Friday, April 13, 2012

tera power leveling several villagers talk about 1st tragedy - JFA

129779512036562500_10Residential floor, door lock, window closed yangcheng evening news reporter Wei Qin photo essay: a pair of middle-aged suspect brandished due to family disputes, quarrels between husband and wife, both were killed. This family tragedy on April 1 in SHUNDE district of Foshan City town Chen Shek Chau village this afternoon. According to people familiar with that, the scene covered. The current police investigation. The scene coveredAround April 1, an old lady scream "help", aside from a home run out of the building alarm. Followed by the police, health care workers, village people surrounding was packed with a three-story building. Have witnessed villagers said: "at the front door open on the first floor in the House, a large spread of blood. But the site was soon blocked, the evening when two people areCarried out, are the couple, were dead. "A responsible for cordoning the scene of local law and order joint defense team said tera power leveling, alarming is the female family of the deceased Lady. Woman police said at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon on that day heard the couple open curse the sound, after about half an hour, is not to sound all, old lady would go out, came back and saw two men in a pool, and quickly alerts. The husbandTalking wife quarrels lead to a massacre in the village, villagers said was a man killed his wife and then committed suicide in the House. "Some say men and women killed, hanged himself after, how can this be? Two people lying in a pool of, stands next to a bloody kitchen knife. "One would not name the elderly say. Greeting on the day without exception reporter April 2Today visited the scene of the incident, near Shek Chau where markets do not to hundreds of meters, turn along the River in the village came to a quiet lane---Pacific Street, journalists found the building, which is near the ground 3-story residential building, door lock, the entire building closed blue window. On an open space in the neighborhood, several villagers talk about 1st tragedy。 Neighbors told reporters Lee, the family is a local tera gold, the couple is more than 40 years tera gold, building their own home, a property to rent, two or three floor they live. "When the matter, in their rental home fruit left on the first floor, we were coming from the field of wage earners, and they seldom dealing, but only the last couple fights died, leaving poorTwo daughters. "" The female man is also quite good, previously sold food and help other people with children, we usually see when buying food chatted a few words of greeting, never heard of them things like family feud. "Knowing the man said a villager, man in his early years as a soldier and later retired back home, mental problem, press verify Shek Chau village committee workThey said: "all lived in the same village, though not very well, but to also be greeted know man army, but there is no mental illness that said. "Shek Chau village locals Miss Liang told reporters:" I fight with the woman the other day announced, fully realize what's wrong with you. "Daughters need psychological counselling to day contact with the deceased daughter of a staff memberIntroduction, scene after he was blocked yesterday, saw the deceased's eldest daughter, was brought to the Shek Chau village Committee for psychological intervention. "Stimulus special girl is big, do not cry do not only look daft, not saying anything, psychological counselling of medical staff has on her site. "Reporters contact causes of chencun town Government confirmed massacre and the latest progress, what last name staff call this thingPolice investigation, Chen village police station for the first time on the day of the incident cordoned off the scene, the current police investigation. Others:

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