Wednesday, March 14, 2012

wot power leveling 3 - HIA

129742938966406250_344The 1th page: private "average" test private two-year bear market resilient 2nd page: bear market more important wind control on February 17, in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets keep the shock pattern throughout the day, as of closing, huzongzhi rose 0.01%, closing at 2357.18, shenchengzhi at 9615.34, by 0.08%.So far, the market has received the fifth week in a row Yang lines. Frequently with recent market investors see some hope after all.   Recalled after two years of bear markets to fall, sunny private equity to achieve success includes not only the conditions of survival and outstanding performance, relying on wind control. For a large private equity firm performance in nearly two years of bear markets, buy Fund Research Center CommissionConsidering the number of private-equity firms non-structured products, and nearly 2 years of its products with an average yield and average downside volatility. "Overall, the differentiation of medium and small private performance more visible, and large private equity performance closer to the private equity averages, top or bottom of its performance may be very small. Visible results of large private is not to grow to attract investors. "Good buyResearch fellow, Research Center said Zhu Shijie.   Large private seemingly "mean" it should be said that stable development is better than unconstrained. Buy Center data shows that if the nearly two-year bear market performance ranking, is managed by Chang Shishan respectively at the top five stone phase 1, Xia Ning Bo world of tanks power leveling, Chen Feng management exhibition for finishing phase XI 1, forest park management of forest2, 3, and forest park.   In addition, Wang Danfeng duo in charge of credit growth in China, Tang Xiaosheng wielded Ju Yi and Yu Dingheng management, 1th wing Tiger growth are among the best in the list. From the above data, during the past two years, leading not only to achieve performance represented radical Chang Shishan, also includes the sound represented by Xia Ning and Chen Feng.In addition, the research also shows that large private equity bear market more stable overall, these large private profits is not up, or lose the most ruthless. Zhu Shijie pointed out that products from different private nearly 2 years average income distribution, large private equity performance tended to be moderate, small private performance range more widely. If 3 productsDivision, then in the last 2 years its average or more than 40% private-a total of 8, the 8 private companies run 2 full years of product is less than 3. And more than 3 products private company for nearly 2 average annual gains in the -40%-40% range, relative concentration of distribution which the best 3 products for nearly 2 years with an average rise of forest park 20.37%, The worst of the 11 products for nearly 2 years with ease by an average of 23.49%, both of price is not more than 25%. In addition, Zhu Shijie said: "from the proceeds both before and after the list, almost 2 years wot power leveling, and average product top private company for stone 59.87%, the worst is CE-59.72%, both of which only one product only ran for 2 years。 In addition, private companies ranked in the average yield of the last 2 years, outside the top 10 in addition to the Arboretum, Kunihiro and 8 private-equity firms were only a product for 2 years; and in the top 10 at the end of the private-equity firms is the only private company with a product for 2 years. So in General, small and medium-sized private performance differentiation more clearly, and large private equity performance closer to the private equity averages. ”On the other hand, Zhu Shijie also told reporters: "Although some private equity performance looks pretty, but we are not optimistic about the long term. Make investment there is always a lot of chance, every possibility of an outbreak of a products performance, this performance is particularly evident in the small private. Therefore, examine the historical performance of a product are important, it is best to maintain long-term stability。 "Recent data show that FIR stone in the management of the exhibition phase 1, Xia Ning Bo world of tanks power leveling, Chen Feng management supervisor of finishing phase XI 1, management of forest park, forest park Forest Park and 3 2 5 only $ 89.8 per cent of product performance, such as $ 192.43, and $, and 91.68 Yuan and $.

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