Tuesday, November 29, 2011

with the gradual increase greenhouse gas emissions reduction of pressure

129668688800312500_122Policy in which gold deposits in South Africa ahead of the United Nations climate change conference held in Durban, carbon emissions, this hot topic has been preheated in the market. In the investment community's view, the a-share market related stocks are expected to usher in a new round of upsurge of investment. Changing economic landscape for 12 days of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, the 17th Conference of the parties will take place on November 28 in South AfricaOpening of the eastern coastal city of Durban, the participants will continue to discuss issues such as global climate change and response measures, will affect the world carbon emission pattern. Band meeting will focus on after the expiration of the Kyoto Protocol first commitment period in 2012, on the second commitment period reducing greenhouse gas emissions of their arrangements, namely the Kyoto renewal. As the first carbonEmitters, the Chinese Government has all along been committed to the transformation of the economic development model, speeding up the adjustment of economic structure, shifting from energy-intensive high emission of the extensive development of low carbon green growth. Data show that this year, the State Council, released on November 11, the Green Paper on climate change pointed out in, Twelve-Five planning has explicitly put forward gradually establish carbon emission trading market, which is the first GovernmentIn official documents of the national domestic carbon market position. Immediately issued on November 22, the Chinese policy and action on climate change (2011), white paper, introduced 35 in addressing climate change in China during the identified targets and policy measures. Analyst Xie Zuping said in an interview with reporters, most recently in the market during the tuning,Energy saving and environmental protection, low carbon, IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle power generation system) plates performed relatively stable, now and then hardly appear a rising trend, shows affected by the policy of positive expectations, still active in these varieties, and associated information will become the capital of the Durban Conference to push it higher variety of reasons. The three major sections benefit for investors, Governments including ChinaGovernment attaches to the carbon reduction will inevitably lead to enterprise interest structure of great changes, form new business models and new economic growth points. Some analysts believe that, it gives carbon reduction three areas (the clean development mechanism and carbon capture and sequestration, forest carbon sequestration) brought historical opportunities of companies. "Durban Conference on impacts of the a-share market may not, however, 5 yearsNational Environmental Conference to be held at the end of this year, the Twelve-Five of energy saving and environmental protection industry development plan, is expected to publish, is likely to benefit some sections. "Analyst at a securities company in Shanghai Zhang told reporters. These analysts believe that new energy sources, energy saving and environmental protection and forestry concern three plates. In addition, Tokai securities analyst Xie Kai believes that at present the General Assembly to the new energyLittle impact. Because a lot of new energy industry overcapacity, resulting in too much pressure, and therefore affect the downstream market. However, in terms of national energy-saving emission reduction, public utilities, there may be some positive. "Some and carbon emissions directly related to the company or companies may already carry out these operations will directly benefit from. "Xie Kai said. Stocks took the opportunity to fly not only stocksThere are appropriate opportunities, carbon emissions is expected to bring development opportunities to the respective shares of the General Assembly. Brokerage report shows that a-shares in listed companies, with the clean development mechanism (CDM), Liu of shares of the project, three shares of Fu, giant, love, and so currently only Liu of shares of the project have access to United Nations verification. Liu Hua shares on November 12 notice disclosure, company CDM emission reductionAccess to United Nations verification confirmed that the company actually received $ 10.46 million in revenue to reduce emissions, about 66 million Yuan, is expected to make the company's earnings per share (EPS) increased by about $ 0.2. This will add new profit growth point for the company and improve profitability. Analysts said the day shares are the largest of the coal-bed methane development and utilization of Twelve-Five planningBenefits, and General Electric (GE) to develop coal bed methane power generation and total solutions, marks on low concentration coal-bed methane comprehensive utilization into new application areas, is of great significance to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the Kowloon electricity also benefited. In the field of forestry carbon sequestration, have a policy to bring about positive. Messages displayed on November 1 this year diablo 3 power leveling, ChinaGreen carbon sequestration Foundation and in cooperation with the forestry property right Exchange in East China National forestry carbon sequestration in Zhejiang Yiwu trading pilot has officially started. Gradually establishing domestic carbon trading pilot will offer historic opportunities for domestic forestry companies, these companies bring new profit growth point. Brokerage reports, group, wing on forestry, forestry, Jilin forest industry rose and many stocks are expected toTo increase market. "Comprehensive view, South Africa, Durban for energy-saving environmental protection, a unit of the General Assembly will have a positive stimulating effect diablo 3 power leveling, short or aggressive investor in which you can search for trading opportunities. But the long-term impact, limited impact on the performance of enterprise growth, and will also have the differentiation between the shares, therefore on the core competitiveness of enterprises are particularly important. "Xie ZupingSaid. Twelve-Five ice-breaking development of forestry carbon sinks transactions planning, establishment of carbon emission trading market committed to trial, the national forestry carbon sequestration trading starts, as well as further promoting forestry property reform, the recent promulgation of frequent forestry policy being out on the upside or will enter a new stage of China's forestry development, at the same time, with the gradual increase greenhouse gas emissions reduction of pressure, forest carbon sequestration is expected toFrom a symbolic concept gradually to the letter, of Yueyang forestry and paper, yongan forestry, a number of planting in forestry, wood processing, paper and other listed companies with large forest resources, is expected to usher in "upgrade" opportunities. Public information displays, and carbon sequestration refers to a general purge carbon dioxide from the air in the process, activities and mechanisms. It mainly refers to the forests absorb and store carbon dioxideLittle, that is, forest's ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide. Forest is the largest of terrestrial ecosystem carbon pool, in the reduction of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, in the mitigation of global warming, a very important and unique role. Although it is only one-third per cent of total land area, but carbon storage of forest vegetation areas accounted for almost half of the total terrestrial carbon pool.

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