Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold financial status is stable - BTL

129770904354062500_39Every reporter Xu Jinmin business for nearly 4 months of work in international (002051, closed at $ 29.02) suddenly last week announcing the end of major assets, then launched and resumption of private placement plans. Under the plan, the company intends to issue shares to raise the specific object of 1.3 billion yuan, used to buy Canada using 60% stake in the company, as well as the implementation of Belarus pulpPlant engineering and construction projects. The daily economic news reporter found that Belarus pulp mill construction project is in fact an old project, contract signing time was in October 2010, the need gradually to about 1.011 billion yuan. Because the workers international in first half of 2011 Ho throw more than 2 billion yuan to buy a financial product, and at the end to increase the financing amountTo not more than 4 billion yuan, outside the company sufficient funds have been prepared to deal with, this project is not now expected to be by the hand reaching pockets of investors. Increase the continuous suspension on December 8 last year, international announcement is planned in major issues, company stock from now on begin to suspend business. Subsequent progress bulletin stated that "major issues" for the company'sRestructuring plan, and the restructuring of the operator is the controlling shareholder of China machinery industry group (hereinafter referred to as the State machinery group). However the major restructuring is not surprising, since as early as January 2010, Ren Hongbin, the then Chairman, has indicated to the media that the group, to inject quality assets public company, listed on the progressive realization of the business sector as a whole. Amid speculation that the country setWhat will inject assets, on March 13, 2012, international notice suddenly aborted in restructuring, and its commitment to no longer plans major reorganization of assets within three months. The statement also said the company's shares on March 13 when the market opened up, but the resumption of trading time will soon be corrected tera power leveling, international released a statement, decided to continue the suspension, resumption time delayPrior to the March 20. Workers ' international "second suspension" and concerned. Non-public offering of stock in the draft to be issued on March 19, the company decided to sell no more than 51 million shares to specific objects, the issue price is $ 25.6/share, raise no more than 1.3 billion yuan. Which, 765 million Yuan RMB to buy Canada Pu Kang 60% shares of the company,535 million Yuan for the implementation of outside Belarus sweet Los Gore ' pulp mill construction project. Draft, General company was incorporated on February 6, 1992, is a private company, headquartered in Vancouver, main business including mining services, industrial services and equipment manufacturing services. For acquisition purposes, international explained that in order to open up in North AmericaMarket for Chinese enterprises to develop Canada mineral resources to help. The daily economic news reporter found that international public disclosure projects mainly in Asia, Africa, Latin America, did not enter the North American market. In addition, for the company, involved in mining is the "first time", international securities on behalf of Matthew Meng also share this view. As regards theBelarus sweet Los Gore ' pulp mill construction project, is a new annual production capacity of 400,000 tonnes of pulp pulp mill, duration of 42 months. "Shall I," two raised to buy financial products in the international investment projects are the main business-related or similar, looks to raise $ 1.3 billion for criticism, but it's not. The daily economic news reporter found that Belarus paperPulp mill is an old project of engineering construction projects, contract signing time on October 11, 2010, contract amounting to 769 million dollars. The next day, the disclosure and the international, projects to be approved by, the Government of Belarus and received an upfront payment, can perform and discharge time is uncertain, company progress bulletin publishing contract in a timely manner after the contract takes effect.But so far after the publication of such a notice tera gold, none of the workers in the international publishing notice of progress of this project to prove that the project is still in the approval. In Belarus during pulp mill project approval, international signed dozens of contracts, including Chad and Jill Maya international airport project, contracts amounting to $ 1.057 billion, Iran 4 million tons of ore dressing plant contract amount189 million euros; yanhe River irrigation project in Sri Lanka, contract amount of $ 176 million, and so on. During this period, workers International also disclosed a number of contract entered into force, and began to implement. So many projects to be performed, or in process, nature needs a huge amount of money for working capital, to this international seems to have the right answer for. On April 7, 2011, the international decisionsIntegrated management of the funds, and according to the funding situation and financial product configuration and adjustments to market conditions. Purchase financial products limited to monetary funds, Bank corporate finance products as well as risk-free trade finance business, excluding portfolio investment, for a period of one year. The notice made clear that financing amounting to not more than 2 billion yuan. 2011 for half a yearShow, international eventually purchased the maximum, that is, $ 2 billion of financing products, and by June 30, 2011 you will quickly complete the configuration. International wealth management product named "ICBC win financing" and "Bank of China finance", "China Construction Bank financing", "China Construction Bank financing" and "Everbright finance", and so on, total total 7, profits 965.95Million. 2011 three quarterly disclosure, international wealth management product has been increased to 8, earnings increased to $ 29.2026 million, accounted for a net profit of 10%. Card: no need to explain to all shareholders may be tasted the taste of financial planning, international decided to raise. On October 26, 2011, the line of integrated management of company funds by $ 2 billionCurrency adjusted to 4 billion yuan. Board's view, the company's main business a good momentum of development, financial status is stable, adjust the line of integrated management of funds would not affect the company's main business development, also contribute to maximizing capital efficiency, enhance the company's performance. In addition, workers international in 2011 three quarterly reports also show that combined report of the monetary funds for 53.6$ 100 million, the parent company of monetary funds for $ 4.741 billion. Whether it's $ 4 billion line of financing, is also on paper, billions of cash, "not bad money" working in international, why do we have to raise $ 1.3 billion? In this regard, Matthew Meng response, most of the funds used to buy financial products of the company are engineering advances, there is a purpose, are temporarily idle. WhiteRussia pulp mill construction projects as raising investment projects, because the project advance payment only of 15%, lower, the company needed to raise the rest of the 85%, it also disclosed in the draft. The daily economic news reporter found, as set forth in the draft international will invest a total 1.011 billion yuan in tera gold, but funds to gradually put into, duration up to 42Months, implemented from July 2012 is expected, short-term financial pressure is very low. In addition, international signed dozens of contracts last year, Chad and Jill Maya international airport contracts for projects amounting to $ 1.057 billion, than Belarus higher pulp mill construction projects, raise investment projects did not enter the draft. In this regard, Matthew Meng said the advanceHigher than; but when faced with reporters, but she refused to disclose the business secrets. Increased for companies holding huge amounts of money to raise this, Matthew Meng said: "this is not a public issue, we would like to explain, is also involved in the object of additional explanation. "Raising equity for the reporter would result in earnings per share diluted, investors will eventually have to beIncreased share of "paying" this problem, Matthew Meng say that this is a matter of individual investors. Others:

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