Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling 129773991396875000_43 - YQF

129773991396875000_43"IT168 information" Nikon Lens patent AF-S 135mm F1.8G exposure before, Nikon rumor there have been rumors of new AF-S 28mm F1.8G will come out during the year to replace the already discontinued AF 28mm F1.4D, when Nikon will fully update your portrait F1.8 lens. ▲Nikon Lens patent 135mm F1.8G exposure (click to view larger image) ▲ official recommended D800 glasses Guide (Figure 16-35mm F4G ED VR) that does not AF-S 28mm F1.8G patent is finally exposed, these initiatives appears to have been started with the release of the D800 ~ after all, 36.3 million pixelsNeed more high resolution camera to show, patents as well as exposure of the lens there is 16-35mm F2.8, 16-35/4 can be seen in the D800 is listed on the official recommendation. ▲ AF-S 28mm F1.8G of Nikon patent: 20 tera gold,120 tera power leveling,069,440 ▲ Nikon AF-S 16-35mm f2.8G patent: 20,120,069 tera gold,441 welcome to the official fenghuangwang Digital Imaging Group, discuss the photographs and equipment problems, group number: 1 group: 160540529;2 groups: 191637459;3 Group: 192769320;4 groups: 189929804;5 group: 192,336,774. NorthBeijing-area users can add: 196,053,259 (Please indicate "in Beijing"). At the same time welcome to Phoenix Forum on digital cameras (click here) to Exchange, we will from time to time organized free (award-winning) outside activities and look forward to your participation. Others:

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