Monday, November 21, 2011

the possible implementation of "aggression"

129626077293750000_820Korea officials said North Korea without assistance or implementing 3rd nuclear test Information: North Korea missile units. Japan Tokyo Broadcasting Corporation reported on October 8 diablo 3 gold, in convening an International Conference on security on the Korean peninsula, Korea Government official said that North Korea may be implemented in the future, including the third nuclear test "aggression". Reports said Korea Presidency for a Secretary of North Korea policy held in Seoul in 7th InternationalMeeting, said that if the DPRK-ROK dialogue or US-DPRK dialogue broke up, then North Korea may test-fire long-range ballistic missiles and will be implemented in the future, a third nuclear test "aggression". Reports, in particular, if in the next year, Korea and the United States presidential elections before the end of North Korea in the case of judgments cannot be obtained from the above financial assistance, the possible implementation of "aggression"。 But also because of North Korean leaders believe that this will have an effect on its domestic politics, therefore making "provocative acts" may occur. Therefore diablo 3 gold, to seek to curb this trend, this Korea Government officials that it is necessary to consult on this issue when the US-South Korean summit talks.

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