Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera gold have been shipped to various free lunch feed point. 10 - SMY

129779512056875000_59Children were eating lunch. (Source: China Youth daily) in hongsipu Town Center elementary school class to distribute free lunch. (Source: China Youth daily) since opening in the spring of this year, Zhang Xiaomei, aged 33, Ningxia wuzhong hongsipu town to wage a peace of mind, because her 5 grade children in school at ease on your dinner at noon, she can not exclusively from a fewInside and outside of the City returned home cooking for kids. Hongsipu Town Center Zhao Qiang heart at ease a lot of school principals. Implementation of the "free lunch" project, he only need to verify the number, test meal quality and temperature, organizations issuing lunch can be a teachers and students, the main effort was to provide teachers and students with a good teaching environment. Purchase and sale of grain and oil in hongsipu, Ningxia areaDivision of Wang Xiyin Manager near two months to has been is tension, since he of company bear red Temple Fort area 20,800 name students of lunch processing and distribution yilai, does not know has how many a night, Wang Xiyin are sleep does not with sleep, head in a again a again filter with from food material procurement to lunch distribution of each a a links, pillow edge of small this Shang, packed wrote full has various needed strengthening and improved of thingItem. After a year of trial, starting from school this spring, "free lunch" works in 12 counties in Ningxia comprehensive, and over more than 260,000 pupils ate a standard free lunch for 4 bucks. How to ensure that the 4 dollar bowl of implementation quality and quantity in the student? "Free lunch" project has no other problems? With these questions, recently, China BlueAnnual report press conference about hongsipu, Ningxia region, to understand local "free lunches" running model and reaction. Processing and distribution, and government regulation at 9 o'clock in the morning, hongsipu student lunches of beef and mutton feed point slaughterhouse, 5 head of beef cattle have been put in place, special apparatus to Imam has been provisioned, please, prepare beef. 9:40, fresh beef hung meatShang, after inspection of hygiene quality inspection departments, and professionals continue to load and shipped in hongsipu area of 5 free lunch feed point. While in beef supply, Zhongwei, Ningxia, wuzhong coming into the car had such as cabbage, green peppers to the purchase and sale of grain and oil company in hongsipu area, also after the quality inspection, have been shipped to various free lunch feed point. 10:30 A.M., hongsipuHongde industrial park free lunch feed point, modernization of meal kitchen workshop in, into disc of rice has steam good, cabbage beef has out pot, wearing with masks, and rubber gloves, unified dress of workers are busy with to unified of key fat lunch box in fill a bowl with rice, and scoop dish, Sheng full meals of meal box put Shang carousel, after machine posted film, 20 a a baskets, directly loaded into has insulation effect of sent diner. At 11 o'clock15 min, 5 cars set off to Diners at the same time, for different directions. 11:30, in hongsipu town 3 km of hongsipu Town Center elementary school, sending Diners stopping at the campus, 29 basket lunches have been unloaded, the school clinic and support staff were busy testing quality, measurement temperature, after verified registration, class with 6 students in each class have been to lunch to get back to the classroom, distribute toStudents. Less than half an hour tera gold, coming on the class carried out eaten meals basket, with students wearing gloves, two groups came to the fixed buckets in each class, simple and clean up the lunch box. Clean up is completed, students to get lunch boxes carried to the dining car Department, school support staff and load. 12:20, send diners to leave campus, after lunch three gang, five of the students group leisureTease. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, free lunch feed point, recovery meal boxes from all the school finished cleaning, neatly stored in sterilizing Cabinet, workers started to go home. This is hongsipu, Ningxia area "free lunch" from ingredients procurement, fabrication, lunch delivery to the lunch box the whole process of recovery. From 9 o'clock in the morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon tera gold, free lunch feed point, 216 people, 5 5Hours hongsipu all 68 rural school students eat lunch of steaming hot. In this 5-hour, school issue in less than 1 hour. "Enterprise production and distribution, relevant departments of the Government supervision, schools focus on teaching. "Hongsipu Bureau responsible for" free lunch "Jiang yonggang told the China Youth daily reporter. A piece of red tapeSignificant responses of people's livelihood in September 2011, the country selected pilot provinces of Ningxia as a free lunch, in hongsipu area of pilot, and from that time, Jiang yonggang, involved in the implementation of a free lunch. "A lot of energy to shift from teaching to eat. "Began when the pilot, hongsipu in some school cafeterias, funded by the Government in the construction of school canteen,Schools for free lunches the whole process of sourcing, processing, and distribution. Rural schools generally not scale, previously has no canteens in schools, combined with the heavy responsibility for food safety, after running for some time, found Jiang yonggang, free lunch consume a large chunk of the energy of the school. "Each school building cafeteria, size and equipment behind the regulatory power is difficult to ensure. "Jiang yonggang said,Hongsipu 68 rural elementary schools throughout the region, tested, in all schools built dining room, it will cause waste of resources, on the one hand, in the regulation of food safety and security also has practical difficulties. In hongsipu area under the jurisdiction of 5 towns, smooth Highway across town, the transportation is convenient, after thinking again, combined with the actual situation on the ground, hongsipu finally selected the enterprise plusButt free lunch delivery, government regulation, school running mode, purchase and sale of grain and oil company-wide area in hongsipu area of processing and delivery of free lunches. In order to reduce transit time, ensuring temperature lunch, purchase and sale of grain and oil companies in the region located 5 feed point, radiation total 68 rural primary schools. To ensure the safety of free lunches, specifications and high efficiency operation in hongsipu area GovernmentFunded more than 13 million Yuan, 5 lunch feed point to the grain and oil companies building plants, acquisition of equipment, equipment dedicated to Diners, while the concentrated power of government departments such as education, health, quality, supervision and 5 lunch feed point of focus. "From the purchase to the ingredients Cook, there will be a Government regulator. "Jiang yonggang said that, in order to ensure the safety of food raw materialsAnd processing specifications, hongsipu has formed a government regulation, self, school supply Enterprise tripartite supervision patterns of parental supervision. Involving more than 20,000 more students for meals, purchase and sale of grain and oil companies are not taken lightly. At the time of recruitment of staff, conducted a medical examination, apply for a health card for all at the same time, to food security, all staff are kitchen standardized operation, Plant health holistic training. Bear free lunch item tera power leveling, grain and oil companies once a week meetings, summary of deployment, have a staff meeting each month, and reward top employees and teams, penalties related accident responsibility, company manager Wang Xiyin appear every day on the kitchen floor. In order to ensure the quality of food, ensuring nutritional mix cereal and oil company in Ningxia Medical UniversityGeneral Hospital Nutrition Department according to the deployment recipes in the different seasons, every quarter and by Five days each week for a recipe together. "Process a lot, it is trivial, but the responsibility is too big. "Wang Xiyin says, when I first started running, reminds one of the dining security involving more than 20,000 people and tens of thousands of families happy, he often does not sleep, every link over the problems that may arise. "TeachingIn normal, while training students ability of collective life. "Zhao Qiang hongsipu Town Center elementary school principals said, school canteens, responsibility and pressure to reduce a lot, you can concentrate on catching the teaching. In addition, in the implementation of the free lunch, hubanghuzhu capacity and awareness of school training students, students turn to student meal, washes the lunch boxes, students have a poor appetiteNot to eat the full meal, each class has a family feel. In order to let parents know about lunch, listening to the opinions and suggestions, also organized with parents and children in school lunch, school views parents finish, then back to the supply companies and government regulators. Downstream on the incubation industry, ensure that 4 bucks 1 many countries specified in the Bowl 3 money free lunch standardsNingxia Autonomous Regional Government on the basis of this additional 1 dollar as nutrition benefits, constitutes the standard free lunch for 4 bucks. In hongsipu area as free lunch supplies businesses have built plants, equipped with devices, providing a meal for 4 dollars per person per meal. To make sure 4 dollars to the students in the bowl, Jiang yonggang and supervisory staff not only to detect the food quality, at the same time,In front of the Cook has to weigh your ingredients, this money is in full measure 4 to lunch. New problems arise, Wang Xiyin found that money put into the Bowl 4 blocks, this process needs water, power, workers ' wages, clean tools, equipment maintenance, sending Diners in fuel and other costs are not covered. "4 bucks all into the bowl, but into the bowl in the process did notAny counterpart funds. "Wang Xiyin journalist accounts, purchase and sale of grain and oil company free lunch feed point 5 a total of 216 employees, monthly wages ranging from $ 1000~1500 per person, spending a month salary $ 237,000, at the workshop of hydropower, maintenance of equipment, employees, gloves, clothing, cleaning supplies, sending Diners, such as fuel, maintenance, and corporate officeTogether, at least $ 200,000 per month. This means that hongsipu area of more than 20,000 people each month in more than 1.6 million yuan of free lunch meal, there are more than 400,000 worth of supporting expenditure, which is not forthcoming. "Not only for the heavy responsibility sleep well, employee wages are very worried. "Wang Xiyin said, grain and oil company free lunch project for two months, largelyLoss, social responsibility is of course to take, and so on, and indeed there is pressure. Wang Xiyin escalated this situation, also in hongsipu region Party Committee and Government's concern. "The Government also understands the situation, some subsidies and supporting project implementation is in the demonstration. "Hongsipu Zhou Guoning, Deputy Head of the district authority told the China Youth daily reporter. In recent years, Ningxia in hongsipuGood area to create the Yellow River Valley, has introduced a number of welfare industries, through preferential government policies, encouraging enterprises to recruit local people into the plant workers, promoting poverty, as the industrial park have been built, would in hongsipu area has a large number of industrial workers appear. It is understood that given the realities of free lunch supplies enterprises, hongsipu Region Government allow free of charge for students to eat lunch meal Enterprise, Using Government free lunch from kitchen equipment to be socialized management of configuration, develop the social market, workers to the industrial park, fast food, fast food prices by the enterprise pricing can make some profit, premise is the need to ensure that the 4 bucks qualified for free lunch. "Let me see some hope. "Wang Xiyin said, company day out over more than 300 fast food now, each7 dollars sold, earn 2 bucks, if it can be set to 3000~5000, enterprise's basic survival is guaranteed. Recently, hongsipu Party Committee and Government also decided that the plan relies on "free lunch" program, extending upstream industry. "Free lunch" day 5 of beef cattle, 10,000 pounds food, in order to save procurement cost in the market, in hongsipu area decided to provide policy,Land concessions in areas such as, the purchase and sale of grain and oil companies set up their own plantations and farms, the specialist is responsible for providing free lunch with meat and vegetables, the procurement cost savings on the one hand, while also saving on food safety resources from the source. It is understood that this project has been proof, is in the implementation phase. Others:

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