Friday, February 17, 2012

swtor valor power leveling Iran said it would take action in advance cut off Europe exporting oil -

129725023505863094_60Commodity market Dragon dull start energy chemical strong gains Domestic commodity markets at the start to the year of first trading day to usher in a more prosaic, rallied conspicuous energy chemical variety. PTA up 1.61%, plastics up 1.64%,PVC up 0.36%, three major varieties before the Passover and continued the strong upward momentum. Experts say rising energy chemical species there are three main reasons: first 2011 fell a larger partPrice is close to cost lines, production expected to make the market; the second is more strength in crude oil prices, in particular the situation in the Middle East tension rise in crude oil future expectations Diablo 3 Gold, which gave large chemical variety of supported; third, before the Chinese new year a large number of empty active jiancang dispersal of funds. Experts said that higher energy chemical species, cheer for the chemical sector with larger short-termUse. Commodity market Dragon dull start is the Dragon in the first trading day yesterday, different trend of commodity futures were mixed, most varieties of usher in auspicious start. During long holidays such as outer disc surge in gold affect the domestic market, Shanghai gold rose almost daily 5% swtor valor power leveling, back on $ 350 mark. But again it is the basic metal outer disc did well, in its performance in the domestic market is less thanExpected. Under the influence of weak domestic stocks, non-ferrous metals futures also fell, with Shanghai zinc paring, Shanghai-Shanghai copper aluminum is turning green. In addition, some grain variety trend of agricultural products, strong strong wheat rose 2.17%, corn rose 1.13%. Relatively speaking, collective trends worth noting energy and chemical sectors, PTA, LLDPE and PVC IIIChemical species hold hands [sleeves] rose, continued strong performance before the Spring Festival. National PTA yesterday a strong advance on day uplink situation renders shocks, the major 1205 contract high after touching 9,148 Yuan/ton, but the final decline of late there have been some technically still in a bull market. Spot, yesterday the market as a whole deal, raised its offer, the market environmentBetter. LLDPE 1205 main contract slightly lower yesterday after turbulence upstream, begin to come down after rising up to 10,355 sites, closed at long end SFG CGV Yang slightly cables, LLDPE spot market transactions in China light. Main domestic PVC 1205 contract prices soon opened gradually rising, prices had rushed on to 7,125 Yuan/ton, thenPrices high fell, prices eventually closed at the main period of 7,045 Yuan/ton. Energy and chemical strength continuing doubtful "higher energy chemical short range is too big. "Shanghai China international analysts said Li Zhoulei, chemical companies gain more from a motion tween in the near future rising demand. "Such as plastic, through 2011 are down, and briefly fell to 9,000 yuan leftRight cost price the market is expecting a further down, some businesses will cut production. "Li Zhoulei says it is in this situation," overshoot "energy and chemical sectors until early this year ushered in a wave of more strong rebound. At the same time, some lucrative air before the Spring Festival party active dispersal, helped the market higher. Experts said oil prices remain highIs why strong energy and chemical sectors. At present, the EU formally confirmed Iran oil embargo entered into force on July 1, 2012, Iran said it would take action in advance cut off Europe exporting oil tera power leveling, Iran continues to heat up. These factors also make crude oil at $ 100 minus, to large energy chemical species of the cost of support. "But the fundamentals are still unsatisfactory,Supply exceeding demand in the field of pattern has not changed. "Li Zhoulei said that these chemical species in 2012 will have a new capacity to be freed and will further increase the supply, market structures remain optimistic. It also determines the 2012 years more of these varieties will be volatile, and a further rising market it is difficult to appear. Others:

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