Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling India's Central Bank said the growth slowdown - EQE

129764786867343750_230Main metal commodity analyst Chen Di CU: copper to copper prices still down yesterday, Shanghai run lower rear shocks at 60,420 Yuan/ton, the evening copper currency closed at 8,571 dollars/ton. United States economy continued to recover, LME Warehouse fall rate has not slowed, inventories and the ratio of positions back to historic low, Which in the context of improving the financial environment for copper prices a certain support. IMF approval of the final to Greece provided 28 billion euro loan, Greece bailout successfully settled for the stability of the global financial markets play a role in United States employment data are published and are better-than-expected manufacturing data, with the United States stock market's recent strength, prices to rebound. In domestic spotAlthough a certain improvement, but trading remained relatively light, weaker status Terminal consumption remained unchanged, season consumption do not want to appear may be increased, market concerns about Chinese consumption, copper consumption slowdown expected for China are major factors weighed on prices. Although the provisional end of the European debt crisis, but later the market will focus on the euro area countries due to financial constraintsReduction potential of policies arising out of economic recession, United States sustained economic recovery difficult to independently support the global demand for copper, copper prices are still down space. Can focus on Shanghai copper at $ 61,000 today stand up technology Shanghai copper on the surface in the vicinity of $ 61,500 to 62,000 strong pressure, it is recommended that investments in early care, stop 61,600 dollars/tonJournalist of CCTV zinc: zinc price impact or shock consolidation of the speech by Premier Wen, metal followed the stock market also tumbled on Wednesday, Shanghai zinc 1206 contracts back to the $ 16,000/ton. But yesterday in the United States under good employment data boosted, the overnight decline in external disk to recover most of the day before yesterday, eventually closing 2,095 USD/ton. Wen's speech not only suppress the convectionEasing is also expected to increase the demand for real estate in the lower reaches of the zinc or fear of falling. At the same time, according to the Shanghai Nonferrous network downstream of the investigation in February of zinc galvanized and alloy business starts there are different degrees of increase, but remained at lower levels. The supply side, the international lead and zinc study group (ILZSG) according to the latest monthly report published on Wednesday January global zincMarket glut of 22,400 tonnes, business inventories continue to rise, stock consumption ratio of 7.6, up from 7.3 in the same period last year. National level, in hanyuan Wanli Industrial Park this week with 50,000 tons of electrolytic zinc project put into operation, refined zinc supply remains adequate. Premium spot on the main contract to expand to around 350 Yuan/ton, trading mainly between traders. At present, the Greek CypriotCured the problem stay under pressure but there was demand from China on the occasion of the message. Supports market confidence has only United States there was some good data, but will give the resulting in rise of metal added to the pressure. Thus tera gold, zinc price in the near future are expected to render shocks finishing market. Operational advice: wait and see, days of operation the operation possible light cartridge. Kusaba steel Gold: United StatesState economic data continue to be QE3 expected cooling, gold prices remained under pressure from a weaker dollar and promote technical reasons, international gold prices rebounded on Thursday. From fundamentals, United States for the latest data continues to remain strong, number of initial unemployment benefits last week fell to a four-year low points, and New York State manufacturing activity accelerated, it will launch in the near future easing of the Federal ReservePossibility of a further decline in policy initiatives, which is the important factor of gold prices plunged in the early, so gold is expected to remain under pressure. From the chart, after the plunge in gold after consecutive 3rd fast, propelled by bargain buying and short covering profits a technical rebound, blocked near the low point in early 1665 dollars, continued to hold in the early proposal, surplus to maintain1665 dollars near unchanged. Wang Xiaowei steel: threaded steel 4300-4350 interval oscillation on Wednesday rushed 4,350 pressure on domestic rebar at 4,350 after running below the obstruction, but the price has not dropped below 4,300, supported by narrow-band oscillation of the current price at 4300-4350. In the absence of major news andFundamental changes in circumstances, expected recently finishing band oscillation of the screw-thread steel will continue to be 4300-4350, which is also on early gains faster digestion process, expected to be oscillating after the consolidation, screw-thread steel will continue to rise. On the operation, proposals to bargain go long. Energy of Yin-PTA: PTA main 1209 Thursday lowerLow, disk volume decreased by close at 8,826, decrease of 1.56%. buyer on the spot market of East China still maintain a wait-and-see, negotiations continue down the center of gravity, the price dropped to $ 8,700/ton, PTA in Asia fell by us $ 15/ton, PTA loss seriously now, some manufacturers began to overhaul production installations in the future, it was reported that Sinopec Yangzi on Wednesday shut down onePTA unit. PX prices continue to fall in the upper 11 dollars/ton. Because of weak market demand in the lower reaches, buy low, polyester semi-gloss, sliced by $ 300 per cent and 200 Yuan/ton, polyester and silk market weak market continued, POY by $ 250, FDY by $ 300. Are still high for PTA has a role in supporting crude oil, butIs the Terminal demand underperforming, pet load to lower, more powerful drag on under PTA, PTA prices downward trend will continue in the short term turbulence, concern near the 60-day moving average line of support below. Zhang Xiaowei oil: effect overnight release of crude oil inventories, prices ended lower. May contracts of BRENT crude oil fell $ 1.98, at 122.60 dollars per barrel; WTI04 contracts, representing a decrease of $ 0.32, closing at $ 105.11. Overnight United States unemployment payment data, such as overall positive in the early, early stage United States crude oil rose to $ 106.18 barrel. United Kingdom Prime Minister and United States discuss President Obama's decision to release stocks message, once the price of oil dropped $ 2, thenWhite House spokesman denied the release of strategic oil reserves. Message facial, oil prices cause some disturbance, developed high levels of inventory is also important factor in oil prices under pressure, but taken together, as described in the early lower OPEC spare capacity, Iran uncertainty of the situation, and the easing of monetary conditions is still the main support factor of oil price Outlook projected future oil prices callbackLimit. Zeng Feng plastics: even plastic main contract yesterday 1209 effect overnight WTI and Brent crude oil fell, lower in early trading to continue after a more significant downward adjustment, back after hitting the 5th application support and breakdown recovery, chonggao up to $ 11,095 back down, closed up $ 25, or 0.23%, to close at $ 11,035. ContractSharply increased from 768,000 hand position increased to 227,000. PE quote basically ended the previous increase in the spot market, prices were relatively stable, businesses closed higher shipment wishes strongly, some linear pricing is slightly loose, East of yuyao of qilu petrochemical Yangzi petrochemical, South China, southern China's Guangzhou petrochemical down range at about $ 50. DownstreamInquires the plate a little weak, wait-and-see atmosphere is still strong. Current price is $ 11,000 integers repeated correction near the close for 3 days, Yang received yesterday, but the closing price is still below the closing price on Tuesday, even the plastic prices upward pressures begin to emerge. Continued likelihood of callback. Proposed upfront profit on higher positions settled for the time being. Intraday investors need to control the position, on the operationDays of short ideas, every high carefully the amount of short. Grain and oil crops Ding Xiaojin beans: US Soybean soybean meal is expected to continue to rise even with continuous advance on soybean meal fell yesterday, trading slightly up, general high turbulence patterns, favored by funds and domestic demand for cash season of reality makes the continuous upward trend of soybean meal-rendered anti-aliasing. As even the soybean meal price direction important meansThe beauty bean, yesterday in the United States good economic data, as well as the United States soybean export sales to third-year high, driven by six months, and continued the rally, rose at 1.38%. On the fundamentals, market focus now in South American soybean production supply as a result of tight supply pressure and the formation of the new beans will focus on public, as well as the northern hemisphere Spring theme interwoven, bean prices more readilyBe promoted. In addition, according to the law of history, after March, number of live pigs will be gradually restored, consumption will increase soybean meal. However, the situation of the season in the first quarter of this year does not light, continuous decline and approach and culture gains profit balance of reality makes farming Outlook is uncertain, late soybean meal to remain strong, also need to meet spot demand. Technical point of view, evenSoybean meal long trends continue, above the short-term resistance level in the vicinity of $ 3,250/ton, target of 3,300 yuan/ton. Recommendations on the operation. Stock Liang Jie stock indices: CSI 300 index slightly lower on Thursday, days after persistent plunge steeply rising trend, high contention for long and short. In February, the amount of foreign capital actually used in China for four consecutive months of negativeAnd yesterday the Renminbi-dollar exchange rate record lows for nearly 3 months, both have bad effects on the stock in January-February, non-financial foreign direct investment in China surged by more than 40%, stock neutral. CSI 300 index of medium-term trend was expected to go weak, but after the plunge in two days in a row, short-term rebound may and today and every Friday, it is recommended that investors continue toOperation, 5th back on the CSI 300 index average of 2,640 days short action, days if one hit observed after elevating, short action, to set stop loss 20 points. Macroeconomic Liang Jie domestic: January-February, our country's foreign capital actually used amount of us $ 17.723 billion, down 0.56%. In February the month, China's actual useFunding amount of $ 7.726 billion, down 0.9%, negative for 4 consecutive months. January-February, foreign capital actually used in manufacturing 8.361 billion dollars, down 0.1%, 47.18% per cent of the national total in the same period. Services 8.009 billion dollars of foreign capital actually used, fell 3.51% per cent higher than the national average2.95%, 45.19% per cent of the national total in the same period. Commerce Department spokesman told a routine news conference yesterday, January-February, China's domestic investors to a total of 97 countries and regions in the world foreign direct investment enterprises of the 706, accumulated external non-financial direct investment $ 7.435 billion, an increase of 41.1%. 1By February, our overseas project contracting business turnover $ 11.5 billion diablo 3 power leveling, an increase of 16.6% new signed a contract amount of $ 14.48 billion, down 18.5%. China foreign exchange trading center announced yesterday, yesterday as interbank foreign exchange market the dollar parity rate of 6.3359, from the previous trading day's 6.3328 rose 31Basis points. The parity data refreshes high since December 15, 2011, which is the Renminbi-dollar exchange rate record lows for nearly 3 months. Announcement by the Bank of communications, Hong Kong yesterday said the company nearly 6.542 billion a-shares private placement and 5.56 billion h-shares, also placing of 276 million h-shares, by placing agent full packagePIN. Increased and placing to raise funds totalling approximately $ 56.57 billion yuan. Yesterday, the China Securities Investor Protection Agency heads on people's network of friends in the "two sessions tera power leveling," concentrated on issues involving capital markets raised during hot response. The official said that next to promote the IPO from four aspects of the SFC system. He pointed out that launched the growth enterprise market withdrawalLaw, securities and Futures Commission is currently focused on research on the improvement and perfection of delisting the motherboard system. Dividends, securities and Futures Commission is actively coordinating operational costs related to lower dividends of listed companies, improve shareholder return. Kusaba steel international: United States number of initial unemployment benefits fell to a four-year low point, manufacturing activity accelerated last week United States first-time claims for unemployment benefits reduced 14,000 people to 351,000, decline greater than expected reduction of 5,000 people. March New York State manufacturing activity accelerated from rose to 20.21 per cent in February, for the fourth consecutive monthly rise to highest level in a year, economists expect to 17.9 per cent. Philadelphia Fed Announces March in the area as a wholeBusiness sentiment in the manufacturing sector index rose to 12.5 per cent in February, for the highest level since April 2011. India's Central Bank to maintain interest rates unchanged as expected India's Central Bank kept repo rate 8.5% unchanged, in line with market expectations, highlighting its concerns after the surge in global oil prices on inflation, India's Central Bank said the growth slowdown, inflation risks still exist,Affect the time and amplitude of the future interest rate action. IMF approval of Greece new rescue money, warns reform reduced support without delay the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved 28 billion euros (US $ 36.7 billion) Greece bailout money, and warned Greece in implementation of economic projects should not be ill advised, IMF that it would immediately to the Greece Government 1.65 billion euros,EUR 130 billion international rescue part of the money, which would solve Greece to 2014 of the financing problem, and avoid disorder defaults, IMF decided to lift a few months of Greece financial uncertainties. ECB said the Central Bank of the Canal Authority is discussing how to properly out of crisis mode of the European Central Bank (ECB) Board Member Jens Nowotny on ReutersSaid the European Central Bank after the huge injection of low-cost funds into the banking system will wait for the time being, and was considering how to timing out of crisis mode when appropriate. ����However, he added, is currently removing of Central Bank support also early, this is a gradual process, depending on price stability and financial market conditions. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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