Saturday, April 7, 2012

tera gold Guizhou people's Publishing House of Zhongnanhai - RAA

129773438988750000_1146This character history of the spring and Autumn period, author abstracts from the Zhongnanhai: Gu Baozi Publisher: Guizhou people's Publishing House of Zhongnanhai, a set of hundreds of thousands of persons around four weeks, more than 100 more than one tweeter jarred xuanjiao: "down with Liu Shaoqi! "On April 1, 1967, the major domestic newspapers published a signed long article to the patriotism of the Qi Benyu is also sold out. Liu ShaoAfter read the odd, extremely angry, and he fell in the newspaper on the table: "the truth, this article has a lot lies, when did I say that movies (meaning of the secret history of upright officials) is patriotism? When did say when the Red compradors? Not true, is to frame someone! Struggles within the party has never been so serious, I am not counter-revolutionary, nor against Chairman Mao, Mao Zedong thought is ISeven come I publicize Mao Zedong thought is not less than the others. "" I said at the meeting in August last year five is not afraid, if these people fear, above board, can debate it! Central Committee debates, debates in the masses! I would also like to be in this country, the people, for our party and the broad masses of cadres to say a few words to say! "The night of 6th, Zhongnanhai, the rebels highChanting into Liu Shao-Qi's Office, announced to him the following ordering: you must own for cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and changing the work schedule (Liu Shao-Qi's habit in the past of night work, rest in the morning), and Qi Benyu listed in the text of the so-called "eight counts" proposed questioned. Liu Shao-Qi's has long been eager to have a chance to let him open his defence, although it is a great occasion, but after all,Have a chance to speak. He one refutes Qi Wen for his slander, reasonable, speak sternly out of sense of Justice, when the rebels asking to "group of 61 people traitors" Shi, Liu Shaoqi was a surge of great fury, on the hair shaft: "this is outrageous, 61, who was released from prison after the approval of the CPC Central Committee, when the Japanese attacked North, these cadres must be protected and can no longer beJapanese invaders killed them, they are the party's treasure tera gold! This matter, many of the Central leading comrades know tera power leveling, early conclusion! "The next day, Liu Shaoqi to produce an article on" eight major crimes "in reply, staff sent on the original and copied into a Big-character poster posted in Zhongnanhai, but several hours later, was torn to pieces. A series of inexplicable combat, so that Liu ShaoOdd spiritually is extremely painful, and suddenly changing work habits, limit the amount of sleeping pills, he couldn't sleep for several days, the body became very weak. Just at this time, rebels of Tsinghua University to organize General Assembly denounced Wang guangmei 300,000 people. Liu Shao-Qi's urgency, anger: "I have error and I take, the Working Group is of the Central School, Mitsuyoshi has no responsibility. Why was I was trained by her? You want toFor inspection, to be struggled, I went to! I went to the masses, I was a Communist, death is not afraid, afraid of the masses? "Yun na rancor in my heart was like volcanic eruptions. "I have not engaged in intrigues tera gold, work we did together, I take responsibility, you can! But faults are themselves changed! "" Others is always right for you? To split, so why notOther views to the Central cultural revolution? Have different views on the arrested person?! "Having said that, he suddenly fell on the table spoon in hand, whole body shivered. He tried to control his emotions, children s home, slowly: "I die in the future, you want to keep your my ashes in the sea, as well as Engels. Attached to five of the seaOcean, I'm going to see the realization of communism throughout the world. You have to remember, this is what I show you my will. You must live among the masses, always follow the party, always for the people. "They feel the struggle for many years told him, the next step will be really really cruel up. 123 «» Others:

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