Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling these works are in progress.  Number of factors summarized - JMP

129756355753750000_132Our two associations reported set of five meetings in Shanghai Zhu Baochen session of the national people's Congress delegation meeting was held March 6 at the great Hall of the people this afternoon, Shanghai Office.  The meeting to interview the "two sessions" of Chinese and foreign media journalists open. In response to a reporter's question, Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee, Mayor Han Zheng said, the International Board is a complex task, not only toLegal system, but also has a lot of technical preparation, these works are in progress.  Number of factors summarized wot power leveling, it is not the International Board announced the best time, but the preparations are going well. "Finally come to be implemented by the China Securities Regulatory Commission approved.  "Han Zheng said. And Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Mr Guo recently in response to a reporter's question on the international process, also expressed"In the study. "Last year, the number of outgoing international Board will introduce on the market message wot power leveling, but each time you introduce the message will have some impact on market-May 23, about high launched an international Board conditions mature satisfying huzhi crash near 3%; from June 15 to the market even fell in four days, more than 3% new Trojan, and also on the progress the International BoardMessage has certain associated July outgoing messages of international market rules have been developed in the second half, around 3% stock markets again fall in Sth  Many senior people in the industry believe that funds very tight pattern world of tanks power leveling, International Board has become a shares no longer sufficient priority. At the same time, this reporter has learned, has called for in the proposal for two consecutive years is according to the International Board of the CPPCC National CommitteeChairman Li jiange, China International Capital Corporation Limited, in this year's CPPCC motions is not involved. He said in an interview a few days ago, due to the recent chain of a share capital greater pressure, regulators will suspend considering the International Board, International Board of preparation has been very good.

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