Friday, April 20, 2012

tera power leveling who is different. But seen from the effects - TIK

129785411019843750_103March Mandarin Album: female singers dominate the Internet celebrity Deng Fu aura foot March Mandarin album singer dominate. (Distance/Linda) March of the Mandarin music markets remain tepid, no big-name singers of the first-level platform, there is no record of a turn in the market, nor a wake of market reputation, can be said to be spent in the same flat. Because the low period of Chinese music in the market in the first quarter,Situation is not surprising. Taiwan G-MUSIC rose mass March sales list table, Hu Xia, and Landy Wen, and Huang Xiaohu (micro-blogging), and new singers such as Ella Ella be bankers by turns to win the Championship. In addition to the end of February, detachment of the Mandarin pop music is all that can be said in March, were firmly in control by female singers. Addition to Landy Wen, Huang Xiaohu, and Chen JiaPeople such as birch and the Deng Furu, mainland release new album Golden sharp, Cao Fang, Li Sheng, who also dominated by female singers, have to say that is an interesting phenomenon. These singers are basically relying on its own pre-paid win the first week, then sales began to decline. From the other side shows the singer's market appeal than the previous quarter's May day (Twitter), JJ Lin(Micro-blogging), Elva Hsiao three strong. By comparison, May days are to be made by the end of December last year in March, and even the first quarter, or even first half, big winners for the year. May Day March of the second life within four weeks of taking the two-week Championship, has listed a total of 16 weeks of time tera gold, winning the six-week Championship, and to keep the sales results of 14 three weeks ago, showsMay day in sales of solid strength. May day myth can be considered today's downturn and the pop music of a number of different, than the King of Jay Chou, Wang Lee Hom, and other singers at the end of last year, and now the opportunity to go beyond only May day in April, ALan. In the second life debut after the I will have a direct impact in April's sales champion and even predicted ALanBetween 2012 and May day of sales champions. In addition to May day alone, Hu Xia, Landy Wen, Huang Xiaohu respectively took a week of sales champions. Landy was launched on March 9 after all these three years seed music's second album of the Landing. This album to 23.15% without the advance procurement of sales, airborne MarySales rose public list of champions. Landy's win is not unexpected, interesting is when Zhou Yajun Elva Hsiao of the I love me, to 10.42% rebound in sales of high profile, full of gunpowder. Landy Wen new album the Landing is still Taiwan my usage of "dance songs" way, is Landy's attempts of different combination of elements of Aboriginal music and dance,Song of the second wave of the first flagship of the fingerprints of the AYO are interested in highlighting the route of national dances, and to reduce the sound of dance music, to highlight Landy and Jolin Tsai (microblogging), Elva Siu, who is different. But seen from the effects, Landy "national styles" with some in, is still less than the album to some extent the tempted to forgive, and the market such as tears kept flowK song by word of mouth. In terms of sales, the album without purchasing the Landing, also did not organize check activities, in the short term effects the next week it fell out of the top three ranks, lost momentum. After Landy Rob is sold under champion Huang Xiaohu as loving as possible to understand. This is Huang Xiaohu hovered on the sales list won for the first time in four weeks, she has twice obtained priorThe first runner-up, also shows consumption of Huang Xiaohu was not part of the idol artists, is the long-term purchasing power of the hit singer. The love to understand although in critical comments led to polarization, however Warner Music makes it very slow love songs in the album's hit song also received worked wonders, together with Armand Legacy new song concert held in Taipei on March 24, Huang Xiaohu, 17.27%Sales percentage of winning the Championship was also on the market position of the best for sure. It is worth mentioning that, since this is Huang Xiaohu joined Warner Music issued list of record access to mass sales rose for the first time in champions, 17.27% sales figures, not high, but established artists with cumulative sales of young singers such as cloud gain a foothold in the market, is enough to prove they existValue. All mediocre performance compared to mainstream pop music singer from Fung Wah recording new EP for newcomer of the year Deng Furu brings to people's eyes light up. Works on the distance in less than a year's time, this one known as the Hello, habonisi (in English, "HappinessAroundUs") new album a collection of independent music of the openingReputation and topic, independent Internet celebrity, a mainstream record company promoting the advantages of the collection, on the network's reputation gradually rose. Although the new EP featuring three songs only, but Deng Furu still showed the flexibility of independent music and his singing style, its special articulation of singing and interpretation of English songs to the boring pop music brings a rare sense of fresh. By virtue ofMay release first album so last year!! , Created rose Deng Furu mass sales standings throughout the long record of 23 weeks ranked, highest ranked second place, first album as new EP released back to the top again, so good being considered this year both inside and outside Taiwan Golden Melody Awards, best newcomer of top persons. As with traditional independent record labels, Hello, habonisi6,666 first main niche market limited sales model tera power leveling, driven Internet word of mouth popularity, worthy of long-term concern. In addition, Taiwan pop up a level female newcomer Ding Guolin, her first work by virtue of the lost dogs of American girl album, listed three weeks in a row rose mass, her highest sales reached 12.35%, or even sold Landy. The claims are"Taiwan first American girl" Ding Guolin, over 40 years, still retains 34E good build, through exposure self portrait and nude photos on the Internet explosion of red. The Internet celebrity from TV to music, music India sexy dance mother dance as a selling point. Selling "show" didn't sell tera power leveling, immediate market effects. Users concerned about film of the Chi-ming and Chun Jiao,The original music of the late autumn. Irony can be seen as both on the music industry, can also be seen as a film industry for music salvation. East Asia music produced by the Chi-ming and Chun Jiao OST holding red from Canada of Chinese female singer Qu Wanting, the Drenched rub into both of these blues elements, maintaining a simple, delicate character of Chinese girls. ElectricShadow of winning not only has raised public awareness of this episode, causing Qu Wanting also dated the melt down of the songs in my heat. In addition, starring by Tang Wei and first singing of the late autumn theme song with the same name in Chinese, is the highest in March asking for film songs. Tang Wei strongly emotional interpretations of a little far, but Lin XI Chinese lyrics for the movie colour, Especially in the sentence "no later than the late autumn, and" most classic. Others:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera power leveling he will lose everything he has now. I was disappointed in him - WDQ

129784631178647500_14Mancini says Pakistan or leave the hope of God FA punished not giving up title hopes Yeah sporting April 9: and then there were 6 rounds of the League, behind United 8 min win Manchester City want to burst, Mancini said after Arsenal lost the League competition is not over, but it is very difficult, he also believed that Mario Balotelli should have been sent off again hope that he is able to exercise self-discipline. Aerteta super long shots of almost 87 minutes Mancini and Manchester City was declared the death penalty,Manco depressed's face and body language after the game that he admits the Premiership was hopeless. But in an interview he also is insisting the champions competition is not over, but has been difficult: "mathematical terms is not over, but it is clearly very difficult. Three days after the game, we must strive to win. Football never say no. In life, before the end ofYou have to make every effort to. Finally if we did not win tera gold, but also because Manchester United than our outstanding. Obviously difficult to cheer for players, but three days after the game, we are a professional team, professional players, we want to find the feeling of victory, ended the season well. "Mancini said:" so far we have already more than last season, had 15 points, indeed nowLet us win the Championship is a difficult thing, but we can look forward to Manchester United in the Derby war also made some mistakes, throw some points tera power leveling, after that we can see the outcome. We and Manchester United have had the opportunity to fight for the remaining 18 League points for us, after all we did in the first 28-29 games of the season perfect, so we should not give upNo hope at all. In any case, win in theory we have the opportunity, so after three days of competition and we will try to win it. Do not give up until the last minute when the spirit should be run through a person's life, even if we finally get to the Championship, it can only show Manchester United too good, rather than we played poorly. "Mario Balotelli focus once again, this is not because the goal, But accumulated two yellow cards was sent off. Opening soon he had a kick with the sole song bad fouls, referee Atkinson said no, Mancini did not shield a shortcoming or fault, he believed BA God at that time should be sent off: "I didn't see first recorded tackle sitting on the bench, but I now see, Mario does the match start 10 minutes after the (committed due to kick with the sole songStandard) eat the red card was sent off, but not until he left the game for a few minutes when DQ. I feel very sorry for him, I told him what to say. I like him, he is an amazing player, I like he is, but if he does not reform, he will lose everything he has now. I was disappointed in him, he is still young, still make mistakesFalse positives. "Finally Mancini to BA God once again put forward the ardent hope:" I have always maintained he was Mario is a good man, but if he does not change in the future, you will lose all the talent. Now he was a child, I will defend him, but two years later if he was this way, I can do about it to him. I hope he is able to raise, understanding cannot go on like this tera power leveling,For his future and his talent. I'm very sorry he was sent off. I also hope that Mario Balotelli in the FA there will be penalties, he should be fined for a sufficiently severe suspensions. He needs to realize that he is now going to be crooked ways, if Mario obstinate, I also have to agree with Mourinho about Mario ' non-management '. "When asked whether Manchester CityPlans to sell Mario Balotelli after the end of the season, Mancini told reporters: "is possible. "But then when pressed for Tai Chi he and Reporter:" what are you are looking forward to Mario to leave England? If Mario stayed in the Premiership, you should go to his left to celebrate. Every week like he can provide the newspaper with a three page layout page, two pages, and even footageCharacters is rare. �� Others:

tera gold has been trying to ease such a view. Announced the purchase of on Instagram blog - IXQ

129785433004687500_6Comments: Facebook acquisitions Instagram marks its strategic transformation NetEase tech news on April 10, according to a TechCrunch report, morning Facebook announced a $ 1 billion dollar acquisition of Instagram, this news is very surprising. But also very telling to the world of science and technology and create a small network of new State of the ecological system. There is no doubt that for some time to come, most of the companies in the industry willAnalysis of what this means. But for the financial sector, the deal marks: Facebook has officially debut as a major buyer of competitors on the merger and acquisition market stage. Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) has been trying to ease such a view. Announced the purchase of on Instagram blog, Zuckerberg acknowledged, The acquisition is a big deal tera gold, but says this is not necessarily a binge of acquisitions started quickly. He said: "this is an important milestone for Facebook tera gold, because it is the first time we've ever had to buy so many users of the product and the company. But if we have similar deals in the future tera power leveling, there will not be many. "Even so, onceFacebook IPO documents are official, hand obviously have lots of choices. For many years companies such as Microsoft and Google's potential acquisition targets, IPO will make Facebook more close to the company, and joined to the acquisition of venture-backed network startups in the ranks. As of now, buy more concentrated on the acquisition of Facebook-employmentDomestic area, at relatively low prices buying smaller companies, mainly in order to turn their talent into Facebook employees. But agreement valued at approximately US $ 1 billion to buy Instagram, means that Facebook is now ready for major acquisitions. In Facebook IPO direction �C the market ready to raise some5 billion dollars in cash--this makes sense, is interested in acquisitions in the future may appear a very large number of variations. (Muxiulin) Others:

tera power leveling is the gold-rich in Europe. Canada a mineMade lucrative mining industry company

129784668143960000_195Switzerland referendum found valuable gold mine, a small town residents refuse mining Switzerland Alps Maedl Valley (MedelValley) town (Web page screenshot) online zhuangao international: United Kingdom, the daily mail reported on April 8, Switzerland is found in a small town in the deep valley of the Alps with a value of us $ 1.2 billion ($ 7.57 billion yuan) of gold tera gold, however the town of 450 residents following the debateAnd the referendum tera power leveling, rejecting the Canada mining requirements of developers, reasons in addition to the protection of the environment, there is denial of alien population into. This small town is located in the Alpine mountains Maedl Valley (MedelValley), only 450 residents. This gold was Switzerland's first gold mine, 10 grams of gold per ton, is the gold-rich in Europe. Canada a mineMade lucrative mining industry company, 10 residents in the mining period available to 40 million Swiss francs (about 270 million yuan) in concession fees tera power leveling, related commercial activities will bring considerable benefits to the town. On the exploitation of gold, decides referendum after town residents after months of debate, eventually 90 supported the continuation of mining, 180 people adhere to the opposition. It has been reportedRoad, 5 million tons of Earth and rock mining gold mining, residents are worried that mining makes the pleasant scenery of the Valley were damaged, as were scarred by torture of the gold rush in the late 19th century Canada Klondike (Klondike). In addition, the opponents are not out of concern about the environment, the needs of young people also worry that development projects, a small town of 200 foreignMiners may take their girlfriends. Although has said the local young women new to the miners is not cold. Others:

tera power leveling the shihuashui Bank and the North of the city - YIW

129784668119272500_134Beijing urban construction: good sales slightly increased funding Performance overview 2011, company revenues 5.246 billion yuan, an increase of 12.92%; operating profit of $ 1.756 billion, fell by 5.03%; vested in the owner of the parent company net profit of $ 855 million, down 28.78%; basic earnings per share of $ 0.9621/share. Weighted average rate of return on equity15.19%, an 7.16%. 2011 cash dividend distribution plan for each 10 shares of the company distributed $ 2 (plus tax). Company is a real estate development company fundamentals-oriented brand of real estate business. Company mainly involved in real estate development, land development, and sewage treatment business, among them, real estate projects mainly located in BeijingTianjin, Chongqing and other regions; wastewater treatment business mainly in Anhui, Hebei region. For Beijing urban construction group company's largest shareholder, stake for 50.41%, human Beijing State-owned assets supervision of actual control. Settlement growth in revenue, profit margin has increased during the reporting period, company sales revenues of 5.032 billion yuan, an increase of 10.31%, the main settlementProjects international, the shihuashui Bank and the North of the city, led by garden homes project, business profit margin reached 58.35%, an increase of 17.57% property management revenues of $ 120 million tera gold, an increase of 41.5%, business profit margin amounted to 29.19%, end of business property area of 139,000 square meter; sewage treatment business revenue17 million Yuan, an increase of 45.06%, business profit margin reached 43.18%, an increase of 1.39%. Expenses increased during the reporting period, company expense ratio is 11%, an increase of 3.4%, where the 3.49% sales cost rate, an increase 0.62%; management costsRate of 6.31%, an increase of 2.14%; 1.19% rate of finance charges, an increase of 0.63%. Money well, advance accounts payable accounts for high end of company money after removal of advance funds/accounts payable as well as monetary assets/current liabilities (non-current liabilities short-term borrowings due within one year) respectively and 80.92%742.64%, coverage is higher than the industry average, less short-term financial pressure. In addition, in the context of last year's market downturn, remained positive growth sales tera power leveling, amount sold 6.507 billion yuan, increased slightly by 1.34% per cent. End advance $ 6.521 billion accounts payable, an increase 31.44%, 2011 annual revenue share124.29%. Project reserve increase the company's total invested 3.241 billion yuan during the period, increasing the reserves built surface of 1.4429 million square meters, an increase of 28.96%, clear of falling market expansion. Project company reserves are mainly located in three areas of Beijing, Tianjin and Chongqing. Companies currently clearing resources of approximately 5 million square meters, over the same period last year with greaterBoost. Profit forecasts and investment grade expected 2012 earnings per share of $ 1.2 and $ 1.46, corresponding to Dynamics corresponding dynamic price-earnings ratio of 11 times and 9 times times. Robust performance growth, equity investment gains, valuations lower. In addition, the product structure to ordinary goods and most projects related to housing guaranteedHousing project tera gold, as the areas of Government support, project financial support were more likely, mainly for the capital of the company is good, therefore maintained its "overweight" rating on investment. Risk market risk; risk of falling sales. Others:

tera power leveling - AXR

129788454315937500_37 <a href="">tera power leveling</a>[Btfc into House tera gold, color] 043 shuangse Qiu period forecast: blue ball attention to odd No. 2012042 shuangse Qiu lottery results: 16 the first prize in a national 8, 7.76 million per Note bonus, Guangdong 0, 225 in the national second prize, each note bonus 147 tera power leveling,000, 24 in Guangdong, jumped to the prize pool of $ 543 million. Shuangse Qiu No. 2012043 red ball trend forecast is as follows01.03.07 1 head number 0 number concern concern concern 16.17.18 2 number 3 number concerned 30,31 blue curious numbers rebounded to strike the ball, concerned about 5 yards in cold-proof Code Red exhaust killed the ball 10 yards 07 basketball row No. 2012043 kill 5 yard shuangse Qiu period introducing duplex 8 bit 01.07 (Guangdong fucai information network) Others:

tera gold Peak group 2011 net profit 269 million - BDJ

129784668298803750_594Peak group 2011 net profit 269 million, growth of 102.42% MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 NetEase finance, April 9-2011 peak Group announcement disclosed late 9th company annual report tera power leveling, net income of $ 269 million in 2011 compared with 2010 growth2.42%. Peak Group revenue for the year 2011 is $ 1.645 billion, representing a growth of the previous year 24.18% tera gold, vested in the shareholders ' net income of $ 269 million in listed companies tera gold, 2010 growth, basic earnings per share of $ 0.781. Others:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera power leveling 2011 collector's Edition - VNQ

129788422109843750_196On April 7, "China strong Inn tribute wine (000596) ・ year puree" (hereinafter referred to as "China") road show on tour, pace, investors. "Mostly liquors new arbitrage.   "A wine investor audience Wang Ming (who) said. The varieties in Shanghai on April 17, before and afterWine trading centre (hereinafter referred to as "wine trading centre") trading, currently is in the purchase phase.   However tera gold, in the "half-price purchase, return on investment 1 time" lured play behind the new tide of liquor, liquor that investors can come out alive tera power leveling, but it is unknown. -75% per cent "new" designs high-end liquor issue shares to be listed byDistilleries limited-production, remove the dealer link layer in the middle layer increases, prices are far below the market price of similar brand liquor.   This has brought a new arbitrage space. Wang Ming in the wine trade center has two new experiences, for the first time at the end of December last year to purchase liquor 1500 Yuan/kg "national cellar 1573 ・ taste of China (2011 collector's Edition)" (hereinafter the"National cellar 1573"), opening day 2000 Yuan/kg to sell at the highest point, profit is about 33%; the second was in March of this year to $ 780/bottle purchase "Crystal 2012 (collector's Edition)" (hereinafter referred to as "Crystal"), opening day for $ 1050/bottle sold, profit is about 35%. In his view, the new cash, earn is onThe high-end liquor "value" profits.   This flows from the source release mechanism for wine trading centre, is listed by high-end liquor distilleries limited-production, due to remove the distributor in the middle part of layer-by-layer increase, winery offers far less than similar brands of liquor market. "When you begin trading, to move closer and similar brand liquor market, there is a very high price increasesSpace.   "Wang Ming said.   30 puree "China strong" the purchase price is $ 860/bottle (limited 100,000 bottles), corresponding to the ancient wells tribute wine puree 26 years with the highest quality wine list price $ 1688/bottle, apparently underestimated the value. "We expect ' strong China ' market prices should be more than 2,500 RMB/bottle. "China's strong publishers �Fly-wine industry (Shanghai) Ltd chairman Zhu Yishan said, is $ 860/purchase price is located in the bottle, on the one hand psychological price ex-factory price of the purchase price close to the winery Inn (dealer profits to investors), the other is based on branding considerations. "We make high-end liquor trading as possible close to the ex-factory price of the purchase price, is also based on thePromoting the consideration of trading activity.   "Shanghai International Wine Trade Center Vice President Xiong Feiyun said.   But even if it is pie in the sky, not every new body and back. For example, in the "Crystal" was listed first, as new sell orders, and network bandwidth congestion and failed transactions until the afternoon of Shanghai InternationalWine Trade Center through the suspend site operations (trading systems more bandwidth), and did not return to normal trading. "Electronic transactions on the day after the recovery, see sold far more than pay new investors chasing rising stocks are gone, but too late to Debuts cash investors in their chasing rising stocks, floating losses occurred. "Wang Ming's memories. They had initially calculated by firstGet jacked up the price, at the close of all cash, get a higher return on investment. This new rise of arbitrage, due to special trade provisions for wine trading centre, or gain up to debut the first-300%, the biggest fall is the debut 75%.   This new space see ramping of larger profits. Xiong Feiyun believes thatNew floating loss occurs because, they ignore two factors are not excluded tera power leveling, is a high-end liquor of moutai prices triggered a domino effect in the near future, and second, during the NPC deputies calls for three public consumption regulation that may prevent the decline in demand for high-end liquor. Reporters found floating losses also due to investor does not pursue the so-called long-term investment. Wang Ming, for example, the baseIn two dozen new profits come before, he turned to cycling to play new, that money has just returned from a liquor before the new cash, immediately turned to a new purchase. "Liquor collector does not really involved in the transaction, a lot of it is directed at a new arbitrage and speculation. "Wang Ming's feeling says. "National cellar 1573" trading in 3 months, total delivery volume of slightly more than 100 bottlesOnly 9,999 bottles of total circulation of about 1%. Others:

tera power leveling 0 - XPN

129788442980156250_61Horizon City figure for the peninsula leading to right left Sina Locke (Edit Li Ting) Peninsula leading to vision City (comments on the Forum type photo album sample room map search) the average price of $ 8,200 per sq m, currently for sale apartment of 65 square metres to 170 square metres. One-time payment discount per square meter 200 Yuan, loan discount $ 100 per square meter. Estimated time is June 2012.  Horizon City property rights 50 years led to the peninsula, hard cover housing, property management company for DTZ, property was 4.8 Yuan/square meter/month, project by Tim Tower (Shenyang) limited development. Peninsula leading to provide 60 square meters to thousands of square meters of commercial and residential units, pattern founder, High utilization, sales, sales and more combinations can be whole floor reservations. Project 28,232 square meters, covers an area of 2,951 square meters, volumetric rate of 9.57, 240 total households.  Property management company for DTZ, property management fee 4.8 Yuan/square meter/month. The geographical position is superior, strong commercial atmosphere, convenient transportation, with investment value.Above information is for reference only, and eventually released to developers.  This manuscript for SINA Locke exclusive original manuscripts, all rights reserved, referenced or reproduced, please indicate the source. For project details, please call Sina Locke free consultation hotline: 400-606-6,969 views for more hot real estate around the subscription member real estate magazine, we will directly to the latest hotTrends sent to your mailbox peninsula led to the vision of city a total of 4 comments click here to read more comments and more comments on Locke friends led to the vision of the 2010-10-27 peninsula town Shenyang is really an added building limited abuse of poop developed 10 years ago, life has been shrinking, currentlyDue to added building debts, the Court has seized more than half the room, housing deadline is no guarantee, ... [More details] say good (3) against (5) replies to the comments netizens 2011-09-19 peninsula led to the view that house prices are too high, the price is the oceanRoom price, here's lots better, but not suitable for living, if investment here is a restriction, location a bit error ... [More details] say good (0) against (0) replies to the comments netizens 2011-09-19 horizon city is the peninsula led to the foldBuckles, maximum discount per square meter of 300, and counting, 100 flat is 30,000, is still good, the preferential addition to big developers in Shenyang, is ... [More details] say good (0) against (1) 2011-08-29 Locke replied to the comments netizens:Horizon Tower led to the location of the peninsula 42:42 well, is near Tai Yuen Street, this price is also in the region, and is a hardcover, decoration, satisfied, Tom 115, near ... [More details] say good (0) against (0) replies to the comments netizens2010-10-27 peninsula brought horizon city was added to the building limited 10 development have indiscriminate effects of buildings in Shenyang, life span has shrunk, now due to added building debts, the Court has seized more than half the room, housing deadline is no guarantee, ... [More details] say good (3) against (5) Locke replied to the comments netizens horizon Tower led to the location of the 2011-08-29 peninsula, and is near Tai Yuen Street, this price is also in the region, and is a hardcover, decoration, satisfied, Tom 115, near ... [More details]Say good (0) against (0) replies to the comments netizens 2011-09-19 peninsula led to the view that house prices are too high tera gold, Ah, this is the House price, here's lots better, but not suitable for living, if investment here is a restriction, positioningSome error ... [More details] say good (0) against (0) Locke replied to the comments netizens 2011-09-19 horizon city is brought to a discount to the force on the peninsula, offers the highest per square meter of 300 tera power leveling, and counting, 100 flat is 30,000, is still good, The preferential addition to big developers in Shenyang, is ... 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tera gold 2.34% per cent lower. Demand still exists by the high price of sugar inhibits - EYG

129788454848750000_80Sugar Enterprise Wan could not be reluctant to sell out the fifth shouchu bulls tons Because of sugar stock companies bullish on the price of sugar, fifth sugar shouchu turnover for the year yesterday only 7,800 tons, continued to fall, but the price was high. As consumption season is coming, sugar still has hope to continue upward. Statistics show that this year the first batch (500,000 tons) fifth shouchu, scheduled 209,100 tonnes, but the actual transactions only 7,800 tons, Xinzheng 4,200 tons, of which 3,600 tons of Langfang, average price reached $ 6,820/ton, up 4 times the price. Your reserves continue to lower enterprise storage initiative is obviously inadequate, have seen enterprises still confident for the future. Previously, on February 8, national development and Reform Commission issued a first batch of sugar interim national shouchu scheduled notifications, provides the shouchu is tentatively scheduled for the number 10 tons. Since February 10, the State reserve sold for a total of 5 times, the cumulative acquisition of 298 tera power leveling,700 tonnes of sugar. In February, two sold 218,000 tons, March the State reserve to buy sugar two times, sold 23,100 tons and 49,600 tons respectively, trading volumes decline, contract price will remain at $ 6,700-6,780 Yuan/ton/tons. Country is expected to receiveStorage 500,000 tons, there are still incoming 209,100 tonnes, dier��SiGe shouchu Thursday of each month. If the shouchu yesterday turnover calculation, going to at least 26, shouchu may last a year longer. In other words, the shouchu expressed season of May to the end to complete, on the sugar price support will continue. "Now the spot, futures prices, expected late in the second quarterIn a reasonable amount of upstream channel, $ 7,000-7,200 dollars target price relative to the equilibrium price, $ 200-$ 300/ton/tons per cent is still relatively reasonable space, unilateral trend of investment chance probability is still relatively large. "Dong Shuangwei first futures research and development department managers said. In his view, from the Government's policy intentions, at the price of $ 6,550 shouchuIntroduced more than a lot of analysis and prediction of body, have shown determination to national support for the sugar market, and it is anticipated that spot image stabilization in $ 7,000/ton above can enter the Government was concerned about the view. At present, the sugar market in the consumer before the season comes, has begun to rise in consumption. According to the statistical data of the sugar Association shows that by the end of March, national sugar-producing new Trojan 10.74 million tons,Rise of 970,000 tonnes, representing an increase of about 10%. Cane sugar in China at present the main producing areas are entering your squeeze peak. Expected end of April, the national sugar yield is almost certain. February predicts Nanning sugar sugar for two thousand eleven-two thousand twelveths 11.5 million to 12 million tons, is expected to achieve, and with the 1.94 million tonnes for the year of import quotas, domestic sugar supply at 13.5 million-14 million tons. Consumption, by the end of March, national cumulative sales of sugar 4.65 million tons, an increase of 180,000 tons; cumulative production rate tera gold, 43.28%, 2.34% per cent lower. Demand still exists by the high price of sugar inhibits tera gold, sugar demand this summer may still be declined because of starch sugar substitute, warmer downstream consumer doubts�� Annual sugar consumption will be lower, about 13 million tons. On the whole, domestic supply and demand of sugar is in a balanced State, the price of sugar rose underpowered. But it is worth noting that is, after the Ching Ming Festival spot prices of $ 80-$ 120/ton/tons, for more than a month, stock prices broke early to run for the first time interval, a larger rise in the rate of�� "Annual total supply and demand is not expected to have much problem, need to be concerned about periodic or seasonal changes. "Dong Shuangwei said, sugar futures from 2006 listing, in addition to individual years, remaining in the first quarter of a year in a few years over a correction after the Spring Festival, 15%-cent range, near or in the inertia of the season summer consumption market has experiencedRising, this year was no exception. Others:

tera power leveling was an extraordinary year. Reviewing the housing policy for the year - JJQ

129788443083281250_327SINA real estate (Edit/Li Xiao series) for 2012 for the national real estate market, was an extraordinary year. Reviewing the housing policy for the year, come and go, and rendering human heart; changes on the real estate market; purchase in army war game of market regulation in this field, and swing, and wait and see. SINA real estate station Huhhot in the year continuing to service the purchaseRoom for the purpose of providing real-time information and analysis in the industry, be national counterparts is getting more attention, concern we thank all with great enthusiasm, and we support our users.  Following the 2012 was granted a certificate of advance sale for inventory, and hope that the majority of users can help us. Kim Tae-Center (forum comments on the album type a model map search)Advance card: House for sale No. 20120012 (Kim Tae-Center renderings) Kim Tae-Center project in Inner Mongolia development zone, located in the new Center district tera power leveling, Hohhot city, Inner Mongolia--four South of latitude Street tera gold, East of Riverside West. Total area of 69,000 square meters tera power leveling, total construction area of 280,000 square metres. Traffic flow around the project, beautiful landscape, State-level and city-levelGovernments everywhere, is nearing completion of the Ulan large theatres and museums in the region of Inner Mongolia. Shanghai construction group. Type sales area of 216 square meters price of 13,000 yuan/square meter, 257 and 287 square meter unit price 14,000 yuan/square meter, 2 unit price 18,000 yuan/square meter, 420 and 440 square meters is not yet open. OverallAverage expected 15,000 yuan/square meter. Time: May 2013. Above information is for reference only, and ultimately released to developers for the previous page 1 2 3 4 5 next 2012 was granted a certificate of advance housing inventory diamond 2012, 2012 was granted a certificate of advance housing inventory jinyu was granted a certificate of advance city housing stock inventory o China gardenApproved phase 2 presale card listing inventory des Champs-flower dikes 2012 was granted a certificate of advance housing stock inventory of Jinchuan long Ting Others:

tera gold significantly higher than the $ 7 - KMD

129788422100937500_173Events March financial statistics data released today by the people's Bank of China.   Our reviews are as follows. Commenting on the generalized mobility significantly improved. March, M2 grew by 13.4%, above our forecast of 12.6% tera power leveling, an increase in per cent in February; adjusted annualised growth rate of 19.7% per cent from the same quarter, 215.1% of the month improved markedly. March new loans in Renminbi to $ 1.01 trillion, significantly higher than the $ 7,000 more than in December, higher than market expectations. Also in March, the social scale of finance to $ 1.86 trillion, an increase over February. Generalized liquidity indicators show a significant improvement. Recommended reading BankRestart first set interest rates to 85 percent discount Bank this week, releasing billions of liquidity funds Vice President of Fudan University School of Economics in favour of the Bank salary CPI down or cause a fall in financial product receipts Standard Chartered Bank employee suspected of helping money-laundering was detained a live inventory of more than 4,000 concubines when deposits of Chiefs of the Kingdom of that Gold Star Baby | · interbank market wideYu conduction to the liquidity of the real economy. March weighted average interest rates in the interbank market interbank months fell 0.8% per cent last month, weighted average pledge of inter-bank bond repo rate fell 0.9% per cent last month, this month with bank deposits increased significantly, the interbank market liquidity continued to improve. Social FinanceTotal and the increase of new loans, then the real economy already feeling the effects of easing broad liquidity has improved significantly. · will help ease market fears of insufficient effective demand for loans before. New loans increased significantly thanks to Central Bank credit lines of moderately relaxed, Bank lending capacity has increased. Under easing in new loansStrong rebound, also shows current demand for credit remained strong. Big increase in new loan rebounded to promote deposit. March M2 growth mainly comes from the total deposit of RMB increased March deposits increase by 2.95 trillion yuan, up from $ 1.6 trillion in February, increased by more than $ 271.2 billion compared with last year, is under the high base effect this month M2 per centTo maintain high growth rates of the main reason. March deposits increased substantially, mainly reflecting increased credit and off-balance sheet financing business back to the table of results. New loans increased significantly, cause an increase in deposits that are derived. March credit demand substantial recovery, Central Bank eased credit control, significant increase in lending, promoting deposit growth to pick up. At the same time, due to the end of examinationAnd the effects of the recent decline in yields, March banking products, such as off-balance sheet business return amount may be larger in the table, on deposits have some up. Total relaxation of monetary policy effect appeared high profile relaxation measures of rhythm and intensity in the future will be lower. March monetary and credit growth rebound, in line with a regular meeting in the first quarter, the Central Bank's monetary policy committee mentioned in the notice"Maintaining monetary and credit growth" policy target, reflecting the total relaxation of monetary policy effectiveness. In our view, the total relaxation of monetary policy unchanged this year. From January-February of foreign exchange as well as a quarterly trade data, annual Foreign Exchange account for Delta dropped significantly compared to last year is still the probability of the event, the Central Bank still needs to cut the statutory reserve ratio to reverseHedges, to maintain a modest credit growth. But relaxing rhythm and is subject to the trend of slower growth and inflation tera gold, increased policy flexibility. Because of the apparent resumption of monetary and credit growth in March, while March CPI rebound, short term signals release of significance to the further monetary easing measures the probability of falling tera gold, but this does not meanA tightening of policy, but rather is easing in early results show. Wensheng Peng to CICC's Chief Economist Others:

Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera gold have been shipped to various free lunch feed point. 10 - SMY

129779512056875000_59Children were eating lunch. (Source: China Youth daily) in hongsipu Town Center elementary school class to distribute free lunch. (Source: China Youth daily) since opening in the spring of this year, Zhang Xiaomei, aged 33, Ningxia wuzhong hongsipu town to wage a peace of mind, because her 5 grade children in school at ease on your dinner at noon, she can not exclusively from a fewInside and outside of the City returned home cooking for kids. Hongsipu Town Center Zhao Qiang heart at ease a lot of school principals. Implementation of the "free lunch" project, he only need to verify the number, test meal quality and temperature, organizations issuing lunch can be a teachers and students, the main effort was to provide teachers and students with a good teaching environment. Purchase and sale of grain and oil in hongsipu, Ningxia areaDivision of Wang Xiyin Manager near two months to has been is tension, since he of company bear red Temple Fort area 20,800 name students of lunch processing and distribution yilai, does not know has how many a night, Wang Xiyin are sleep does not with sleep, head in a again a again filter with from food material procurement to lunch distribution of each a a links, pillow edge of small this Shang, packed wrote full has various needed strengthening and improved of thingItem. After a year of trial, starting from school this spring, "free lunch" works in 12 counties in Ningxia comprehensive, and over more than 260,000 pupils ate a standard free lunch for 4 bucks. How to ensure that the 4 dollar bowl of implementation quality and quantity in the student? "Free lunch" project has no other problems? With these questions, recently, China BlueAnnual report press conference about hongsipu, Ningxia region, to understand local "free lunches" running model and reaction. Processing and distribution, and government regulation at 9 o'clock in the morning, hongsipu student lunches of beef and mutton feed point slaughterhouse, 5 head of beef cattle have been put in place, special apparatus to Imam has been provisioned, please, prepare beef. 9:40, fresh beef hung meatShang, after inspection of hygiene quality inspection departments, and professionals continue to load and shipped in hongsipu area of 5 free lunch feed point. While in beef supply, Zhongwei, Ningxia, wuzhong coming into the car had such as cabbage, green peppers to the purchase and sale of grain and oil company in hongsipu area, also after the quality inspection, have been shipped to various free lunch feed point. 10:30 A.M., hongsipuHongde industrial park free lunch feed point, modernization of meal kitchen workshop in, into disc of rice has steam good, cabbage beef has out pot, wearing with masks, and rubber gloves, unified dress of workers are busy with to unified of key fat lunch box in fill a bowl with rice, and scoop dish, Sheng full meals of meal box put Shang carousel, after machine posted film, 20 a a baskets, directly loaded into has insulation effect of sent diner. At 11 o'clock15 min, 5 cars set off to Diners at the same time, for different directions. 11:30, in hongsipu town 3 km of hongsipu Town Center elementary school, sending Diners stopping at the campus, 29 basket lunches have been unloaded, the school clinic and support staff were busy testing quality, measurement temperature, after verified registration, class with 6 students in each class have been to lunch to get back to the classroom, distribute toStudents. Less than half an hour tera gold, coming on the class carried out eaten meals basket, with students wearing gloves, two groups came to the fixed buckets in each class, simple and clean up the lunch box. Clean up is completed, students to get lunch boxes carried to the dining car Department, school support staff and load. 12:20, send diners to leave campus, after lunch three gang, five of the students group leisureTease. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, free lunch feed point, recovery meal boxes from all the school finished cleaning, neatly stored in sterilizing Cabinet, workers started to go home. This is hongsipu, Ningxia area "free lunch" from ingredients procurement, fabrication, lunch delivery to the lunch box the whole process of recovery. From 9 o'clock in the morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon tera gold, free lunch feed point, 216 people, 5 5Hours hongsipu all 68 rural school students eat lunch of steaming hot. In this 5-hour, school issue in less than 1 hour. "Enterprise production and distribution, relevant departments of the Government supervision, schools focus on teaching. "Hongsipu Bureau responsible for" free lunch "Jiang yonggang told the China Youth daily reporter. A piece of red tapeSignificant responses of people's livelihood in September 2011, the country selected pilot provinces of Ningxia as a free lunch, in hongsipu area of pilot, and from that time, Jiang yonggang, involved in the implementation of a free lunch. "A lot of energy to shift from teaching to eat. "Began when the pilot, hongsipu in some school cafeterias, funded by the Government in the construction of school canteen,Schools for free lunches the whole process of sourcing, processing, and distribution. Rural schools generally not scale, previously has no canteens in schools, combined with the heavy responsibility for food safety, after running for some time, found Jiang yonggang, free lunch consume a large chunk of the energy of the school. "Each school building cafeteria, size and equipment behind the regulatory power is difficult to ensure. "Jiang yonggang said,Hongsipu 68 rural elementary schools throughout the region, tested, in all schools built dining room, it will cause waste of resources, on the one hand, in the regulation of food safety and security also has practical difficulties. In hongsipu area under the jurisdiction of 5 towns, smooth Highway across town, the transportation is convenient, after thinking again, combined with the actual situation on the ground, hongsipu finally selected the enterprise plusButt free lunch delivery, government regulation, school running mode, purchase and sale of grain and oil company-wide area in hongsipu area of processing and delivery of free lunches. In order to reduce transit time, ensuring temperature lunch, purchase and sale of grain and oil companies in the region located 5 feed point, radiation total 68 rural primary schools. To ensure the safety of free lunches, specifications and high efficiency operation in hongsipu area GovernmentFunded more than 13 million Yuan, 5 lunch feed point to the grain and oil companies building plants, acquisition of equipment, equipment dedicated to Diners, while the concentrated power of government departments such as education, health, quality, supervision and 5 lunch feed point of focus. "From the purchase to the ingredients Cook, there will be a Government regulator. "Jiang yonggang said that, in order to ensure the safety of food raw materialsAnd processing specifications, hongsipu has formed a government regulation, self, school supply Enterprise tripartite supervision patterns of parental supervision. Involving more than 20,000 more students for meals, purchase and sale of grain and oil companies are not taken lightly. At the time of recruitment of staff, conducted a medical examination, apply for a health card for all at the same time, to food security, all staff are kitchen standardized operation, Plant health holistic training. Bear free lunch item tera power leveling, grain and oil companies once a week meetings, summary of deployment, have a staff meeting each month, and reward top employees and teams, penalties related accident responsibility, company manager Wang Xiyin appear every day on the kitchen floor. In order to ensure the quality of food, ensuring nutritional mix cereal and oil company in Ningxia Medical UniversityGeneral Hospital Nutrition Department according to the deployment recipes in the different seasons, every quarter and by Five days each week for a recipe together. "Process a lot, it is trivial, but the responsibility is too big. "Wang Xiyin says, when I first started running, reminds one of the dining security involving more than 20,000 people and tens of thousands of families happy, he often does not sleep, every link over the problems that may arise. "TeachingIn normal, while training students ability of collective life. "Zhao Qiang hongsipu Town Center elementary school principals said, school canteens, responsibility and pressure to reduce a lot, you can concentrate on catching the teaching. In addition, in the implementation of the free lunch, hubanghuzhu capacity and awareness of school training students, students turn to student meal, washes the lunch boxes, students have a poor appetiteNot to eat the full meal, each class has a family feel. In order to let parents know about lunch, listening to the opinions and suggestions, also organized with parents and children in school lunch, school views parents finish, then back to the supply companies and government regulators. Downstream on the incubation industry, ensure that 4 bucks 1 many countries specified in the Bowl 3 money free lunch standardsNingxia Autonomous Regional Government on the basis of this additional 1 dollar as nutrition benefits, constitutes the standard free lunch for 4 bucks. In hongsipu area as free lunch supplies businesses have built plants, equipped with devices, providing a meal for 4 dollars per person per meal. To make sure 4 dollars to the students in the bowl, Jiang yonggang and supervisory staff not only to detect the food quality, at the same time,In front of the Cook has to weigh your ingredients, this money is in full measure 4 to lunch. New problems arise, Wang Xiyin found that money put into the Bowl 4 blocks, this process needs water, power, workers ' wages, clean tools, equipment maintenance, sending Diners in fuel and other costs are not covered. "4 bucks all into the bowl, but into the bowl in the process did notAny counterpart funds. "Wang Xiyin journalist accounts, purchase and sale of grain and oil company free lunch feed point 5 a total of 216 employees, monthly wages ranging from $ 1000~1500 per person, spending a month salary $ 237,000, at the workshop of hydropower, maintenance of equipment, employees, gloves, clothing, cleaning supplies, sending Diners, such as fuel, maintenance, and corporate officeTogether, at least $ 200,000 per month. This means that hongsipu area of more than 20,000 people each month in more than 1.6 million yuan of free lunch meal, there are more than 400,000 worth of supporting expenditure, which is not forthcoming. "Not only for the heavy responsibility sleep well, employee wages are very worried. "Wang Xiyin said, grain and oil company free lunch project for two months, largelyLoss, social responsibility is of course to take, and so on, and indeed there is pressure. Wang Xiyin escalated this situation, also in hongsipu region Party Committee and Government's concern. "The Government also understands the situation, some subsidies and supporting project implementation is in the demonstration. "Hongsipu Zhou Guoning, Deputy Head of the district authority told the China Youth daily reporter. In recent years, Ningxia in hongsipuGood area to create the Yellow River Valley, has introduced a number of welfare industries, through preferential government policies, encouraging enterprises to recruit local people into the plant workers, promoting poverty, as the industrial park have been built, would in hongsipu area has a large number of industrial workers appear. It is understood that given the realities of free lunch supplies enterprises, hongsipu Region Government allow free of charge for students to eat lunch meal Enterprise, Using Government free lunch from kitchen equipment to be socialized management of configuration, develop the social market, workers to the industrial park, fast food, fast food prices by the enterprise pricing can make some profit, premise is the need to ensure that the 4 bucks qualified for free lunch. "Let me see some hope. "Wang Xiyin said, company day out over more than 300 fast food now, each7 dollars sold, earn 2 bucks, if it can be set to 3000~5000, enterprise's basic survival is guaranteed. Recently, hongsipu Party Committee and Government also decided that the plan relies on "free lunch" program, extending upstream industry. "Free lunch" day 5 of beef cattle, 10,000 pounds food, in order to save procurement cost in the market, in hongsipu area decided to provide policy,Land concessions in areas such as, the purchase and sale of grain and oil companies set up their own plantations and farms, the specialist is responsible for providing free lunch with meat and vegetables, the procurement cost savings on the one hand, while also saving on food safety resources from the source. It is understood that this project has been proof, is in the implementation phase. Others:

tera power leveling also has not turned up - BPX

129779323244062500_2224 the well-being of girls He Jin alone lying in the Centre of Ankang hospital accident and emergency wards and disease resistance, has her belly high elevation of liver ascites, can only lay on, nursing cover was slightly, she was called "pain". "I had them (parents and boyfriend) calls will be deleted. "Relative to the illnesses of physical distress, birth parents and boyfriend would neverLeave feeling more painful by He Jin, burst into tears. Boyfriend leave a 1000 dollars left in the field, "she was the March 1 were taken to hospital by her mother and boyfriend, diagnosis, is suffering from hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver cancer of advanced, accompanied by her foreign boyfriend in the hospital was informed that after the illness, leaving her 100$ 0 money left. Her mother started off and come over to see for her meal, then they lose sight.   "Ankang city hospital emergency doctors told reporters. Father does not answer the phone my mother able to honour after He Jin hospital, hospitals do not have a legal guardian, He Jin to the phone to her father, but the other did not answer the phone, also has not turned up。 Doctor He Jin phone tera power leveling, mother on the phone made it clear that said: "not that I don't want tube, it is able to tera power leveling, can't control her!   "Because no one tube, He Jin in hospital treatment and life becomes a problem, Ward's patients do not really see the past, lend a helping hand to help take care of her, buy food for her. Family of missing will be the patient's biggest regrets"Hospital leadership requires us to maintain the provision of basic medical care and protection, also specially arrange for specialist care.   "Ankang city centre hospital accident and Emergency Department said Wang Xianqi tera gold, Deputy Director, He Jin's condition is estimated it could drag on for a further two months, treatment is only appropriate now to alleviate patient suffering. "Patients need most is a family concern and warmth, affection of deficiencyMissing will be the biggest regret in patients. "Vice Director Wang said. (Three city newspaper reporter Wu Chen Qin) transfers from the West network Others:

tera power leveling direct price of the most impressive.  "A brand recommender Chen told reporter

129779253834375000_17Business daily news report from the Yangtze River (reporters Zhai Ying) how cold auto market is? Look at the Wuhan market concentrated on the show can be seen. For synthesising scramble for resources, many 4S store "flames" burning directly to a motor show. Yesterday the opening of "spring boutique show in 2012," which car dealer quoted price, preferential margins so speechless.Highest drop of 70,000 yuan "ju Hui 70,000 yuan tera gold," "offers $ 20,000" and "Zhijiang $ 10,000" sth Yesterday, the spring boutique show at the weapons show Plaza opened on schedule in 2012, is the first day of the little holiday, but still attracted a lot of people participating. Reporters visiting around and found that, although there are many businessmen making a banner send travel, gifts, but more businessesDirect selection of price cuts. "Now consumers are not fools, direct price of the most impressive.  "A brand recommender Chen told reporters, compared to two years ago, now consumers on the prices of" sensitive "one. According to the head of organizing Committee of Zhong Zhengguo introduced, this exhibition comprises more than 50 companies such as Cadillac, BMW, Audi car dealership carrying over more than 120 vehicles, "Almost every family benefits", but the sharpest when Cadillac SLS saiwei 110 Anniversary Edition, original price $ 438,000, Zhijiang $ 70,000 per cent Super 15%. In addition, the GAC Qi offers $ 20,000, some GM Buick Regal down 10,000 yuan, Faw-Toyota Corolla, Corolla, RAV4 offers ranging from $ 8,000-$ 17,000, all yaKo also fell below $ 200 tera gold,000. Promotion "flames" burning to show businesses are "impressive" promotion, consumers as well. Made a special trip from Wuchang to see like the King of a East of this model, but its up to 47,000 dollars of benefits has not been anxious to offload Wang, "take a look at it, do not worry, Wuhan's show a lot recently. ”  “Previously sold car, salesman in 4ST, it's easier to sell to, now bad, definitely wanted to try. "Apart from automobile market is in the doldrums, said Zhong Zhengguo, compared to the 4S shops, auto show scale, model set, preferential margins tera power leveling," consumer auto show to see the car easy to buy, so more people like to come to the show. "It is understood that the first day of the exhibitionAbout 80 cars were sold, which cost around 200,000 vehicles account for more than 50%, nearly 100,000 people participating.  However, according to the official of the Organizing Committee, the next two days will usher in the peak, is expected to exceed 300 one-day sales is expected. Spring auto show, car dealer disputes a price cut. Reporter Wang Zhen's photography Others:

tera power leveling programme site more revealing is alluding to Jay. The news - KYJ

129779512228281250_143 <a href="">tera gold</a>Jay Chen on girlfriend Sina entertainment mouth program exposes the material on the article a few days ago tera power leveling, had witnessed the famous artist in the elevator rubbing his hips of the female Assistant tera power leveling, programme site more revealing is alluding to Jay. The news, Jay on April 2 emergency press conference to clarify, you call "too". Jay on his girlfriend. TUNGSTAR/figure. () Others:

tera gold the catering enterprisesInformation Internet access. ����At that time - IQY

129773928436875000_40Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog rolling financial capital history of the domestic economic and industrial economic current affairs news consumption in international economic life financial reviewThematic depth interviews a week topic hexun Newsweek predicted public laws and regulations cover data reading business school training weather collection luxury calendar finance ministries financial products news > body print RSS size 2012-March 27 source: Jingchu network: Deputy Director Luo Bin show "model" photo: Wuchang University near the roadside barbecue Emporium the Midnight snack (reporter Cao Dapeng's photography) chutian Gold Pan Lou news reporter Gao Chen, Lung Sum Avenue, correspondents and tasty inexpensive little restaurant anywhere in WuhanSee, but had been much criticized health and security risks. Yesterday, reporters learned from the Wuhan, food and Drug Administration is expected until the end of June this year, provides security for people dining "weathervane" electronic maps will come on the market. ����Enable each individual restaurant health level, which the restaurant was named "demonstration sites", available at a glance. "Goods" tera gold, small restaurants are less than 10%Yesterday, in a small restaurant (the area is less than 150 seats less than 75) specification management press conference, Deputy Director of the food and drug administration of Wuhan luobin introduction, currently certified food and beverage units in Wuhan were 22,581, small restaurant 17,132. Data show that Wuhan certified restaurants are nearly capturing small restaurant. But unfortunately is that the CouncilOn the investigation results of the small restaurant, in quantitative graded management of food safety rated a (excellent), b (good) level accounted for only 8.6% (grade c for the General, grade d for less), less than 10%. "Prominent disease is to monitor the security situation of the small restaurant. Treatment of small restaurant has been in the past, but because of its dispersibility, fluidity, and other characteristics, easy return. "LuobinIntroduction, in addition to certified small outside dining, there is no card catering, mobile stalls around more than 10,000 enterprises, more difficult for their specifications. This year, the small restaurant management of Wuhan municipal party Committee and municipal government as one of the ten outstanding problems, public commitment to the public. 2nd, small restaurant management special started. The regulation "the strongest in the history", from the beginning of March has beenRenew by December, chaired by the 10 District Chief Director of the food safety Committee. Every little restaurants were ordered "hard" Manager must receive food safety training and pass the test. ����In addition, Wuhan, food and Drug Administration will regularly make unannounced visits to small restaurants. Restaurant "digital map" will come out luobin revealed that, in order to facilitate members of the public, Wuhan City foodFood safety ratings to the small restaurants in the city, divided into "good, good," three levels, respectively, with a laugh, a smile of peace faces three cartoon identity known to the public in the shop, the people at a glance. Next, functions would push the small restaurant in the city to improve the health conditions to improve food safety standards. Small food shop to be known to the public for information,Centralized public food service license, health card, report complaints telephone, food security commitments. ����According to the food safety inspection results, small restaurant not only on the public ratings of the year, also a dynamic monitoring on Tan. Drug Administration treats the unified information gathering is expected at the end of June made "digital map", the catering enterprisesInformation Internet access. ����At that time, people want to go to dinner, one click, you can easily noted that the catering enterprise security information. Street in downtown of banning small dining luobin introduction, this special rewards and punishments clearly tera power leveling, to the underlying code for better support and the small restaurants, creating a "demonstration areas" for other restaurants. After the conclusion of the event, the city's total toCreates less catering service demonstration district, each district creates model 1-2 Street, every street to create a model section, create a 5-10 model. ����For example, there is focus on creating, jianghan district, Wuhan "Golden mouth" features Street Cedar road, Hankou railway station into both standard image area of a window. Undocumented small restaurant with fixed stores, in accordance with the "specification, Rectification and reform a number of, against a number of "principle, against strong reactions among the masses, more security risk and refused to rectification of small restaurants, help some qualified small restaurant standards. Resolutely ban the food stalls on the main and secondary roads in the central zone. In addition, the operators of food safety incidents and serious consequences, will be included in food safety "blacklist", 5 years shall not engage in food hygieneMiddle management. At present, the Council recommended to the society award-winning collection of a small food and beverage management, 10 tips on winning $ 2000 reward given to each section. ����Reports 24 hours complaint hotline: 027-85711111. Link qingshan district first "transparent kitchen" over the years, the restaurant, the kitchen of the hotel for the customer,Is a mysterious place. ����In March of this year, qingshan district first "kitchen transparency" mode, by monitoring all of the equipment in the kitchen to glance out in front of customers. Public, if the way for smaller dining experience? In this regard, Wuhan, food and drug administration food official said that this pattern should be affirmed. However, due to the high cost tera gold, Omni-directional controlPatterns are good only for a strength of large and medium-sized food enterprises. Also concern small and medium-sized restaurant has its own mode, for instance, some shops with a completely transparent glass walls in the kitchen, the customer can be clearly seen in the kitchen. At present, food safety and health issue in exploration of, the Council encourage enterprise independent innovation, improving safety and health in catering industry in multiple mode. Others:

tera power leveling this is a important step in the transition to democracy in Myanmar - DQV

129779512037968750_15White House statement on 2nd, led by Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for democracy won the parliamentary by-election, congratulations. United States Government says this is a important step in the transition to democracy in Myanmar, United States is evaluating the election results, United States will also take as opposed to policies to encourage the democratic process in Myanmar. Led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar's National League for democracy, on April 1 tera gold, the by-electionWon 45 seats in at least 40 seats. This is the first time an elected Government in power in Myanmar to hold elections. White House statement on 2nd, congratulating the people of Myanmar to participate in democratic elections, and the NLD led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in elections in a show of strength. Said in a statement, this is a important step in the transition to democracy in Myanmar, hoped that the Myanmar Government more open tera gold, transparent and able to deepen in the future changeLeather. United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton earlier United States imposed on Myanmar "action for action" of foreign policy, and announced the United States will be sending Ambassador to Myanmar. How this election will affect United States policy of Myanmar, United States State Department said it was assessing the election results. United States State Department spokesman Newland: "we said from the outset that we will to action-for-action, so we areFull evaluation of the results of this election. "Ang prime season said earlier on, this election is still there is a phenomenon of illegal operations. Newland expressed the hope that the Government of Myanmar to investigate the irregularities occurred in the election. United States wants to see Burma to further perfect the electoral system. United States State Department spokesman Newland: "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made it clear that tera power leveling, on the one hand we congratulate-BurmaPeople of meadow, congratulates election winners, but we need to continue to refine the electoral system, and ensure that any violations would be investigated. "Phoenix Wang Bing Yu, Lai Dali Washington report Others:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

tera power leveling the coach of Bayern Munich and China selected the following players - JNM

129779512645000000_57China's "small team" May Youth World Cup expedition Yeah sporting April 3 report: last year, began his Bayern Munich Club "Youth World Cup" organized plan, was intended to show provides budding young player with talent and opportunity of going abroad for further study. Competition for the seven-person, last October, the first in India kick off. "Bayern Youth World Cup" competition attended by 14-16 of blueYouth, young people free sign up tera power leveling, after fierce competition, Bayern officials and local partners with the best players to form the "national team", to finally in Allianz Stadium event "Youth World Cup". Bayern Munich's official website: Breitner and selecting small in China last week, after several teams within the game, the Chinese team also completed a small 10Selection of players. Breitner of Bayern officials, but also the Club feats the player went to Tianjin tera power leveling, and the Chinese Football Association officials, as well as the main sponsor of this event-British Group finalised the last person. By Bayern Munich's official website, "there are too many good young players in China, Breitner can carefully and then carefully, carefully choose the most top players. ��After careful examination and screening, the coach of Bayern Munich and China selected the following players, they are: Wei Zhen (Shanghai), Han Jiewen (Guangzhou), Zhang Junming (Shenzhen) tera gold, Yang Qiang (Chongqing), Lai Qirui (Chengdu), Chen Jiping (Shanghai), Luan Longrui (Tianjin), Sun zhenxing (Beijing), Sum Cheung (Baoding), Lu hongjiang (Urumqi). This 10 representatives of smaller players in May of this year in China, and others from around the world "national team" competition for Champions Trophy. But China, India, and Italy, and Austria team has completed the selection form. Opportunities for small players in China do you get level match, for the progress of China's soccer is significant. When it comes to and cooperation of Chinese football, Bayern Munich President Lu MeiniYou said: "we want to pass our own love of football led the children's interest, I am glad that can come with British group and the China Football Association, promoting the development of youth football in China. "Breitner of personally visiting China is serious about small players in China will be the best Bayern Munich Base training," we and the Chinese coaches to share experiences and give players the most professionalGuidance. �� Others:

tera power leveling with a per capita annual salary of $ 109 - SDX

129773932894687500_31CCB: earn 460 million instructions only corporate spread levels is the international banking sector average; adjacent to bank executives denied that the "windfall" says report from (reporter Li Meiling) following the ABC denied that "profiteering says", the Bank said yesterday on the 2011 Annual Conference, there is no profit. China Construction Bank Deputy Governor Pang Xiusheng stressed at the meeting after being widelyPan about banks and the real economic benefits of contrast there is no huge in China Construction Bank. Bank executives denied again "profit said" CCB 25th publish annual reports show that net profits of 169.439 billion yuan for the year 2011, vested in the shareholders ' net income of 169.258 billion yuan, respectively, than the previous year, 25.48%%。 DJI average last year earned $ 460 million. "$ 169.4 billion, Japan earned $ 460 million in net profit", said Pang Xiusheng, Bank a profit of 460 million Yuan a day last year reflected is the size of the enterprise, regardless of thick-and profits. CCB said profit growth rate of industrial enterprises above designated size in 2011 is 25.4%, China Construction Bank 2011Annual profit growth is 25.52%, growth of the Bank's profit growth and the real economy is consistent, profit is not a problem. ABC releases 2011 annual report shows that last year's net profit of 121.956 billion yuan, an increase of 28.5%, today earn an average of about $ 300 million. Governor of the agricultural Bank said Mr Cheung then results Conference, there is no "Windfall ". China Construction Bank President says leading wage cuts for State-owned financial institution executives were to sit back and enjoy higher profits, China Construction Bank President Zhang Jianguo said that their individual income and bank executives ' incomes decline in four years in a row, and call themselves a voluntary pay cut tera gold, and enthusiasm for work was not affected. Income of staff and workers, CCB has 329,000 employees in late 2011, with a per capita annual salary of $ 109,100,Increase over the previous year to about 10,000. Previously, ABC released the 2011 annual report, Executive compensation 2010 slightly increased, both members of the main gains more than 10%. Top paid for the agricultural Bank of China Governor Mr CHEUNG, amounted to $ 1.0614 million in 2010, representing a rise of 25%. Minsheng Bank annual reports released last week showed, the Bank's Chairman Dong Wenbiao 2011 yearPaid $ 5.1625 million. Published annual report of the Societe Generale Bank, bank executives earn more substantial, deep development industrial bank Chairman Gao Jianping and Governor Richard Jackson salary $ 3.314 million and $ 8.69 million, respectively. Wang Changling, Associate Professor of finance at Renmin University College, higher income and higher profits in the banking sector is linked to, under the current system,This problem is difficult to change. But banking profits rose to high, under the influence of various factors such as policies, bank earnings will slow, problem will be eased. Field spreads this year growth pressure major listed Bank has released the 2011, Shenzhen Development Bank and Minsheng Bank's profit growth in excess of 50%, ABC reported net profits of about$ 122 billion today, earn about $ 300 million. According to data of the CBRC, 2011 China's commercial banks ' average return on capital employed was 22.1%, and the SMEs profit margin is less than 3%, it returns high profit growth in the banking sector and the real economy divergence and questioned at excessive interest rate squeeze real economic income. After Bank profit growth structure of mainGovernment conservation point spreads tera power leveling, said Pang Xiusheng, CCB's profits growth structure is balanced, spread levels are average in international banking. He also said that the banking sector by the end of last year, interest rates rising expectations have disappeared, maintaining spreads growth under a lot of pressure this year. China Construction Bank near 3-year spread has remained at between 2.4%, and international levels.CCB 2011 report shows that bank interest income of 482.247 billion yuan, per cent, to 27.65%. (Li Meiling) link to Hua Xia Bank increased net profits last year 53.97% this news (press Su Manli) Huaxia bank disclosed last night the 2011 annual report showed that the Bank $ 33.54 billion revenues last year, representing an increase of 37.03% over the; Implementation of 9.22 billion yuan in net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies, representing a growth of 53.97%. Huaxia Bank said in his annual report, profitability increase thanks to steady growth in the size of deposits and loans, effective control of cost of capital, the level of growth in non-interest income, costs of declining asset quality and continued improvement. But from the perspective of real income structure, creditInterest income proportion of revenue is still 57.57%, loan portfolio growth and expanded contribution to the spread of the bulk of the profits; fee income grew by 89.45%, but only 5.13% than the income. From the margins, 2011 banks net interest margin of five increased to 2.35% from the previous year net interest margin from 2.46% Increase to 2.81%. Annual report shows, Huaxia Bank 2011 total 33 key management personnel, pay $, 6 senior executive remuneration in excess of 2 million, which Chairman Wu Jian, fan dazhi, President, Board of supervisors Chairman Cheng Yanhong annual salary to $ 2.8 million. For the 2012 target, Huaxia Bank plans 2012 assetsScale up to 1.4738 trillion yuan, NPL ratio control within 0.92% at the end. Analysis of high-profit is Professor of the Central University of finance and administrative barriers and price control Guo Tianyong believes that "windfall" a Word with an emotional, is the interest rate for deposits, monopoly, and service to the public dissatisfied with the number rather than a simple definition. He pointed out that the industry profit comparisonMost of science is to compare current ROE (ROE), that is, investment dollars, plain how much of the industry. 2004-2010, China banking industry ROE at 15% per cent, much higher than ordinary people criticized monopoly industries such as oil, tobacco, banking ROE over 2011 20%, slightly less than tobacco but higher than the oil. "The banking industry ROE long-term well above the social average profit rate due to administrative barriers and price control. "Guo Tianyong said. First, the present high administrative barriers to banking, reflected in the management bodies at the level of approval, the entry threshold. The resulting "windfall" there is an obvious injustice, leading to rent seeking, corruption and other problems, so people always denounced. Secondly tera power leveling, interest rates without marketization in our countryBank has no direct pricing power, but the Central Bank controls interest rates has been reserved for the Bank sufficient protection spreads. In his view, China's reform of interest rate marketization time has matured, it was to maintain the steady growth of profits, maintenance of Bank stock prices basically stable, avoid badmouthing of foreign investment by the Chinese banks, gaming market-oriented reform of interest rates by central banks. (Su Manli) profits say VSNon-profits said late last year, bank executives saying "profits are too high sometimes, embarrassed himself published" banking profits in the forefront of public opinion. Currently have disclosure of annual reports of banks, 2011 net profit growth of more than 20%, agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank net profit even reached two major State-owned commercial banks earn 300 million and 460 million scale.However, bank executives have denied the Bank said to reap huge profits. (Arrangement: Su Manli) than the World Bank China China bank interest difference interest on bank deposits and loans between the gap reached more than 3 percentage points, out of any bank in the world, took two more points, which was two points more than 10,000 yuan. If the Bank does not carry this over $ 10,000, it means that industrial and commercial enterprisesIndustry, the real economy more than 10,000 million profit, or reduce the cost of more than 10,000 yuan, banks in this area "does not enjoy special privilege to eat too much." --The national people's Congress, Huang qifan, Mayor of Chongqing banking financial stress patterns of bank capital 20 times times the return on investment is the real economy, profits are a bit bias, but last year the Bank cash-strappedDoing tricks a lot, cardiopulmonary bypass financial advisory fees, such as fees, new out of many issues. --Former Secretary LI deshui banking and even national statistical offices "usury" were not profits is used to describe the industry's profitability is the lack of respect for its practice, the banking sector is neither a monopoly nor by improper means to profit, not profitTo describe up to use usury to describe. Actually even the banking sector "usury" were not profits actually low. Banking assets currently yields only 1%, and general manufacturing industries have 5% this indicator, so the banks both non-profiteering and non-usurious. --Xiaosuining, Chairman of Shenzhen Development Bank profit growth from the real economy developments from banksCycles of profit, profit, profit growth factors as well as banking profits and profit margins, and so on, through the data, may conclude that a more comprehensive and systematic perspective. From the current profit number, really big, but not disconnected from the real economy of China banking industry profits growth development and growth. Profit growth is mainly caused byFor rapid economic growth and rapid development of banking business, particularly in 2009 and 2010 total lending greater, equal to more than eight years before 90%, allow the Bank to obtain a bigger development opportunities. --Governor of the agricultural Bank of Mr CHEUNG 7 listed banks last year, net profit increased an average of 44% construction Bank agricultural Bank denies construction Bank denied that banking profits profits year ' SEO-free meterChina Construction Bank bad loan rate 1.09% construction Bank last year: net profit last year to about $ 170 billion China Construction Bank 25.48% per cent increase in net profit last year made 460 million average ABC 330 million profit last year Mr CHEUNG argued the Bank profits say, Governor, Governor of the agricultural Bank Gold in does not agree with the said banking profits online statement: gold online reprint of the above content, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others: