Wednesday, February 29, 2012

warhammer gold and at the same time to provide more protection for investors - HHI

129742939285625000_212New General controlling shareholders, the actual controller Yang Weiguo February 14 2011 submitted to the Board of the proposed profit distribution plans and commitments, to total equity as at December 31, 2011 to Cardinal Distributing cash dividend to shareholders every 10 shares of the whole $ 2 (plus tax), at the same time capital reserve shall be converted into share capital age of conan gold, to 44.6 million shares as the base to allFor every 10 shares converted into 10 shares of shareholders, increase in total 44.6 million shares, increase the total share capital of the company will increase to 89.2 million shares. Notice display warhammer gold, new Cape launches distribution plan for these reasons, a total equity is now smaller, more limited by the size of registered capital in business development, is not conducive to business development; second, taking into account the future development needs, in order to enableEquity scale and scale matching, embodiment of the company's value to a more fair and objective, and at the same time to provide more protection for investors aoc gold, return on long term investors. The profit distribution plans remains to be the new Cape and 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders to consider the approval of the Board to determine. (Zheng Yu) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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