September 30, June rich Hong Kong equities than the total assets of 63.92%, the market value is $ 83.0365 million. It is unfortunate, European debt crisis more serious than investment managers think the Hang Seng indexAfter November 16 continued to tumble, June rich Hong Kong suffered huge losses.  In their top ten holdings, first holdings China's all-pass (00633,HK) interval decreases of up to 9.49%, sinopharm (01099 diablo 3 gold,HK), China resources land (01109,HK) fell and 11.29%. Everbright global flexible configuration andHuatai Golden Dragon equally affected by downward impact on peripheral markets of greater China.  On November 21, China Everbright closed at $ 0.889 NET global flexible configuration, 1.98% lower than a week ago; huatai Golden Dragon greater net worth as of November 24 for $ 0.785, weeks or 0.63%. It is worth mentioning that, at present none of the three brokerages QDII dividends, This also means that since the establishment of QDII 3 securities firms so far have failed to achieve wealth for investors in overseas markets.

according to the transfer of prosecutions of criminal cases continued to increase. Two serious harm

129667864507490392_497Staff writer, Beijing, November 24-reporter Wang Yiyin today learned from the Supreme People's Court, the first ten months of this year, the national court concluded a total of cases of food production and sales did not meet health standards and the manufacture and sale of toxic and harmful food 173 cases, entry into force of decision number: 255, both over the whole of 2010 records. In addition, there are a lot of harm food safetyAll criminal cases in accordance with the crime of manufacturing or selling fake products, dangerous crimes against public safety and illegal business accountability for criminal liability. Sun Jungong said at a news conference, spokesman of the Supreme Court, currently presenting the four characteristics of the crime of endangering food security. First, significantly increased the number of cases. Criminal interest-driven on the one hand, against crime, crimeActivity is still rampant, while around the increasing activities of the crime of endangering food security administrative action and judicial crackdown, according to the transfer of prosecutions of criminal cases continued to increase. Two serious harm, and bad influence. "Waste oil" and "stained bread" and "formaldehyde fake wine", "problem milk powder" seriously endanger people's health, and some have yet to makeFood poisoning, personal injury, potential hazards should not be overlooked. Third, investigate and deal with increasing difficulty. This type of crime can hardly be found in the production phase, circulation chain length and involves region wide diablo 3 gold, in the jurisdiction of the Court, detection, identification, and so on are often faced with evidence, and many other difficulties. Four counts of is in breach of, and may involve crimes of producing and selling toxic food, production, salesMany offences such as crimes of fake and inferior products. ����According to the evidence and the relevant provisions of the Penal Code, courts would normally choose a punishment heavier even the crime of manufacturing or selling fake products is endangering public safety by dangerous means crimes, convicted and punished. "Crimes of endangering food security could still be maintained for a period of growth in the future. "The military said Suen, courts at all levels within the framework of existingFoot with good legal heavier combat recidivism of crimes of endangering food security diablo 3 power leveling, principals of recidivism, common crime, causing serious harm to human health, selling massive amounts of criminals, as well as at the source of production and sales of criminals; severely punished by accepting bribes or cover up condone the illegal and criminal activities of corrupt elements, as well as in the food safety supervision in dereliction of duty, abuse of, Practicing favoritism of dereliction of duty officers.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


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mass-pairing. Big Lotto chart analysis recommended number

129615118534531250_239111 diablo 3 power leveling,112th Lotto lottery results: 06 after 17 28 32 33 08 before 12 Super Lotto 11,113th forecast grade: precise hit on front after 20 25 05 09 "prediction before": Mixer: 03 06 PhoenixTail: 29 33 parity forecasting: departure on odd and even than the ratio of 2:3 in this issue continue to pay attention even to cover trends diablo 3 power leveling, recommended parity than 1:4 anti-cent. Size prediction: size than the period prescribed ratio on 3:2, this issue concerns ratio appears normal. The recommended size than 2:3 anti-cent. And valuesLog: last issue and operated a total of 116 points, up 36 points, good and value for the current period continue to walk on, concerns and values between 110-125 and points. Even forecast: on stage, even out of the 1 group, optimistic about continued to depart, even for the current period. Forecast: no letters on departure, concerned for the current period, 1-2. 【Back zone forecast ": the region after the last departure significantly, even, combo, 4 across, small district recommended interest after this period, even and odd, mass-pairing. Big Lotto chart analysis recommended number: front: 03 06 08 14 16 21 23 25 28 29After the 3: 03 05 07 featured single-note: 10 16 23 25 28 07 08 16 21 23 05 07 10 14 21 07 11 10 14 21 2803 11 10 14 28 03 07 06 08 14 16 07 11 08 10 28 33 03 03 21 28 29 33 03 03 1025 29 05 03 06 08 25 33 11 more experts predict stay tuned color Web (www.cx160.com.CN)


Adobe Beats The Street; Revenue Up 20 Percent To $1.03 Billion | TechCrunch. Adobe is reporting another record quarter today. The company announced the results for the first quarter of fiscal 2011, reporting record revenue of $1.03 billion, which an increase of 20 percent from the same quarter in 2010. Adobe just beat analyst estimates of $0.57 per share; posting non-GAAP diluted earnings per share at $0.58.Adobe’s non-GAAP operating income was $400.1 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2011, compared to $289.3 million in the first quarter of fiscal 2010 and $384.0 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010. Non-GAAP net income was $298.1 million for the first quarter of fiscal 2011, compared to $211.7 million from same quarter in the previous year and $285.7 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010.Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen said in a statement: Our record results in Q1 represent our sixth consecutive quarter of sequential revenue growth…Adobe’s vision for transforming how the world is creating, measuring and delivering digital experiences is resonating with our customers, and our solutions are enabling us to target large addressable markets that are fueling our growth.In terms of financial targets, Adobe remained cautious due to the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Says CFO Mark Garrett: Our hearts go out to everyone in Japan. Although Adobe has a very diversified business, Japan is our second largest country from a revenue perspective and March is typically our biggest revenue month of the year there due to fiscal year-end spending. Given the uncertain business environment in Japan, we are being prudent and have reduced our revenue expectation for our second quarter by $50 million — or roughly one-third of our original Q2 revenue expectation for Japan.Adobe is targeting revenue of $970 million to $1 billion for the second quarter of 2011. Crunchbase ADOBE SYSTEMS Company: Adobe Systems Website: adobe.com IPO: Nasdaq:ADBE Adobe Systems Incorporated is a diversified software company. The Company offers a line of business and mobile software and services used by professionals, designers, knowledge workers, high-end consumers, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) partners diablo 3 power leveling, developers and enterprises for creating, managing, delivering and engaging with compelling content and experiences across multiple operating systems diablo 3 power leveling, devices and media. Adobe distributes its products through a network of distributors and dealers, value-added resellers (VARs), systems integrators, independent software vendors (ISVs) and OEMs, direct to end... Learn more. Adobe Beats The Street; Revenue Up 20 Percent To $1.03 Billion | TechCrunch.


129615053800781250_2218 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3-gold/">diablo 3 gold</a>No. 2011112 Lottery shuangse Qiu, numbered ball sequence for: 03 16 18 23 24; current first prize out of the 4 Note 10 million Yuan, respectively interlock provinces won by 4: Jiangsu 1 note note, 1 note in Guangdong, Hainan, Henan 1 1 note, second prize burst out 194 note $ 172 diablo 3 gold,000; current sales of 335,373,070 Yuan, after taking Awards introduced prize money pool rose to $ 211,883,612. Lottery winning around the fax and return

Amazing Horse by Weebls makes a return to machinima

diablo 3 gold WoW Moviewatch: WoW Celestial Steed - Public Service Announcement. Bloodvein is taking a swing at satire and WoW social commentary with WoW Celestial Steed - Public Service Announcement. This video can feel a little frantic as it moves between three different scenes. At first, you have a gnome dutifully begging his mom for the money to buy the star pony. The second scene includes an odd blood elf wearing a gnome mask makes some claims and statements about the steed. Then, lastly diablo 3 power leveling, Amazing Horse by Weebls makes a return to machinima, courtesy of Bloodvein.This video is obviously meant to be commentary on the ongoing discussion about whether owning as Celestial Steed qualifies its rider as being a "newb." I'm not sure if Bloodvein is trying to respond to specific other videos, although there have been a few released like Nub Tales episode 1. It's awesome to see machinimators taking part in community dialogue in a way that informs the player base, expressing opinions and feelings about things happening in the game. Hopefully, we'll see more of this kind of thing in the future.Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an e-mail at machinima AT wow DOT com.Email This. WoW Moviewatch: WoW Celestial Steed - Public Service Announcement.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

骐达2011款 1.6T CVT

129613089529375000_1397A级不仅性价比高,而且就动力、空间、配置而言,也都能够一般家庭的需求。10-15万元热门的价格区域集中了大量A级车,如何选择一款最适合自己的车型呢? 车型四: 价格:10.53~15.68万元 推荐: 2011款 1.6 CVT智能型 (12.53万元)或 2011款 1.6 CVT豪华型(13.73万元) 新全新设计的尾灯具有很强的科技感,而五边形的后挡风玻璃、立体式的尾灯让它与有几分相似。简洁的线条让新内饰看上去更加的柔和、温馨。上深下浅的配色也十分温馨,两大两小的样式采用自发光设计,仪表中间还配备了行车电脑,仪表中的显示屏可以显示平均油耗、瞬时油耗和行驶等丰富信息。 | | | | | 从动力HR16DE的编号上看,与上代车型的发动机结构基本相同,但DIS燃油双喷射系统的引入使得动力水平达到93kW(老款为80kW),154N.m/4000rpm(老款为153N.m/4400rpm)这样的数值 diablo 3 power leveling,比上一代有明显进步,对于主打家用的新骐达来说,这种动力水准满足日常使用是完全没问题的。 骐达2011款 1.6T CVT(XV-safety) 自动挡最大变化是将4速自动变速箱改为了CVT无级变速箱,并且采用了副变速器技术。通过副变速器技术,可以让起步的传动比更大,面对更重的车身也可以轻松起步,CVT变速箱的钢带也不会出现打滑的现象。当然,新骐达还引入了一款1.6T涡轮增压动力,拥有140kw的最大功率和240N.m的峰值扭矩,动力非常充沛,只不过从底盘和操控来看,并非是最佳选择,因为新骐达并不是一款适应运动的紧凑车定位。 骐达2011款 1.6T CVT(XV-safety) 空间也将是新骐达变化的重点,与老款一比较,可以发现新骐达更长更宽,而轴距方面,新骐达有100mm的增长,达到了2700mm。这日产旗下轩逸在轴距上完全一致,增大的空间不仅提升更好的舒适性和宽敞表现,而且在前后轮距带来的横向稳定性以及轴距带来的纵向安定方面的提升不小。以1.8米的男性来体验,坐在前排时,即使车顶有天窗,头部空间仍可以达到一拳多的距离 diablo 3 gold;当坐到后排时,头部空间可以达到三指左右,腿部空间已经超达到了两拳的距离。 骐达2011款 1.6T CVT(XV-safety) 作为家用车,我们并不鼓励购买1.6T家用车,而宁愿把钱花在提高配置和舒适性方面,比如1.6 CVT智能型,不但拥有无钥匙启动和、电动天窗、皮质座椅、自动双区空调等等,而且侧气囊的装备也进一步提升了安全性能。与舒适版相比,虽然1.6 CVT智能型高出1万元,但还是很划算的。毕竟舒适性和档次大大提升。 骐达2011款 1.6T CVT(XV-safety) 骐达2011款 1.6T CVT(XV-safety) 当然1.6 CVT更比1.6 CVT智能型贵出了1.2万元,但多出了前后排头部气囊、真皮都功能方向盘、定速巡航、氙气大灯带清洗功能、后排空调出风口等等,至于值不值这些钱,就需要大家斟酌了。但有一条,比1.6T同价位差不多的手动挡车型实惠多了。 10.53-15.68万


129613089324062500_697核心提示:近日,广东龙川法院新大楼被曝闲置7年已沦为养鸡场。记者调查发现,龙川法院因与大楼施工方发生纠纷致上百名农民工280余万元工钱被拖欠。施工方称法院少算工程款400余万元,而法院则称责任在于施工方不配合,但双方都不愿通过司法途径解决争端。 新审判大楼前摆了不少养鸡笼。 《南方日报》供图 广东龙川法院的新审判办公大楼的大院已闲置七年,如今已沦为养鸡之所。近日,记者调查发现,这一切源于龙川法院与施工方的工程款结算纠纷。共有100多名农民工受到牵连,被欠工钱280余万元。 闲置新大楼养鸡 结算存在争议均不想打官司苦了农民工 在龙川本地,法院新审判大楼闲置7年用来养鸡的事情早已不是新闻。 新审判大楼位于汽车站对面,属于县城最繁华地段。大楼尘埃遍地,显然多日无人打扫。仍坚守楼内的工人介绍:“这栋楼什么都搞好了,包括电梯、网络、监控摄像系统,只要搬进办公桌就可办公。” 而龙川法院正在使用的老办公楼则是另外一番景象。紧邻马路,没有停车场,也没有一间像样的房间,房间不够用,十来平方米一间要容纳数人办公。一位法官介绍:“我们也盼望早点搬进新大楼。” 一个诸方都认可的事实是:由于龙川法院与施工方产生了一场工程款结算纠纷,导致新大楼闲置。 结算存在争议 施工方认为,龙川法院少算工程款400万余元;龙川法院反映,主要责任在于施工方极为不配合。 争议双方向记者反映:龙川县人民法院新审判办公大楼于2001年1月经立项批准建设,2002年3月经招投标后,由龙川县第二建筑工程总公司中标,龙川县二二0施工队负责施工,工程承建项目经理吴汉龙。4月9日,法院、施工方签下合同,开始动工兴建,并于2004年底基本建好。2008年12月26日,工程竣工验收合格后,向建设行政管理部门备案。2008年12月,龙川法院组织有关部门对工程进行验收,迄今已支付工程款1106万元。 吴汉龙认为:项目在2004年底就已完工,但龙川法院故意拖延验收,且少算工程款。龙川法院则反映:2005年5月至2007年11月间,由于受多方面因素的影响,建设处于停工状态,2007年12月恢复施工(附属工程)。因施工单位没有及时提供工程结算资料,拖至2009年9月才将工程造价送往合同约定的县造价管理站按现状进行结算。2010年9月,结算出建设工程总造价为1600多万元。2010年10月27日,经龙川县财政评审中心评审后确定总造价为16255428元。 结算前后,吴汉龙一直认为,根据合同、图纸和签证,评审结论明显少、错、漏算工程款总共400万余元,“我们不可能造假”。对此,吴提出“十几个少、错、漏算工程项目”的清单,但没有得到法院、县造价站的认可 diablo 3 power leveling。龙川法院则认为,就工程造价问题,双方应以合同约定的造价部门结算的结果为准,如果施工方认为有必要,可再请有资质的建筑工程造价部门结算工程造价。双方僵持不下,大楼一直闲置。 均不想打官司 吴汉龙多次上访,事情几度出现转机。 2009年,广东省委信访局督察组到龙川视察,要求县委、县政府和法院有关领导要解决好此事。 2010年8月,广东省高院郑鄂院长到龙川法院视察,也要求县委、县政府全力协调解决此事。 吴汉龙反映:“从去年开始,龙川法院的领导经常约我去谈,但就是不解决事情。所以,我继续向省里反映情况,省领导很重视,有的还作出批示。但龙川法院的领导说,找上面什么人都没有用,最终解决问题还是要靠他们。” 龙川法院则认为:“对于工程款结算 diablo 3 power leveling,我们已经作了很大让步,其实即使是现在认定的造价,我们都认为偏高。但吴汉龙仍然极不配合,我们几次邮寄结算文件给他,他都拒收或说根本没有此人。我们邀请他前来法院或政府协商,他要么说出差去了,要么来了硬说工程造价低,后来甚至一度手机关机。” 今年7月5日,县法院、县建设局、县造价站、县监理公司的领导和吴汉龙最后去了一次现场,核对工程价格。吴汉龙说:“我们列出少、错、漏算工程清单给法院,但法院并未将此转交给造价站。县造价站仍然维持前述结果。” 目前看来,解决难题、杜绝国家资源浪费最好是遵循司法途径。但双方均表示:虽然希望早日解决难题,但碍于当下的司法现状,并不想走这条路。吴汉龙认为:“如果打官司,就要通过法院,但法院怎么可能判自己人有错呢?”而龙川法院副院长刁伟东说:“我们是法院,即使赢了,别人也会说我们作假,这会影响到龙川法院的形象。” 苦了农民工 满怀期盼的还有农民工。农民工代表反映:目前,工程拖欠100多名农民工工钱共280余万元。不少农民工说:“按理,工程款纠纷不应影响到农民工工钱支付,但法院和包工头是‘神仙打架,苦了下界’,最终害惨了我们。”在新大楼院内养鸡的工人说:“领不到工钱,我们不得不养鸡养狗,贴补家用。” 据《南方日报》


129613089411093750_974外国八卦小报爆料詹妮弗-洛佩兹(J.Lo)和马克-安东尼离婚是因为出现了第三者,这个第三者不是别人,正是大明星威尔-史密斯的老婆———贾达-萍克-史密斯。 《In Touch》封面报道“贾达偷了J.Lo老公” 。粉丝网9月24日报道 圈确实是盛产奇文与奇闻的地方。还记得两个月前,詹妮弗-洛佩兹(J.Lo)和马克-安东尼离婚的新闻么?有关两人离婚的原因,引来种种猜测,至今也没有平息。最近,一外国八卦小报居然爆料,离婚是因为出现了第三者,这个第三者不是别人,正是大明星威尔-史密斯的老婆———贾达-萍克-史密斯。而眼下威尔-史密斯还将和詹妮弗-洛佩兹合作一部电影!这到底得有多狗血啊?且让8姐细细道来。据八卦小报《InTouch》描述:“好莱坞正在上演一出疯狂的三角恋……威尔-史密斯和贾达-萍克-史密斯正面临他们婚姻的大问题。”小报称,因为合作TNT剧集《霍索恩》,贾达和J.Lo的前夫马克-安东尼产生了暧昧关系,“8月初,威尔决定回夫妇俩在Hid-den Hills的家,想给贾达一个惊喜。他还特意吩咐司机,‘不要告诉贾达我要回来’……然而当威尔回到家,他哭着跑了出来,他显然在颤抖,他告诉知情人,‘马克在屋里,和贾达一起’。”这这这,这不是连现在的肥皂剧都不屑于使用的狗血剧情么?小报还有更天花乱坠的形容:“威尔早就偷偷怀疑贾达和马克有私情,他们在戏中有极为热辣的床戏,热辣得足以融化机的镜头。”不过 diablo 3 gold,据《Us》周刊爆料,又有另一个版本——贾达并不是小三,却是一个好心帮倒忙的主儿。原来,当听说马克和J.Lo婚姻出现裂痕时,贾达就试图从中调停,然而“詹妮弗并不喜欢那样,贾达有点越界了,威尔也批评她多管闲事。”终于,“马克离詹妮弗越疏远,他就与贾达越亲密。”不管事实的真相如何,史密斯夫妇显然是意识到流言蜚语的严重性 diablo 3 power leveling。在消息传出后24小时,两人就被拍到在Malibu的一家豪华餐厅共享早餐,两人不时携手、亲吻,或深情凝视对方的眼睛。这被美国媒体解读为应对公关危机的刻意之举。而马克安东尼也在第一时间澄清:“这太可笑了,我们四个是多年的朋友。”更狗血的是,眼下威尔-史密斯还将和詹妮弗-洛佩兹合作一部电影——翻拍自1987年的浪漫喜剧《小迷糊表错情(Overboard)》,知情人还透露,这次合作,两人等了近十年。8姐不厚道地说一句,可别再出什么新的谈资啊……


129613089415781250_1001日前,刘惜君带着签约新东家立音国际后推出的第二张个人专辑《拂晓》回到广州 diablo 3 power leveling,与粉丝亲密接触。签售现场被围得水泄不通,而一位74岁老伯伯和一位72岁老奶奶在粉丝队伍中显得特别扎眼,而年轻歌迷们也十分体贴地让两位老人家站到队伍的最前面,最先拿到签名。 ()。大洋网-广州日报9月24日报道 (记者苏蕾)日前,刘惜君带着签约新东家立音国际后推出的第二张个人专辑《拂晓》回到广州,与粉丝亲密接触。签售现场被围得水泄不通,而一位74岁老伯伯和一位72岁老奶奶在粉丝队伍中显得特别扎眼,而年轻歌迷们也十分体贴地让两位老人家站到队伍的最前面 diablo 3 gold,最先拿到签名。

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subdivided into each step

129615127153437500_2441The yangcheng evening news reported, just out of high school entrance examination, not yet back to God from the long summer vacation, gaoyixinsheng immediately faced the bulk of the new term of study, many students can't stand: "courses to learn so much, study harder than junior high school, where do I start? "Not just freshmen in high school, high school, wealth"Celebrated player "will also face this issue. According to the survey, many high school students not planning habits, still be jobs, exams take away; even if you develop the plan, are often faced with planned "premature death" situations. How to set a good plan and harvest results? High School of South China normal grade level teacher for high school bandsFeatures, make "236" hundred days bonus ideas, enhance the effectiveness of your studies. "236": the "two characters", fundamental, and large-capacity; "three steps" development of learning plans, select curriculum resources, adjust the learning progress; "six points" Preview Exchange, clear plans, premium coursesGoal assessment, adjust, timely feedback and exercise. High one: plan in weeks high school have several features: contents, difficulty and learning fast, integrated strong strong, systematic, high capacity requirements, understand requirements, autonomous learning requirements. "Freshman courses, activitiesStudents easily lost, plan in weeks. "Excellent teacher in high school of South China normal historical Huang Yongyou said. New students in developing the plan, the taller are often unable to distinguish the importance and urgency of the matter, beard eyebrows take everything into one ' s own hands. Huang pointed out diablo 3 power leveling, students in should focus on discipline plan balance, Priority key disciplines such as Italic languages-English both interested subjects that "pole" two chosen; use of late, weak discipline and weak in review section with good weekend, completed usually fails to complete plan. Second year: Division of Arts and Sciences complement weakness of many high school students caught in Division of Arts and Sciences, call holD not learning focus. Want to be learning on the "hold", "sister-hold live" high school of South China normal advanced Gui Peng gives tips for teachers of mathematics is: first of all should know about ourselves, long and short boards know their own learning, in the process of learning developed under their own learning plans and learningPlanning, reinforcing long decisive weakness. Planned some time after should reflect, examine our schedule regularly, fine tune if necessary. In the formulation of plans, you can seek help from teachers or people with experience, solicit their views. Tops: taboo three review review of disorder, first roundFront long review of basic stage, approximately half. Student round of review process are complex, huge knowledge system are like a mountain spans the front how across mountains, study? In response, the senior high school of South China normal language teacher Zhang Cheng said: "the student will understand the college entrance examination (Micro-blogging) review notes features, combined with plans this year out of college entrance examination in accordance with law, this is the basic requirements for entrance examination to win. "Chang stressed that the first round of review are exam site clearance stage, key objectives of this stage is to allow you to create a more complete and comprehensive test preparation review framework to promote themselves through knowledge andSkills to solve actual problems to enhance capacity that high review note to reviewing most taboo is an unordered. High School of South China normal geography teacher of Feng Dan also pointed out that plans must target-centric, subdivided into each step, and then a small step to complete a small step diablo 3 gold, week plan semester plan, monthly plan andCo-ordination arrangements, maintaining a certain level of flexibility.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Canada Bank starting in 2007Avoid emergency assistance during the financial crisis of the year

129626160211562500_1745The world's most desirable business country ranking: China's 82nd-Canada's largest Each time you close United States presidential election, numerous Americans threatened--if their favorite presidential candidates failed to win, then they will move to Canada. Of course, very few people will eventually adhere to the northward. But perhaps now is the time for this to reconsider. Canada in our "countries and regions of the world's most desirable business" ranked first in the annual list. InUnited States is a second recession ghost scared rupture of bile as well as the European sovereign debt crisis is mired in desperate struggle came as Canada's economy has good landscape. As far as Canada Royal Bank (Royal Bank of Canada) data show that Canada gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to us $ 1.6 trillion, the world's Nineth-largest economy, toAnnual GDP growth 3.1%, expected 2011 growth. Canada avoided the troubled United States and Europe's banking crisis. Such as Canada, Royal Bank, Canada Nova Scotia Bank (Bank of Nova Scotia) and BMO (Bank of Montreal), Canada Bank starting in 2007Avoid emergency assistance during the financial crisis of the year, and is profitable. Benefit from lending practices tended to be conservative, Canada's largest banks from the financial crisis is among the world's most robust banks financial strength of the column. We determine global best business countries have considered when ranking of 11 indicators, Canada is where 10 indicators areRanking the top 20 only one country. Canada in the investor protection and the absence of bureaucratic (this indicator to measure the degree of difficulty of venture) are the top five. Thanks to tax ranking has improved, Canada's overall ranking rise from fourth to top this year. Canada in terms of the overall tax burden in Nineth, by comparison, in 2010Ranked 23rd on this indicator. We owe this to the 2010 introduced in Ontario and British Columbia in a uniform sales tax reform of the tax structure. Reforms aimed at improving Canada enterprise competitiveness. Due to the enterprise and the employee's income tax rate is lowered, Canada's tax situation has also improved. Canada relies heavily on United States economy, Canada isUncle Sam's biggest oil supplier, three-fourths exports in the country eventually entered the United States. However diablo 3 power leveling, despite the United States more than the current unemployment rate highest in the 9%, but Canada's unemployment rate of only 7.3%. By contrast, Canada over the past 25 years the average unemployment rate was 8.5%. Eurozone unemployment rate currently is 10%. Our 128 countries and regions 11Different factors for considerations this country and regions to determine global best business list. We consider factors such as property rights, innovation, taxation, science and technology, of corruption, high degrees of (personal, terms of trade and currency), bureaucratic, investor protection, and stock market performance. For the preparation of this list, the Forbes reference comes from the Central Intelligence Agency (CentralIntelligence Agency), the United States human rights organization Freedom House (Freedom House), a conservative think tank United States Heritage Foundation (Heritage Foundation), property rights Alliance (Property Rights Alliance), the global non-profitThe anti-corruption organization Transparency International (Transparency International), the World Bank (World Bank) and the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum) research and published reports. Denmark top spot dropped to fifth from 2010 this year, the reason for this is from the United StatesHeritage Foundation, measured by the relative freedom of its currency slipped. And Denmark stock market also dropped 14%, for the top 10 countries in the countries with the worst stock market performance. Last year the top 20 ranking this year of the four other European countries also fell, Finland slipped to 13th and the Netherlands slipped to 15th, Germany slipped to 21st and Iceland slipped to 23rd. United States line10th, than the Nineth 2010 down one bit. This GDP up to 14.7 trillion dollars of the world's largest economy continues to be one of the most innovative countries in the world, its per capita ranks sixth in the patent in all countries (ranked seventh overall Sweden ranks first in the innovation indicators). United States ranked down is the heavy tax burden. This year's United States SuperJapan to become developed countries with the highest corporate tax rate. United States ranked down another reason is the United States Heritage Foundation measure monetary freedom indicators of poor performance. The foundations to assess price stability in the country and price controls, and the United States this year ranked 50th in the 134 countries and regions. Count down the top three of the bottom is economies of scale (that is,GDP) were less than 10 billion dollars in the three countries. 132th ranked 133th Burundi, Zimbabwe, and Chad ranked 134th in terms of trade and monetary freedom and innovation and technology are poor. In these three countries, Chad has the highest GDP per capita diablo 3 power leveling, US $ 1,600, but corruption and bureaucratic aspects in allRanked last in the country.