Monday, March 12, 2012

world of tanks power leveling "Makes her understand happened on March 2. LI Jin-Ping recalls saying

129756355811562500_236He 瑫 "I thought wot power leveling, is the most secure of money in the Bank. "On March 5 world of tanks power leveling, stand in front of the Bank of Hebei Shijiazhuang development zone branch of LI Jin-Ping frown, kept to himself," more than 3 million, what was missing from it? "Makes her understand happened on March 2. LI Jin-Ping recalls saying, at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon on that day, she logged on the RiverNorth Bank Internet banking query account balance, but is surprised, displayed in the balance column of numbers is only $ 776.17.  This bank card on February 27 there were more than 3.09 million Yuan deposits, which also did not survive any operation such as withdrawals, transfers. In addition to panic, LI Jin-Ping and Hebei immediately contacted the Bank head office, and made a report to police. At present, Shijiazhuang cityPolice has set up a special task group.  Huge volume of afternoon of the day of the incident, LI Jin-Ping went to Hebei Bank head office, query your bank card transactions. She gave reporters a list of transactions show, March 2 to 14:47, less than 90 minutes, the bank card account occurred 16 deals, together out of 309,360$ 5.  8 POS machine consumption, total $ 3,076,089, 8 pen to self-service ATM machine withdrawals, totaling $ 17,500, and another 8 charges arising from an ATM, a total of $ 16. This list does not indicate the transactions that took place. LI Jin-Ping, said Bank of Hebei to its, this 24 transactions in Shenzhen and the two cities of Nanchang. "OnlyThere is a card, and have been in my hands, how do we will swipe in two different places? "Is worthy of attention, as the actual use of bank cards, LI Jin-Ping is not the depositor himself. This reporter has learned that the account names for this card as "Liu Rongxiu". Fields as the son of Liu Rongxiu in Hebei province Shijiazhuang Taihang anticorrosive decorative granite limited statutory representativeMan, LI Jin-Ping is the company's accounting. For this situation, LI Jin-Ping is not taboo.  She said that the cards in 2009 to open an account and has been managed by her. LI Jin-Ping said that followed Liu Rongxiu my own business for many years, deeply trusted and bank card as the primary purpose is to deal with liquidity in the company, managed by her and not necessarily the case. Liu Rongxiu's husband also known as TIEN,LI Jin-Ping is the addition to their family, the only people who know the bank card account number and password.  On March 6, the Hebei legal compliance manager, Assistant Du Yongbing said when interviewed by this reporter, Hebei Shenzhen Bank has been sent following the police investigation of cooperation between China and Nanchang. Du Yongbing, based on currently available information, this 16 different exchanges involving bank for the peopleBank, Industrial Bank, and Jiangxi province rural credit cooperatives. But where is location specific, also to be ascertained pending further enquiries. "For Mobile POS machine, we now query to address bank address, physical locations may be in a different place. "Both diverging attribution of responsibility for the case, diverging depositors and banks.LI Jin-Ping said, bank card and u shield has always been in its custody, has never been used to other people, huge during continuous trading, bank card and u shield is always by his side.  In her view, the Bank cannot effectively protect deposit safe, should bear full responsibility for this incident. After the incident, LI Jin-Ping, Liu Rongxiu and their relatives ' meetings with Bank of Hebei representations, requiring banks to unconditionally pay the deposit, But is rejected by the latter repeatedly, letting each other between the two sides.  Du Yongbing told reporters, when bank account agreements with cardholders, has clearly required card holders keep their information and password, card should not be handed over to another person to use, in the case of unable to determine if the card password disclosure, the depositor is no reason to require banks to take responsibility. "Banks cannot be ruled out becausePassword leak and the possibility of being copy Pirates of the brush.  "Du Yongbing said. Du Yongbing, some criminals in ATM machine installed on the machine will be able to obtain a bank card security code and client information, ATM machine installed on the camera at the same time, to shoot depositor enter payment password. "Criminals can bypass the Bank a bank card for replication so that windRisks are beyond our control.  "Hebei Bank insiders, who were of the view that before the incident, some exceptions of this bank card transactions. Transaction list displays as of February 20, the card balance is only $ 109758.42, a few days there have been no transactions. February 27, 7 deals the cards, the first deal out 94,381. $ 17, trading for "Exchange", then 6 are transferred to transaction, totaling 3 million Yuan world of tanks power leveling, trading as "internal account". "Go all of a sudden come in so much money, not being taken away in a few days, some really funny.  "The person said. Hebei internal believe that the card transaction that occurred on March 2, verify password links1 successful, shows the trader password are very familiar with.  Take into account the long-term use by LI Jin-Ping, does not exclude the possibility of password leaks or even fraud. However, Du Yongbing said in an interview, such opinion is only part of the line officer hypothetical analysis to the circumstances of the case, does not mean that banks ' overall position. "If after a police investigation,Really is my reason lead to impaired client money, we are certainly based on the procedures for payment according to the law, no delay. "LI Jin-Ping is insisting, has been in the custody of the bank card and password, never happens the bank card is stolen or lost. "It must be internal problems. "Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau officials said the case has now been classified as a major criminalCase, police are to detect, but details not currently the case disclosed to the outside world. 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