Tuesday, November 29, 2011

leading European and global markets remained ceiling zero

129668682385468750_54The Red week special securities Chief Economist Wen Guoqing summary mentioned last week, because the European bond market interest rates rose sharply and high, making the European pig five growing debt crisis, the only ease of the crisis the European Central Bank left hand pay. European debt crisis deepened and the collapse of the euro expected continued turbulence in global markets, national stock marketRoad down. Eurozone Government bond yields remained high this week diablo 3 power leveling, the market situation continued to deteriorate, investors expect effective measures as soon as possible of the European Union, but their huge differences on rescue and intense gaming, leading European and global markets remained ceiling zero, stocks continued to fall, end of a-share market built on several occasions failed to work. Last week France Government bond interest rates soaringTransmitted to the eurozone core countries of the European debt crisis, this week Germany Treasury cold for the first time, showed a significant rise in yields. Although Germany is extremely strong economic fundamentals, but the euro's volatile situation, investors ' attitude is slowly changing. EU Member States of the European Central Bank last week paid European debt plan Germany deny this week put forward by the EU common European Bond TesterAgain Germany, Prime Minister denounced as "inappropriate", it appears that Germany was going to play. Germany certainly does not want the disintegration of the euro, it's tough approach is really a game. As we all know, the euro's weakness is money-lower financial Division, making European debt problems from the plight of individual countries into the euro crisis, the fundamental solution is a unified fiscal policy. In the presentUnder the system of political, fiscal unity means cede some sovereignty, not weak countries will not agree to the last resort. Now developed to this point the European debt crisis, Germany believe that the time has come, it modifications proposed by the EU Treaty, is that in times of crisis to force smaller countries to comply: to survive, surrendering sovereignty. This is a dangerous game. In theory, Greece country suchWant to live, should be produced in part by, or else leave the eurozone, and as soon as you exit the eurozone, just as hard to survive. However, to reach a political agreement is a slow process, perhaps several years to resolve, but financial market reaction speed is 10 times, 20 times times, without an agreement, financial collapse for a long time. In addition, to a unified policy, also has a widely recognised as one ofGreat man, the character is not immediately get out of. From a variety of signs that Germany move was aimed at traditional German law the eurozone "double giant" leading into Germany axis to make France into a subordinate position. Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel has made it clear that Europe may be 10 years or even longer recession, this shows that Germany has seen the essence of the problem,Intend Europe to experience a reign. Perhaps out of this understanding, the market has started selling euro assets inexorably, whether France bonds still Germany bonds, whether the stock or other assets, in a word: flight from euro assets. European market mess, European funds will be pumped back to the local community in Asia, resulting in Hong Kong, India stocksCity fell, this investment is not so much. Funds in the market as a whole shrank in Hong Kong, China enterprises index fell a lot AH unit broken down, which leads to the a-share market price effects in financial stocks, large industrial stocks downward, the Shanghai composite index has been dragged. Index of guardian of 2,400 points several times this week has not been successful, it is very important given the decline in the Hong Kong market is too big drag�� Class a shares of banks that do not fall due to the so-called "value", but the premium and the Hong Kong market to expand the concept of temporary unconvincing. Under the market gloom, institutional money has chosen domestic demand, consumption sector, better stock, plates, but in the case of large background is pale, this firm is a bit like "if they were trapped beasts." United States stock markets hardImpact index of involvement from involvement in Hong Kong the Hang Seng China index is gold in the market value of online statements: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly diablo 3 gold, and at your own risk.

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