Saturday, February 25, 2012

runescape items for sale on a pilot basis summary of sound policies - TRT

129742915533125000_320Department of land and will pilot this year cleaning up the "small property" held recently in Guangzhou, head of Department of land and national advance Forum on the construction of land and natural resources law enforcement supervision mechanism for shared responsibility, will start selecting pilot cities across the country this year, and properly handle the existing "small property" issue. Last year, the State Council has set up a small property liquidation team rs items for sale, clean up the Panel by the Ministry of land and liveBuilding Department-led. Next, the country will be in accordance with the principle of active and reliable, clean up the property rights of small rooms. Study on selecting pilot cities will be organized this year, on a pilot basis summary of sound policies buy runescape items, properly handle the existing property rights of small room, "this year will take pilot work runescape items for sale, there is no complete statistics national data of the property rights of small house". Others:

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