Sunday, March 11, 2012

world of tanks power leveling recent public Zhang Lin - IAY

129756355711718750_23Recently a name for "home loans again Biological Aerated dive rules, Bank to house purchase people buried mine" of news raised has outside of concerns, the reported in the pointed out that, recent public Zhang Lin (alias) house purchase Hou, Phillips hair Bank has been idle Yu handling mortgage registration procedures, but Dang Zhang Lin due to economic disputes was sealed up real estate, Phillips hair Bank is deliberately manufacturing malicious litigation applications court sealed up real estate wot power leveling, and requirements ZhangForest cover remaining loan.  Banking practice of people make purchases like a press for payment of debts "pants". Shanghai Pudong Development Bank if there are intentional to purchasers of mine-laying? Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and why the failure to apply for a registration of mortgage? No buyers are able to hold a mortgage registration from the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank loan? Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Beijing Branch responded that yesterday, the row is not intentionally delay the processing chargeRecording procedures. In response to: customers may not be appropriate for mortgage registration for Shanghai Pudong Development Bank proposed by the external situation whether to wilfully to purchasers of mine-laying? Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and why failure to apply for registration of mortgage? Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, said Zhang Lin in the House property certificate issued before it has to transfer the House and does not coincide with the handling of mortgage registration, is the loan mortgage registrationProcedure can't handle the real reason. Long time of mortgage registration only harm their own interests for the Bank, resulting in credit risk. Therefore world of tanks power leveling, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank will not knowingly delaying the mortgage registration formalities for your customers "mine-laying". The line with the developer in this case staged in the security cooperation agreement signed between the enterprise has clearly stated, such as failure to exercise the line mortgageLong-term work failed to complete registration of the right, developer shall be entitled to guarantees of disarmament phase within a certain time limit. Mortgage registration is important part of Bank personal loan, not failure to exercise the right of mortgage banks.  Implementation is the effective means Bank lock loan risks of mortgage, banks could not let mortgages become vacant. In response to the second: in line with business processesTo take mortgage credit registered buyers are able to issue, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank announced the current banking industry to handle mortgage business processes. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Beijing Branch said in the message, because of Zhang Lin purchased as sluggish, commercial banks Beijing, currently widespread practice is backed by the developers or other qualified bodies after the commitment stage guarantees, banksAfter audit customer qualifications and conditions of loan origination, mortgage loans for customers; in customer loans to purchase housing production permit process conditions, be handled by the developers and banks after Bank after receiving the housing production permit and then the mortgage registration formalities world of tanks power leveling, he made after the proof of entitlement, stage guarantees of developers or other agencies discharge. Wang Yingying

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