Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling is a highly innovative device - CNU

129771675251406250_23United States new augmented reality glasses prototype developed by NASA, the ability to track eye movement of the wearer, renders the image in real time augmented reality glasses developed by NASA to help pilots see through fog, avoiding accidents augmented reality glasses by a global positioning system device, sensor, headset display and image processor components Sina science and technology Beijing: March 25Daily news, according to foreign media reports, the United States Space Agency developed a new augmented reality glasses to help aircraft pilots see through the fog. Soon after, the pilot will be equipped with the new augmented reality glasses. New augmented reality glasses to track the pilot's head moves, runway, control tower, and other images into the aircraft. When shrouded by fog at the airport tera power leveling,These glasses will play an invaluable role. When the pilot turned head, augmented reality glasses can respond in real time to ensure that correspond to objects in the real and virtual images are always in the same location. NASA Langley Research Center in Virginia's electronic engineer Iain softley-Arthur said in an interview with the daily innovation news: "If the pilots are not familiarAirport, they had to stop to look at the map. With the help of augmented reality glasses, pilot line will be digitized, which one can tell they were taxiing the runway, where you need to go, and is where you tera gold, at the same time help them accurately along the runway centerline driving a plane. "A lot of aircraft equipped with airborne display, display similar information, but it can do much moreAnd augmented reality glasses. Lenses related information in conjunction with pilots see sights, is a highly innovative device, able to prevent potential disaster. Thick fog shrouded runway pose a substantial threat to passenger safety. In history because of the heavy fog led to the worst aviation accident in 1977 Tenerife Airport. At that time, one full of squaresPassenger jets on the runway to accelerate to take off with an airliner full of passengers collided on the runway, a total of 583 people died. Arthur said: "If there is heavy fog tera gold, you cannot see or determine the area of the airport control tower. We augmented reality glasses to be able to render these images, enhanced situational awareness of the pilot. "This spectacle by monitoring drivingDriving tanks around the tag. With these tags and built-in Gyro-a gyroscope with Smartphones use similar--augmented reality glasses to be able to act as a pilot's eyes, rendering virtual image for them, and help them understand the wind speed, altitude and azimuth. According to the innovation news journal reports, test pilot evaluation on augmented reality glasses than currently used for airborneDisplay. Currently, NASA has been the transfer of this technology to commercial operators. (Qiu ling) Others:

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