Sunday, November 27, 2011

he is able to do step by step

129668659902812500_5An interview with Golden Horse best actress deanie: I it has been quite calm Video: interviews with Golden Horse award best actress deanie. An interview with Golden Horse best actress deanie. NetEase entertainment on November 27 (video/Song Xiaoka/3pinky) the sister of peach in the 48th on a Golden Horse award taken away even three individual awards are many had seen the film, also supported Ann Hui people most pleasant, unexpected events of the movie, but deanieCorner of old servants won best actress in the movie it seems to be at the beginning of the nomination is certainly true. Of course, does not mean that Shu Qi, Qin Hailu acting skills than Italy, but two months ago published Venice best actress have proven veteran mountains momentum shift. Deanie stage under appear in all her glory, pharyngeal sensational drama, such as tears and stem are lacking, but in the best actor when the lottery, she suddenly does not lightAnd keep at a press conference room in front of the TV, such as Andy Lau's name was called out, screaming in front of reporters. In an interview with reporters, she admits that Andy "eye" starring himself in General of the peach sister, second, commensurate with the mother and son, but you're welcome to dry his honour son; can be higher than on the takes award by Andy Lau looking forward to his honour, "so slow in action,He can to do step by step, his plan is so, it is not easy! "NetEase entertainment: How do you go from nominations to award you calm down? Deannie Yip: does not calm down, please? I don't think so. I feel that the finalists have very well, can award is a matter of judgement, so I have been very light. And I've been pretty calm in this guy--if I didn't lose his temper, HAA-HA! NetEase entertainment: just saw Andy Lau also took prizes, your response feel happy than on your own. Deannie Yip: I hope he will win the prize, but our opponent was too strong, so winning is empowered. NetEase entertainment: why would prefer he took the award? Deannie Yip: did you know that, because most of the film is now very fast foods, like science fiction, policeBandit, little such art films, especially in Hong Kong, this role from the beginning he is indifferent, in the end he found this man a lot of comeback of his life, he should give back, so slow play, he is able to do step by step, it is not easy! I feel like cops-and-gangsters, you can do a lot of emotion, fear and very sad, quickly done, but this (role) holding should not beEasy way out. And you know, we tend not to shoot, were dancing, you see his plan is so accurate, it is not easy! NetEase entertainment: he privately called you a woman whose position is roughly equivalent to a foster mother and godmother without religious or legal complications, the film is also his investment, that the location of the partnership holds the actress you, do you have anything special to him? Deannie Yip: I would first like to speak to us, even if he is an investor, who he was not able toWhere holding, which is to stand in my way, nobody can do this, I do not believe these. Only the right people and can fit, and I hope you do also this is not to say a person of the media diablo 3 power leveling, like God as he spoke, nor should it. (He had seen the play but first find your speech. ) Maybe he's keen eye, HA HA HA! NetEaseEntertainment: in Venice last time winner back in Hong Kong, has received what kind of feedback? Deannie Yip: Curiously, even if people recognize me, is that (not secret), "you know, deanie! "They went away. But strangers now see I would go with me nodding attitude is completely different, I think they are happy for me, a lot of people do not call meDeanie, call me "Miss peaches"! More friendly. NetEase entertainment: in the Golden Horse Awards has encountered new directors and actors of interest on it? Deannie Yip: actually, I don't see the film, I realized just now that I have seen is very red and very ill actor, but I see no "wow", but felt we are all actors. NetEase entertainment:Yesterday nominated actress Chen Yan of the Greek Cypriot side with you also say you is her idol, younger generations will also have your fans are a bit surprised? Deannie Yip: a bit rude to say, I haven't seen the film (Note: refers to the year, we catch up with the girl), so do not know who she is, she turned out to be a red child, that I congratulate her. NetEase entertainment: winning and intoWAI's movie, do you want to see? Deannie Yip: what I most want to see is five hours (saideke��Balai), because I like to watch as Ben-Hur, a few hours in length, with lower and upper sets. In my opinion, now some short movies to concentrate the length of, is no way to tell stories, and history-related content will require five orSeven hours in length. (Do you read? ) I really like this diablo 3 gold, just let me sit in the last row, you can sit on stand up and move.

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