Saturday, February 11, 2012

swtor Champion Gear Bag half time 9-on-9 - CGQ

129729391859375000_86"32nd, up top! "", 49th, draw d3 gold, stop! "" 2nd, nice! "For a blank of Chinese silisikeweiqi,, to be the same as his compatriot Dragan, clearly called out the players name, also take some time. Now, in his mind, the players look like, location, technical characteristics are behind them linked to the number of.   Of course, in his world, interesting figures far more than those of sth Chinese assistants are known as "y, coaches" Blase, and Vlado, and Milo, currently in Qingdao (micro-blogging) teams in the three "foreign coaches", which seems undisputed. Silisikeweiqi told a press conference in the translation of a story, Chewbacca, there are three "Yang taughtPractice ", corresponds to the only connotation is quite different. Team leader coach and the Chinese team Yang Weijian, was silisikeweiqi a matter of the first "yangcoach (Dr coach)". Assistant Manager Zhou Xin, as young, standing among the players it's hard to tell, therefore, becomes "youngcoach (youth coach)". Assistant coach LiuLe Yang, training is often responsible for leading the small player not playing group against a separate training, many of the players and the team are of him as a child, therefore, training young men of Liu Dao silisikeweiqi "youngcoach". Three "foreign coaches", three "Yang coaches", in peacetime training and ongoing management divisionEach has different, and silisikeweiqi that every coach in training can make the best of ground up.  The three "Yang coaches" in the eyes of silisikeweiqi is an easy-going personality, easy to get along with people. "7 foot pass" right to control the ball "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7" on the team's training ground, of interval number appears a move in chess voices.This is silisikeweiqi in order to let the players carry out the control of play and develop training plans: half time 9-on-9, each team at least passing 7 times in a row, in order to shoot. "If the Middle back to the goalkeeper, will increase accordingly.  "Silisikeweiqi add that reflects his meticulous again. Continuous 7-foot pass to and control the ball, shootDoor mirrors, in order to encourage the players to move the ball to sidewalk, training also set up the appropriate incentives: half section, in addition to the normal two-goal, two sidewalk introduced a goal if the goal into the sidewalk, you can get 3 points. "We do not dense in the Middle, two sidewalk opened, switch on the side. "The Chinese teachingPractice group leader Yang Weijian arranged training programmes to remind you. Last season was a dragon "7 seconds" theory, this season is Chewbacca "7 foot ball" for the team in Qingdao, two styles of PK who can better chips, also need time. "Now we have fewer and fewer students ' kickball, very good to stay.  "Silisikeweiqi said. "35M "shoot free silisikeweiqi in the age of players is a really advocating attacking players, 35 m in front of the other regions is he his attacking talent into full play.  And now as a coach of the silisikeweiqi, still on the "35-metre area in front" has its own unique understanding of. "35-metre area in front, you can do anything, you canPassing, can, can shoot, that's where you play. "Silisikeweiqi the ball at the end of the afternoon training, concludes," but after the 35-metre area, I hope that members will play a more orderly. When press time, forward pass, lost the ball, that it is better to return swtor Champion Gear Bag, control the ball is the most important. Instead of simply just toEpisode, simply the pursuit of speed, errors caused by the candle. "In order to let players thoroughly carrying out the point, silisikeweiqi also formulated corresponding rules: next time, if there were errors in the process of moving forward, then abort the game, they get right to the ball. "Hope everyone in each training class in the final confrontation training in actual combat, the previousLink the content of the training is continued from tor pvp valor power leveling, apply it in real life. "Silisikeweiqi said that through these days of training he has seen the team's progress, but wanted to form a fixed style of play also needs over time. Wen,, Thudt Ji Ling (Staff writer Kunming February 3-)

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