Tuesday, November 29, 2011

strong creditHigh bad debt risk is low

129667864329209142_43Seamless knitting, also known as the "three-dimensional one-time shaped knitting technology", and its production process is to demand curve database of the human body and the physiological function of human body based on the digital model of, relying on computer-aided design tool style design diablo 3 gold, the use of intelligent industrial digital control technology, the yarn "stereo, a piece of" modeling structures directly from industrial knitting machines become clothing products, Was a modern dress production of digital intelligent technology. Zhejiang great Jay digital knitwear company limited (hereinafter referred to as "great Jay shares" or company) has focused on the deep development of the seamless knitting technology and applications, progressive has an independent research and development design and fast and efficient large-scale production capacities. Benefit from seamless knitted apparel in the world in the field of fast-growing productAlternative consumer demand for traditional welded and seamless international industrial transfer patterns as a result of direct procurement needs, the company has become a global seamless important vendors and application developers in the area, in ODM/OEM mode to provide global customers with seamless development design and manufacturing services. Technical advantages highlight the company has beenFocus on deep development of the seamless knitting technology and application, the company has the independent technical team, not only in the context of its technical development has been involved in new product design and development of downstream brand operator, also by extending industrial chain extends upstream of fiber production and development process, and with the global core suppliers for seamless knitting devices Italy and Santoni company in greater ChinaGeneral Agent in Hong Kong maintain close cooperation in terms of seamless weaving technology. Company's research and Development Center is seamlessly Yiwu municipal enterprise of industrial clusters in the early Research Center. From 2007 to 2010, the company as the main drafting units involved in the textile and clothing industry there is little industry standards related to pressure comfort of the forming Shushen seamless underwear manoeuvreSet.����2009-2010, the company as the principal drafter, participated in Yiwu area Alliance for seamlessly weaving industry's first enterprise technical standards for the development of the eco-seamless. Fast delivery supply capacity advantage is international buyers for the seamless garment manufacturing enterprises one of the most basic requirements. Delivery date requires a seamless production enterprises with a certain amount of productionSize, comprehensive equipment and skilled design and proofing technology. The company has 300 Santoni for seamless knitting devices (syringe over 12 inches to 18 inches in diameter), second only to Smith Barney textile production scale in China, was ranked fourth in the world, among them, the company also has 6 Santoni top-end SM4-TR2 (Countries currently totals only 10 units, langsha new plans to use non-public offering of shares to raise funds to buy 20 sets), its 18-inch needle diameter is Yiwu seamless seamless knitting needle diameter maximum equipment in industrial clusters, this type of equipment is mainly used for producing high-end products such as professional sports wear and mesh fabric. Our research and design department, with a strong productDesign, proofing capability.����During the reporting period, monthly mean value of the company design proofing capability is about 400-500. Company based on production capacity and a full range of equipment on a large scale model, using international advanced CAD-aided design systems, while research and development and Design Department development proofing technology for many years of accumulated experience, according to the particular requirements of the order, delivery time can be shortened to 20 daysTo meet a part of Europe and the United States customers for new product design in the month, next month, time to market requirements. Stable sales channels over the years, the company has worked with C&A (well-known clothing retail chain in Europe), ALDI (large supermarket chains in Europe), MAG (United States of large garment buyers) diablo 3 power leveling, ZEEMAN (Netherlands specialty clothing retail chain), NKD (specialty clothing retail chain in Europe), Kik (specialty clothing retail chain in Europe), Winds (Hong Kong's major sports brands apparel buyers), and other large clothing retailer or purchaser abroad established good business relationship, and PUMA, C&A, M&S, and many internationally renowned clothing brand services provide seamless garment design and production seriesProduct. High quality middle and high-end customers, on the one hand has a stable sales channels, rely on its brand awareness, product gross profit margin is high, and relatively low sensitivity to supplier price increases will help in the case of changes in the economic situation of the company, transfer costs, impact of RMB appreciation or the export tax rebate rates cut factor; on the other hand, the class customer risk-resistant ability, strong creditHigh bad debt risk is low, reduced the company's operating risk. For many years, the company's customers consistent design concept, quality requirements, deadlines, and so have some understanding of, while the two sides bargain inquiry, design, proofing, production, quality control, delivery, product and other links are formed good communication, collaboration, these customers dependency on companies in their businessGrowing stronger.����With the increase of competition power of company, as well as the promotion of market awareness, the company developing new customers at the same time, also focused on adjusting the customer structure, increase the proportion of high-end clients, phasing out some of the weaker clients, making the structure of Corporation's customer is constantly optimized and more stability. Escort raise investment projects according to the prospectus show, the companyThe proposed public offering of 1? smoked 6.7 million shares to all to raise funds to produce 2? smoked 0 top-grade seamless technical renovation and expansion project. This time to raise funds after the implementation of investment projects will be conducive to raising the level of company's technological innovations and technological equipment to further optimize the structure of the company's products, raise the proportion of high-end seamless products, and helps to improve productQuality, expand capacity, resolve the bottleneck of restricting the development of the company, consolidate the competitive advantage of companies in the industry, for the protection of international marketing strategy. Based on the rapid growth of global consumer demand for seamless product, seize the favourable pattern of global seamless transfer of industrial manufacturing base, China's industrial upgrade needs and current traditional textile and clothing industry in ChinaSeamless garment industry development's present situation, the next 2-3 years, the company will continue to focus on design, development and production of seamless, adhere to the international expansion of roads, on refinement management mode, improve and extend the industrial chain, in the layout of the market structure on domestic market, and relying on the Cointegration effect of industrial clusters, to more high-end customers with seamless openingDesign and manufacturing services. (Helen)

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