Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold benchmark interest rates 1.3 times - CSO

129617018012968750_287Recent Shenzhen commercial real estate risk frequency is warning, purchase of coast city, Shenzhen Bay shops may become investors in the most tangled crazy group of people: bank card died of credit and loans, loan 30% loan, interest rates rising to benchmark 1.3 times times and lenders wait time generally last 2 months. Cause in recent years the shop has been high impact on prices, the Bank said "there are some single I can't do". Loan 30% in Houhai store to be more common in the forest to the South reporter newspaper said, the end of August this year, your selectedLocated in Nanshan coastal city next to a street, unit prices of more than 300,000 total price at $ 11 million. In accordance with the provisions of the forest of Bank loan to 50% diablo 3 gold, only to be informed of China Merchants Bank credit at most 30%, and a Trojan and floating interest rate 30% (benchmark interest rates 1.3 times). Then Mr Lin Advisory Bank, Shanghai Pudong development and other State-owned bank, and the reply is basically the same. End through personal association, Lin won a State banks 50% lending commitments. But a week can get a loan so farWithout. Feedback according to the Bank, now headed by the coastal city of commercial loan origination cycle generally in a month or two, for ING good borrowers only granted 30% loans, is pervasive 30% and a floating interest rate, loan 50% Basic is not possible. High price accepted, banks wishing to control risk whether all of the commercial real estate faces the same high threshold? 21st century real estate business and shop director Wu Suxing said coast Mall is just an example, currently the city's business investment still at first50%, floating interest rates: 15%. She believes that with the rapid rise commercial real estate prices in recent years, rental yields remained low, had to take consideration of a bank loan. Shore Mall rises too fast, in particular, for guarding against the risks of banks only lend 30% is not surprising. "Not only coastal city and Houhai shops in Shenzhen Bay is also true. "Shihua property of Nanshan Business Manager, said Su Jian. Shenzhen Bay residential street shop two or three rise to price more than 200,000/square meters, recognized the first false,Banks naturally look to the eyes. Merchants Bank Shenzhen branch of consumer credit Vice General Manager Ye Zhengmao previously South reporter interview made clear that commercial property price inflation already, deviation from rental yields too far, did pass the loan approvals. Examples like pirates, Baoan Center district, huaqiang North shops, East Gate and almost no longer touched, because prices have fired too high according to sold lend up to 50%, banks is risky. Others:

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