Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold but the threat of nuclear terrorism is far from being eliminated. First - SWY

129773991389687500_27New Seoul, March 27 questions: experts look at nuclear Summit: China is an important bridge in the area of nuclear safety in the new zxs 27th the second session of the nuclear security summit in Korea Seoul, and the United States tera power leveling, Russia, and India and other country leaders gathered in this, the scale and volume-level second only to the United Nations General Assembly. Chinese President Hu Jintao will be entitled the deepening cooperation on nuclear securityLevels of speech, comprehensively expounded China's views on nuclear safety. China arms control and disarmament Association Secretary General Li Hong accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua reporters in Seoul, said, "China is one of the participants of the Summit is the most important. Is the nuclear-weapon States, China is the largest developing country, is the fastest-growing States of nuclear energy. China has always supported the nuclear non-proliferation and against nuclear terrorism, support internationalEfforts to combat nuclear terrorism and international cooperation. "Li Hong says, since the first nuclear security summit 2010 Washington, global security environment of nuclear material and nuclear facilities will be improved, but the threat of nuclear terrorism is far from being eliminated. First, the global situation remains grim, soil has not fundamentally changed in the breeding grounds of terrorism. Secondly, there is also a large number of nuclear weapons in the world and can produce nuclear weaponsFissile material. Third, the international obligations of States in the implementation of national measures on nuclear safety and progress is not consistent. Four, civilian nuclear material has widely increased nuclear safety supervision more difficult. "As a result, although the Washington nuclear security Summit on nuclear security environment has improved since, but the international community still cannot relax. "Li Hong believed that Seoul Summit goal is to consolidate the Washington SummitFruit, strengthening national measures on nuclear safety, to promote international cooperation on nuclear safety. From discussions involving nuclear materials range, last Summit focuses on nuclear material security, which will put the radioactive material to a more prominent position to discuss. Last Summit only general references to nuclear facility security, the Summit will be more concerned about this. In the area of international cooperation, the last Summit established the guiding principles tera gold, this willDiscussion of this content may be more specific and more in-depth. Li Hong says tera gold, ensuring information security at nuclear facilities is expected to become one of the important outcomes of this meeting. As the situation developed very rapidly in the area that terrorists could use nuclear facilities information system vulnerability to terrorist attacks on nuclear facilities. In addition, international law enforcement cooperation in preventing nuclear terrorism, transnational nuclear smuggling, illicit nuclear traffickingGames, is expected to have a new consensus and action. China's role in the nuclear security Summit, Li Hong believed that China's attitude: one is actively involved in, and comprehensive cooperation. The second position is unique, objective and balanced. Third, open and pragmatic, stick to principles. "In the field of nuclear safety, China is a developing country and developed country, between nuclear States and non-nuclear States of importantBridge. China's participation, to ensure nuclear safety in a pragmatic, played a prominent role in the development of healthy, balanced way. " Others:

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