Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera gold has been trying to ease such a view. Announced the purchase of on Instagram blog - IXQ

129785433004687500_6Comments: Facebook acquisitions Instagram marks its strategic transformation NetEase tech news on April 10, according to a TechCrunch report, morning Facebook announced a $ 1 billion dollar acquisition of Instagram, this news is very surprising. But also very telling to the world of science and technology and create a small network of new State of the ecological system. There is no doubt that for some time to come, most of the companies in the industry willAnalysis of what this means. But for the financial sector, the deal marks: Facebook has officially debut as a major buyer of competitors on the merger and acquisition market stage. Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) has been trying to ease such a view. Announced the purchase of on Instagram blog, Zuckerberg acknowledged, The acquisition is a big deal tera gold, but says this is not necessarily a binge of acquisitions started quickly. He said: "this is an important milestone for Facebook tera gold, because it is the first time we've ever had to buy so many users of the product and the company. But if we have similar deals in the future tera power leveling, there will not be many. "Even so, onceFacebook IPO documents are official, hand obviously have lots of choices. For many years companies such as Microsoft and Google's potential acquisition targets, IPO will make Facebook more close to the company, and joined to the acquisition of venture-backed network startups in the ranks. As of now, buy more concentrated on the acquisition of Facebook-employmentDomestic area, at relatively low prices buying smaller companies, mainly in order to turn their talent into Facebook employees. But agreement valued at approximately US $ 1 billion to buy Instagram, means that Facebook is now ready for major acquisitions. In Facebook IPO direction �C the market ready to raise some5 billion dollars in cash--this makes sense, is interested in acquisitions in the future may appear a very large number of variations. (Muxiulin) Others:

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