Wednesday, February 29, 2012

aoc gold Two year reprieve - ALW

129746420445725000_10 <a href="">tsw gold</a>Xinhua News Agency--Indonesia Bali 23rd began to retreat from a foreign and female prisoners within the prison, to secure from threats to their physical integrity. Keluobokan Bali prison designed to hold 300 prisoners, the actual detention of 1015 people, including more than 125 women prisoners and prisoners of foreign nationality. 21st late, some of the prisoners in the prison fire, the guards throwStones, forcing the withdrawal of prison guards and administration staff all prisons. Indonesian security authorities had negotiated with the prisoners involved in the riot aoc gold, failed to reach agreement. Agence France-Presse reported that 3 passenger cars picked up the evening of 23rd out of the prison inmates, including 4 foreign men, 9 1 Indonesia and other Asian and Western women prisoners. This prison held 12 Australia nationality drug traffickers,Two year reprieve, 6 persons to life imprisonment. Australian drug trafficker in the rush is believed to have been one of Scott * take the car to leave. Indonesia Bambang * kelisibanu security officials said earlier the Ministry of Justice age of conan gold, most of Australia prisoners choose to stay in prison. Bali Police spokesman said haliadi 23rd, prisoners still controlled the prison, but the internal situation has subsided.

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