Monday, November 21, 2011

Canada Bank starting in 2007Avoid emergency assistance during the financial crisis of the year

129626160211562500_1745The world's most desirable business country ranking: China's 82nd-Canada's largest Each time you close United States presidential election, numerous Americans threatened--if their favorite presidential candidates failed to win, then they will move to Canada. Of course, very few people will eventually adhere to the northward. But perhaps now is the time for this to reconsider. Canada in our "countries and regions of the world's most desirable business" ranked first in the annual list. InUnited States is a second recession ghost scared rupture of bile as well as the European sovereign debt crisis is mired in desperate struggle came as Canada's economy has good landscape. As far as Canada Royal Bank (Royal Bank of Canada) data show that Canada gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to us $ 1.6 trillion, the world's Nineth-largest economy, toAnnual GDP growth 3.1%, expected 2011 growth. Canada avoided the troubled United States and Europe's banking crisis. Such as Canada, Royal Bank, Canada Nova Scotia Bank (Bank of Nova Scotia) and BMO (Bank of Montreal), Canada Bank starting in 2007Avoid emergency assistance during the financial crisis of the year, and is profitable. Benefit from lending practices tended to be conservative, Canada's largest banks from the financial crisis is among the world's most robust banks financial strength of the column. We determine global best business countries have considered when ranking of 11 indicators, Canada is where 10 indicators areRanking the top 20 only one country. Canada in the investor protection and the absence of bureaucratic (this indicator to measure the degree of difficulty of venture) are the top five. Thanks to tax ranking has improved, Canada's overall ranking rise from fourth to top this year. Canada in terms of the overall tax burden in Nineth, by comparison, in 2010Ranked 23rd on this indicator. We owe this to the 2010 introduced in Ontario and British Columbia in a uniform sales tax reform of the tax structure. Reforms aimed at improving Canada enterprise competitiveness. Due to the enterprise and the employee's income tax rate is lowered, Canada's tax situation has also improved. Canada relies heavily on United States economy, Canada isUncle Sam's biggest oil supplier, three-fourths exports in the country eventually entered the United States. However diablo 3 power leveling, despite the United States more than the current unemployment rate highest in the 9%, but Canada's unemployment rate of only 7.3%. By contrast, Canada over the past 25 years the average unemployment rate was 8.5%. Eurozone unemployment rate currently is 10%. Our 128 countries and regions 11Different factors for considerations this country and regions to determine global best business list. We consider factors such as property rights, innovation, taxation, science and technology, of corruption, high degrees of (personal, terms of trade and currency), bureaucratic, investor protection, and stock market performance. For the preparation of this list, the Forbes reference comes from the Central Intelligence Agency (CentralIntelligence Agency), the United States human rights organization Freedom House (Freedom House), a conservative think tank United States Heritage Foundation (Heritage Foundation), property rights Alliance (Property Rights Alliance), the global non-profitThe anti-corruption organization Transparency International (Transparency International), the World Bank (World Bank) and the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum) research and published reports. Denmark top spot dropped to fifth from 2010 this year, the reason for this is from the United StatesHeritage Foundation, measured by the relative freedom of its currency slipped. And Denmark stock market also dropped 14%, for the top 10 countries in the countries with the worst stock market performance. Last year the top 20 ranking this year of the four other European countries also fell, Finland slipped to 13th and the Netherlands slipped to 15th, Germany slipped to 21st and Iceland slipped to 23rd. United States line10th, than the Nineth 2010 down one bit. This GDP up to 14.7 trillion dollars of the world's largest economy continues to be one of the most innovative countries in the world, its per capita ranks sixth in the patent in all countries (ranked seventh overall Sweden ranks first in the innovation indicators). United States ranked down is the heavy tax burden. This year's United States SuperJapan to become developed countries with the highest corporate tax rate. United States ranked down another reason is the United States Heritage Foundation measure monetary freedom indicators of poor performance. The foundations to assess price stability in the country and price controls, and the United States this year ranked 50th in the 134 countries and regions. Count down the top three of the bottom is economies of scale (that is,GDP) were less than 10 billion dollars in the three countries. 132th ranked 133th Burundi, Zimbabwe, and Chad ranked 134th in terms of trade and monetary freedom and innovation and technology are poor. In these three countries, Chad has the highest GDP per capita diablo 3 power leveling, US $ 1,600, but corruption and bureaucratic aspects in allRanked last in the country.

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