Saturday, April 14, 2012

tera power leveling with a per capita annual salary of $ 109 - SDX

129773932894687500_31CCB: earn 460 million instructions only corporate spread levels is the international banking sector average; adjacent to bank executives denied that the "windfall" says report from (reporter Li Meiling) following the ABC denied that "profiteering says", the Bank said yesterday on the 2011 Annual Conference, there is no profit. China Construction Bank Deputy Governor Pang Xiusheng stressed at the meeting after being widelyPan about banks and the real economic benefits of contrast there is no huge in China Construction Bank. Bank executives denied again "profit said" CCB 25th publish annual reports show that net profits of 169.439 billion yuan for the year 2011, vested in the shareholders ' net income of 169.258 billion yuan, respectively, than the previous year, 25.48%%。 DJI average last year earned $ 460 million. "$ 169.4 billion, Japan earned $ 460 million in net profit", said Pang Xiusheng, Bank a profit of 460 million Yuan a day last year reflected is the size of the enterprise, regardless of thick-and profits. CCB said profit growth rate of industrial enterprises above designated size in 2011 is 25.4%, China Construction Bank 2011Annual profit growth is 25.52%, growth of the Bank's profit growth and the real economy is consistent, profit is not a problem. ABC releases 2011 annual report shows that last year's net profit of 121.956 billion yuan, an increase of 28.5%, today earn an average of about $ 300 million. Governor of the agricultural Bank said Mr Cheung then results Conference, there is no "Windfall ". China Construction Bank President says leading wage cuts for State-owned financial institution executives were to sit back and enjoy higher profits, China Construction Bank President Zhang Jianguo said that their individual income and bank executives ' incomes decline in four years in a row, and call themselves a voluntary pay cut tera gold, and enthusiasm for work was not affected. Income of staff and workers, CCB has 329,000 employees in late 2011, with a per capita annual salary of $ 109,100,Increase over the previous year to about 10,000. Previously, ABC released the 2011 annual report, Executive compensation 2010 slightly increased, both members of the main gains more than 10%. Top paid for the agricultural Bank of China Governor Mr CHEUNG, amounted to $ 1.0614 million in 2010, representing a rise of 25%. Minsheng Bank annual reports released last week showed, the Bank's Chairman Dong Wenbiao 2011 yearPaid $ 5.1625 million. Published annual report of the Societe Generale Bank, bank executives earn more substantial, deep development industrial bank Chairman Gao Jianping and Governor Richard Jackson salary $ 3.314 million and $ 8.69 million, respectively. Wang Changling, Associate Professor of finance at Renmin University College, higher income and higher profits in the banking sector is linked to, under the current system,This problem is difficult to change. But banking profits rose to high, under the influence of various factors such as policies, bank earnings will slow, problem will be eased. Field spreads this year growth pressure major listed Bank has released the 2011, Shenzhen Development Bank and Minsheng Bank's profit growth in excess of 50%, ABC reported net profits of about$ 122 billion today, earn about $ 300 million. According to data of the CBRC, 2011 China's commercial banks ' average return on capital employed was 22.1%, and the SMEs profit margin is less than 3%, it returns high profit growth in the banking sector and the real economy divergence and questioned at excessive interest rate squeeze real economic income. After Bank profit growth structure of mainGovernment conservation point spreads tera power leveling, said Pang Xiusheng, CCB's profits growth structure is balanced, spread levels are average in international banking. He also said that the banking sector by the end of last year, interest rates rising expectations have disappeared, maintaining spreads growth under a lot of pressure this year. China Construction Bank near 3-year spread has remained at between 2.4%, and international levels.CCB 2011 report shows that bank interest income of 482.247 billion yuan, per cent, to 27.65%. (Li Meiling) link to Hua Xia Bank increased net profits last year 53.97% this news (press Su Manli) Huaxia bank disclosed last night the 2011 annual report showed that the Bank $ 33.54 billion revenues last year, representing an increase of 37.03% over the; Implementation of 9.22 billion yuan in net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies, representing a growth of 53.97%. Huaxia Bank said in his annual report, profitability increase thanks to steady growth in the size of deposits and loans, effective control of cost of capital, the level of growth in non-interest income, costs of declining asset quality and continued improvement. But from the perspective of real income structure, creditInterest income proportion of revenue is still 57.57%, loan portfolio growth and expanded contribution to the spread of the bulk of the profits; fee income grew by 89.45%, but only 5.13% than the income. From the margins, 2011 banks net interest margin of five increased to 2.35% from the previous year net interest margin from 2.46% Increase to 2.81%. Annual report shows, Huaxia Bank 2011 total 33 key management personnel, pay $, 6 senior executive remuneration in excess of 2 million, which Chairman Wu Jian, fan dazhi, President, Board of supervisors Chairman Cheng Yanhong annual salary to $ 2.8 million. For the 2012 target, Huaxia Bank plans 2012 assetsScale up to 1.4738 trillion yuan, NPL ratio control within 0.92% at the end. Analysis of high-profit is Professor of the Central University of finance and administrative barriers and price control Guo Tianyong believes that "windfall" a Word with an emotional, is the interest rate for deposits, monopoly, and service to the public dissatisfied with the number rather than a simple definition. He pointed out that the industry profit comparisonMost of science is to compare current ROE (ROE), that is, investment dollars, plain how much of the industry. 2004-2010, China banking industry ROE at 15% per cent, much higher than ordinary people criticized monopoly industries such as oil, tobacco, banking ROE over 2011 20%, slightly less than tobacco but higher than the oil. "The banking industry ROE long-term well above the social average profit rate due to administrative barriers and price control. "Guo Tianyong said. First, the present high administrative barriers to banking, reflected in the management bodies at the level of approval, the entry threshold. The resulting "windfall" there is an obvious injustice, leading to rent seeking, corruption and other problems, so people always denounced. Secondly tera power leveling, interest rates without marketization in our countryBank has no direct pricing power, but the Central Bank controls interest rates has been reserved for the Bank sufficient protection spreads. In his view, China's reform of interest rate marketization time has matured, it was to maintain the steady growth of profits, maintenance of Bank stock prices basically stable, avoid badmouthing of foreign investment by the Chinese banks, gaming market-oriented reform of interest rates by central banks. (Su Manli) profits say VSNon-profits said late last year, bank executives saying "profits are too high sometimes, embarrassed himself published" banking profits in the forefront of public opinion. Currently have disclosure of annual reports of banks, 2011 net profit growth of more than 20%, agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank net profit even reached two major State-owned commercial banks earn 300 million and 460 million scale.However, bank executives have denied the Bank said to reap huge profits. (Arrangement: Su Manli) than the World Bank China China bank interest difference interest on bank deposits and loans between the gap reached more than 3 percentage points, out of any bank in the world, took two more points, which was two points more than 10,000 yuan. If the Bank does not carry this over $ 10,000, it means that industrial and commercial enterprisesIndustry, the real economy more than 10,000 million profit, or reduce the cost of more than 10,000 yuan, banks in this area "does not enjoy special privilege to eat too much." --The national people's Congress, Huang qifan, Mayor of Chongqing banking financial stress patterns of bank capital 20 times times the return on investment is the real economy, profits are a bit bias, but last year the Bank cash-strappedDoing tricks a lot, cardiopulmonary bypass financial advisory fees, such as fees, new out of many issues. --Former Secretary LI deshui banking and even national statistical offices "usury" were not profits is used to describe the industry's profitability is the lack of respect for its practice, the banking sector is neither a monopoly nor by improper means to profit, not profitTo describe up to use usury to describe. Actually even the banking sector "usury" were not profits actually low. Banking assets currently yields only 1%, and general manufacturing industries have 5% this indicator, so the banks both non-profiteering and non-usurious. --Xiaosuining, Chairman of Shenzhen Development Bank profit growth from the real economy developments from banksCycles of profit, profit, profit growth factors as well as banking profits and profit margins, and so on, through the data, may conclude that a more comprehensive and systematic perspective. From the current profit number, really big, but not disconnected from the real economy of China banking industry profits growth development and growth. Profit growth is mainly caused byFor rapid economic growth and rapid development of banking business, particularly in 2009 and 2010 total lending greater, equal to more than eight years before 90%, allow the Bank to obtain a bigger development opportunities. --Governor of the agricultural Bank of Mr CHEUNG 7 listed banks last year, net profit increased an average of 44% construction Bank agricultural Bank denies construction Bank denied that banking profits profits year ' SEO-free meterChina Construction Bank bad loan rate 1.09% construction Bank last year: net profit last year to about $ 170 billion China Construction Bank 25.48% per cent increase in net profit last year made 460 million average ABC 330 million profit last year Mr CHEUNG argued the Bank profits say, Governor, Governor of the agricultural Bank Gold in does not agree with the said banking profits online statement: gold online reprint of the above content, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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