Wednesday, March 7, 2012

eq2 platinum - SLS

129748521098750000_14Wholly-owned subsidiary of Grammy Grammy Grammy new material limited company and wholly-owned subsidiary of jingmen city Wuhan resource limited, jointly funded the establishment of joint venture "beauty mineral resources in jingmen City Green trading markets limited" and mengelinmei Jing and Yi Sirui Wuhan environmental protection limited, jointly funded the establishment of joint venture company "luyuan environmental waste mud disposal of waste residue of jingmen city limitedCompany ". Recently the secret world gold, the Green environmental protection has completed the relevant industrial and commercial registration procedures eq2 platinum, and made the jingmen city industrial and commercial Administration Bureau issued business license of the corporate legal person. Jingmen United States Green contributions fund of RMB 3.5 million yuan in cash, per cent of total registered capital of 70%; Yi Sirui environmental contributions support the exhibition with $ 1.5 million in cash, per cent of total registered capital 30%. Recently rift plat, the trading market has completed the relevant industrial and commercial registration procedures, and made the jingmen city industrial and commercial Administration Bureau issued business license of the corporate legal person. Jingmen United States Green Fund contributions 14 million yuan in cash, per cent of total registered capital of 70%; green Wuhan United States contributions support the $ 6 million in cash, per cent of total registered capital30%.

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