Thursday, March 1, 2012

the secret world gold this radio can also frequently questions and answers - ENS

129742915492031250_247Summary: Luo Yuan, "said Chairman Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai's Vice President, said at the time was so short, that we in northern Shaanxi, with information every day, was Hu Zongnan's every move is under our control, so Mao Zedong the secret world gold, he can do it know the enemy and know yourself, so you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. "Phoenix on June 5, 2010 the China memory program:-The invisible front-legend of Luo Qingchang, following is a text record: Chen Xiaonan: founding of the Central Social Department, Luo Qingchang became a member of. 70 years later, as the Chinese Communist intelligence of Veterans of the front rank figures, Luo Qingchang witnessed the brilliant achievements of covert front, also shook the intelligence services of development and growth. In 1941, the Luo Qingchang ended up in XianHiding, returned to leave three years of Yanan, core departments into the Department of social. He served as first Deputy Minister of the Ministry of social Secretaries of Li kenong, then enters a room of the Department of social work. In 1946, the civil war ended, the Central Department of social work is also more difficult, information has become a top priority. Narrator: the night of March 18, 1947,Guns of the people's army attacked the Yan an, is legible, until this time, Central column led by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, who calmly say goodbye to Yanan, began moving North Shaanxi history. Luo Qingchang, aged 29, was also one of the members of the central column. Romanian aid: Central after the withdrawal of Yan at that time, it should be said that at that time, the enemy is very serious. The KMT forces,Is Hu Zongnan forces nearly 200,000 people blade & soul gold, our comrade Mao Ze-Dong's he led the forces of only 800 people. 400 of them are for security forces, some 400 people is the staff. At that time called the central column, Central column then aliased to the detachment. Detachment commander was comrade ren Bishi, was political Commissar comrade Lu dingyi, was Chief of staff of Comrade Ye Zilong, Deputy Chief of staff is WangComrade Dong Xing. My father is responsible for intelligence, he was the Director of the Central Department of social, then second Director is the comrade Wang Dongxing, he is responsible for security, this team is capable of. When Chairman Mao Zedong himself named Li De than, Vice Chairman of the week named Hu Bicheng for yourself, is our leader, a winner, a will, moralOur revolution will succeed. Narrator: this less than thousands of teams, facing the KMT army of hundreds of thousands of containment and Chase, eventually saved, information sector by contribution of these cannot be left unrecognized. Romanian aid: Chairman Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai's Vice President, said at the time was so short, that we in northern Shaanxi, with information every day, was Hu Zongnan's every moveIn our control, so Mao Zedong, he can do it know the enemy and know yourself, so you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. In this regard, my dad was when he was mainly responsible for moving in North Shaanxi, he was doing intelligence work. So the intelligence work, we now know that intelligence work for us can be used as a means of self-defence. But intelligence work,It can also be used as an offensive weapon. Narrator: getting enemy information, intelligence work is a basic requirement. However creatively study and apply the information, it is a high level of intelligence guild wars 2 gold, Romanian aid to take his before, fought in northern Shaanxi in the course of things. Romanian aid: withdrawal of Yan soon, what about Central, was held in Zichang County shuanghuyu of a militaryOn the, when the meeting of the military when, suddenly was bombed by aircraft of the KMT, four-Mustang aircraft, to the shuanghuyu area for detonation bomb. Prime Minister in the question, ' Yes, how do we have our whereabouts be found by the enemy? He enabled the intelligence relationship. Finally realized, says he is the enemy now has radio detection system, heDetection by radio, found in shuanghuyu area there are radio waves, radio active, so he found there may be a a high command of the Chinese Communist authorities. Narrator: Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, who, after the analysis of the information obtained, decided to falle, using KMT to use radio direction finding equipment, mobilization of the Kuomintang forces.Romanian aid: each column of our front line radio, is concentrated to the yanchuan area east of Yanan, radio at that demonstration, you can invent Telegraph, this radio can also frequently questions and answers, this will do. But this time the main forces, are gathered in qingjian area, a main architect of Hu Zongnan, 76 masters, teachers called LiaoSynergy. Hu Zongnan telegram, to rescue, said he has been the main force of the Communist troops near qingjian in motion. Hu Zongnan would call him back saying there's no way the Communist army was the main force in yanchuan, ready to Yanan may want to make a move, I now to rescue you.

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