Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling but weShould be aware of - JQH

129770904117812500_50Two weeks before the review of stock markets this week and continued the weakness, continued weak shock IAM excited mob investors were feeling slightly lost in early.  But we can also see from the trend this week, and not as in the past, continued to plunge in the market, showed many investors approved of the investment value for the current location of the index. This week on the market is alsoInformation of interest tera gold, of course, is the subject of pension market. On March 19, approved by the State Council, the National Council for social security fund entrusted by the Guangdong Provincial Government, investment and operation of urban workers in Guangdong Province billions of old-age pensions. Despite the clear social security fund focusing on investments in fixed-income products, interest in products investment limited, after the stock market's performance was disappointing, but weShould be aware of, that more important things about this debate about pensions should enter the market settles, pensions market has become a foregone conclusion. Pension commissioned the National Council for Social Security Fund operations in Guangdong, the pilot can be seen as a new round of pension market, once the experience matured, is bound to spread in the country. Pension investment in capital markets, do notYou can only realize the value of pensions, solving the problem of pension payments gap tera gold, or to address the long-term funding deficiency in the capital market, the role of stabilizing the market and its impact on China's capital market may be slowly emerged. First of all, pension investments in fixed-income and lower-risk products will be the main investment direction. Under the national social security FoundationGold Council interpretation of pension investing in corporate bonds, financial bonds, high credit rating of bond, this is bound to promote the rapid development of China's bond market. Second, the pension investment mainly to robust, investments in the stock market will be more inclined to earnings stability, high dividend rate of blue-chip companies, if pensions are actively involved in blue-chip stocks, not only on the currentBlue-chip stocks, as very cheap valuations have supported, when blue-chip stocks valued stability, will set a benchmark for valuation levels of the market as a whole, changing in recent years capital markets valuations Central investment lost roots of behavior disorder, at the same time pensions are long-term investment strategy will also reduce fluctuations and stabilize the market. Thirdly, most importantly pensions inCity, will urge the company to market integrity management and sustained return on dividends to investors. Investors will want to hold those profits and stable company to obtain a return on dividends, not to change the current listing company dividends, investors ever-hyped IPO, chasing stocks and thus lead to serious losses of stock market culture. This "you trust investments, I honest business, earn money, Then return the investor "normal establishment of stock market investment philosophy, is the sustainable and healthy development of Chinese stock market lies in the future. Bonds/currencies market open market due to 51 billion this week, Central tickets issued continued to halt, banks respectively on Tuesday and Thursday for the $ 20 billion and $ 50 billion of 28-day repurchase 91-day repo operations, Total return funds of $ 70 billion.  Net return size of 19 billion dollars this week, more than halved last week, due to the influence of seasonal factors, money market repurchase and interbank rates were steadily rising trend, signs of tightening capital, central banks this week to lower back to help smooth liquid to prevent large swings in the capital. This ThursdayHSBC PMI initial value of 48.1 per cent, not only in the dry line, and lower than the previous month, new orders continue to decline, while export orders rose last month, passed signal of weak domestic demand. Under the influence of this market for pessimism in the economy has improved, strengthened expectations of easing policy and conducive to the performance of the bond market.Although the recent domestic inflationary pressures have been significantly reduced, and the pressures of the recession grows, adjustment of monetary policy there is a need, however, recent oil price increases dampened inflation in the future and face greater uncertainty, banks at this point in the policy on the use of extreme caution. Funds under certain pressure conditions facing, bond market is likely to remain a small shockPattern, to be seen of subsequent policy changes. Technical Note: Brin channel also known as Bollinger bands is based on the principles of statistical standard deviation in a very practical design specifications. It is made up of three rail lines, with each of the two lines can be considered as price pressure line and support line, between the two lines is a average price line, general priceGrid made up of tracks up and down the Ribbon walk, and automatically adjust the track's location over price. Bollinger uses principles of theory is: when share prices through the pressure of the outermost line, said selling point there. When share prices extended a rising pressure line running tera power leveling, although the share price does not pass through, but if the second line that is the selling point of breakthrough or buy point. Others:

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